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Specialised Cells Game
I am an animal cell. I am very specialised.
My job is to collect and take electrical messages from one cell
like me to another like me. I am part of a complicated system
that controls all parts of the animal.
I have an almost star-shaped body with lots of short and long
tentacle-like objects coming out called dendrites. I have a long
tail attached, which carries the messages. The tail is insulated
in sections to stop the electricity from escaping.
What am I?
I am an animal cell.
I am bigger than a cheek cell.
I have plenty of energy to help me with my job.
I am very round and look a little like a planet. Only a very few of
my type of cell ever gets to complete its job in a human lifetime,
although thousands of us are made.
What am I?
I am an animal cell. I am found in many places in the body.
My job is to help make things move, for example to move dirt
out of the lungs, or to make the egg move from the ovary. I
have tiny hairs called cilia that help me to do my job. I also
need a lot of energy near the cilia.
What am I?
I am an animal cell.
I am found in many areas of the body, but you can see me
most in the arms and the legs. I consist of long protein fibres
that can contract. I need an enormous amount of energy to
help me do my job.
What am I?
I am a plant cell. I am found in the ground. I have tiny hairs,
which are part of me. My job is to collect water.
What am I?
I am an animal cell. I am found everywhere where there are
cells. I am the only animal cell that does not have a nucleus. I
have a shape a little like a flying saucer! I am red in colour. I
have a very thin membrane on the outside to help me do my
job. This is to collect oxygen from the lungs and deliver it to all
cells in the body.
What am I? .
I am a plant cell. I am found above ground.
My job is to collect energy transferred by sunlight, and to
transfer this to water and carbon dioxide and turn them into
sugar. I’m a little bit like a factory with chemicals entering and
leaving me. I need lots of structures that collect sunlight.
What am I? .