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Thinking Like
a Sociologist
The systematic study of social interaction at
a variety of levels
– Interaction between individuals: siblings,
athletic teammates
– Interaction between groups: rival gangs,
management and workers’ union
– Interaction between nations: diplomatic
exchanges, war, agreements to control
Why do we need sociology?
• Some people argue that sociology
is just common sense.
• It makes the obvious difficult.
Common Sense
Is subjective.
Ignores facts.
Is contradictory.
Varies across groups and cultures.
Is based on myths and misconceptions.
The Sociological Imagination
According to C. Wright Mills, the
sociological imagination is the ability to
see the connection between individual
lives and larger social influences.
– Personal troubles (biography)
– Structural issues (historical)
Focuses on small-scale patterns of
individuals’ social interaction in specific
– Individuals interacting as friends
– Patterns of interaction within families
Focuses on large-scale patterns and
processes that characterize society as a
– Comparison of divorce rates for different
– Effect of trade policies on unemployment
Why is sociology important?
• It can help us make informed decisions.
– Should we live together before marriage?
– Should the U.S. increase the minimum wage?
• Sociology can help us understand
– Who are the non-Hispanic whites?
– What happens when men work in traditionally
female occupations?
Why is sociology important?
• Sociology can help us evaluate social and
public policies.
– Does a curfew for teenagers effectively reduce
– Should the United States have government provided
health care?
• It can help us think critically.
– Seeing how individual decisions are influenced by
race or gender
– Recognizing how social class affects life chances
Why is sociology important?
• Sociology can expand your career
– Sociologists are employed in
• Administrative support and management
• Social services and counseling
• Sales and marketing
Origins of Sociological Theory
• Sociological thinking is based on theory
and empirical information.
• Theory—a set of statements that
explains why a phenomenon occurs
• Empirical information—information
based on observation, experiments, or
Auguste Comte
• The “father of sociology”
• Argued for the empirical study of society
• Analyzed social statics and dynamics
Emile Durkheim
• Analyzed
– social facts (aspects of life external to the
– Social solidarity (cohesion and harmony)
– Division of labor (interdependence of
different tasks and occupations)
• Conducted study of suicide and social
Karl Marx
• Analyzed Industrial Revolution
• Studied
– Capitalism (an economic system in which
ownership of the means of production is in
private hands)
– Class conflict between capitalists and
– Alienation (feelings of separation)
Max Weber
• Argued for the importance of ideas,
ideologies, and charismatic leaders
• Argued for verstehen or subjective
• Argued for value free
• sociology
Other Important Early Social Thinkers
• Harriet Martineau
• Jane Addams
• W. E. B. DuBois
Contemporary Sociological Theories
• Theories are tools and evolve over time.
• Contemporary theories grew out of the
1950s and 1960s.
• Society is a complex system of
interdependent parts that work together
to ensure a society’s survival.
• Functions are purposes and activities to
meet different needs that contribute to a
society’s stability.
• Manifest functions are intended and
• Latent functions are unintended and
• Dysfunctions have negative impacts.
Functionalist Applications
• A school dress code
– What are the manifest functions?
– What are the latent functions?
– What are the dysfunctions?
• A fast food restaurant
– What are the manifest functions?
– What are the latent functions?
– What are the dysfunctions?
Conflict Theory
• Conflict theory examines the ways in
which groups disagree, struggle over
power, and compete for scarce resources.
• Karl Marx predicted that conflict would
result from widespread economic
• The “haves” dominate in social, political
and economic activities over the “havenots”
Feminist Theories
• Feminist theories explain the social,
economic, and political position of
women in society.
• They maintain that women suffer injustice
because of their sex.
• They seek to free women from
traditionally oppressive expectations and
Symbolic Interactionism
• Symbolic interactionism looks at
individuals’ everyday behavior and
communication through symbols
and shared meanings.
• It is a micro-level perspective.
• Interactionists see society as
• socially constructed.
The Perspectives
• Functionalism
– How does structure help society work?
• Conflict
– How are resources distributed?
• Feminist
– How does life reflect gender?
• Interactionism
– How do we construct meaning through