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Born in a new body...
What do you know?
Hindus believe that when you die you are born into a new
body/life. If you could choose who to be in a “next life”, who
would you be? (This could be someone who is alive today or
from history) You must given reasons for your answer!...............
Match the correct definitions to the key terms
Key terms:
What body our soul goes
to depends on whether we
have built up good or bad
you own illustrations:
Our karma depends on
our conduct in life.
Dharma is the code of
conduct by which you
should live.
By sticking to this code a
soul will accumulate good
Hindus believe that they have
duties (dharma) in their lives.
What might your duties include
at this point in your life?.............
The Hindu name for
the ultimate reality
(God) is…
The atman passes
from one life to the
next. This is called…
A very important
belief within Hinduism
is that of Samsara,
which is…
Dharma means…
The life essence
(soul) of all living
things is called the…
Moksha is…
The only way out of this cycle of birth, death
and rebirth is by working your way up the
ladder until you are at one with Brahman
This release from the cycle is called moksha
Karma means…
…the cycle of
birth, death and
…the code of conduct by
which you should live, the
way you behave according
to it.
…when your soul is
liberated from the
cycle of birth,
death and rebirth
and joins Brahman.
…the effect of your actions,
for good or for bad. This
affects how or if you will be