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Warm Up
Solve for x.
3x - 14 = 37
4(x - 5) = 20
HW Solutions p. 334-35 # 13, 14, 24 - 58 even
14. 5 and 6
7-5 Solving Quadratic Equations
Objective: Determine how many solutions a
quadratic equation has, solve a quadratic equation of
the form ax2 = c.
A quadratic equation can have 2 solutions, 1 solution, or 0 solutions.
Another name for a solution of a quadratic equation is a root.
To find the solutions of a quadratic equation , find the x­intercepts of the graph.
In other words, when does the equation equal zero. (y = 0)
Solve each equation by graphing. (when does y = 0)
y = x2 y = x2 ­ 4 y = x2 + 4 5
Finding the number of solutions.
y = x2 - 3
y = 2x2
y = x2 + 1
To solve a quadratic equation,
1. isolate x2
2. take the square root (positive and negative) of both
sides of the equation
x2 = 36
Remember: there are always 2 square roots for numbers greater than 0 !!
x2 = 100
2x2 ­ 32 = 0
3x2 + 27 = 0
8x2 ­ 4 ­ 3x2 + 6 = 30
HW # 74
p. 340­41 # 2 ­ 18 even, 38 ­ 42 even
BB # 3 Due Tomorrow!!!!!