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Compiled by-Mrs Amita
Choose any two of the following topics for paper presentation by using audio –visual aids ,if
required.( colored-pictures, slides, live samples, etc)
1. Fish production (refer to Improvement In Food Resources)
*Developing Ideas:
>Meaning of fishery
>Capture fishery and fish farming
__ Fish culture in cages
__ Integrated fish culture
__ Composite fish culture
2. Mitochondria (refer to Cell: The Fundamental Unit of Life)
*Developing Ideas:
>Structure of Mitochondria
>Mitochondria as the seat of cell respiration
>ATP as the energy currency of the cell
>Mitochondria as semiautonomous organelles.
3. Ozone depletion and its consequences (refer to Natural Resources)
*Developing Ideas:
> Location of the ozone blanket in stratosphere
> How is ozone being depleted?
> Ozone hole.
> Effects of ozone depletion.
Q2: Find out about Light and Electron microscope with the information through internet and
other sources. Make a book report on its structure and uses.
VACCINATION OF INFANTS : (refer to Why Do We Fall Ill?)
(i)Visit a nearby nursing home or hospital and find out the diseases for which the infants are
being vaccinated. Also find out the age of vaccination, names of diseases and vaccines
,dosages of vaccine ,any precaution to be observed. Write your observations in a file.
(ii)Visit your nearby poultry farm and observe and note the types of breeds, ration provided
to them, their shelter ,provision of light and water. Also identify the breeds kept for meat
and egg, diseases the poultry animals suffer from. Analyse and write your observations in a
Q4:To study various water-harvesting techniques being employed by municipal corporation
to improve the availability of water for use.
Requirement : Daily newspaper, books and periodicals.
Procedure :Read the newspaper ,books and periodicals daily .Record relevant information
regarding water –harvesting and its techniques being employed by various municipal
corporation in our country to improve the availability of water for use.
(refer to Natural Resources)
Procedure :Make a Survey of your locality (at least 10 families ) and enquire from people
how do they dispose off solid waste wastes(like paper, plastic, rubber, glass, metal,
etc).Study about different ways of disposing these wastes and also advise them about their
proper disposal. Write everything in your file –from families studied to the type of wastes,
their disposal and different ways of recycling them.
Q6: POWER POINT PRESENTATION: (any two of the following)
>Make a presentation about various types of animal tissues, their locations and functions.
>Make a presentation on sea –life. Various types of sea animals, their habitats, feeding
habits, breeding, etc.
>Make a presentation on communicable diseases(detailed account of anyone).
*Make working or three- dimensional model of any two of the following:
a) Plant cell b) Animal cell c) Poly-house(green house) d) Nerve cell
e) nucleus
f) AIDS Virus
Q8: Make a herbarium of various types of weeds, pulses ,cereals, oil seeds ,etc. Write their
names and seasons of growing.
Procedure: collect the plant samples ,dry them by pressing in the layers of newspapers
,paste them in scrap book and decorate your book.
Class–VIII Science (Crop Production and Management)
1. Sunflower seeds provide us mainly with :a. fats
b. carbohydrates
c. proteins
d. vitamins
2. Most commonly grown cereal crop is/are :a. rice
b. maize
c. wheat
d. all the above
3. Crops sown during winters are :a. rabi crops
b. kharif crops
c. mixed crops
d. cereal crops
4. The method of scattering seeds in the field by hand is :a. hand picking
b. transplantation
c. broadcasting
d. leveling
5. Match the column :a. horticultural crop i) potato
b. kharif crop ii) crotons
c. rabi crop iii) agricultural waste
d. compost manure iv) groundnut
e. green manure v) dry leaves
6. Fill in the blanks :a. ______ is large scale cultivation of vegetable, fruits & flower plants.
b. ______ is the process of loosening and turning up of the soil.
c. ______ is the process of supplying water to crops at different intervals.
d. ______ is result of too much water given to the soil.
e. ______ is the science dealing with growth of plants and animals for human use.
CLASS - IX Science (Cell: The basis unit of life)
1 The only cell organelle seen in prokaryotic cell is –
(a) Mitochondrion (b) Ribosomes (c) Plastids (d) Lysosomes
2 ‘Ribosomes’ are associated with synthesis of
(a) Fats (b) Protein (c) Carbohydrates (d) Vitamins
3 The membrane surrouding a vacuole in plant cell is known as –
(a) Plasma membrane (b) Nuclear membrane (c) Tonoplast (d) cell wall
4 Select the odd one out –
(a) The movement of water across a semi – permeable membrane is affected by
the amount of substances dissolved in it.
(b) Membrane are made up of organic molecules like proteins and lipids
(c) Molecules soluble in organic solvent can easily pass through the membrane.
(d) Plasma membrane contain chitin and sugar in plants
5 What is the role of ribosome’s and Golgi body?
6 What is the importance of nucleus?
7. Observe the diagram of the cell below – answer the following questions.
1. Label the parts of the cell
2. what function does part 1 perform ?
3. If the organelle 2 is removed from the cell, what effect is it
going to make on the functions of the cell ?
4. Identify, whether it is plant cell or animal cell
5. Which structure is called ‘Power house of the cells’?
CLASS - IX BIOLOGY (Improvement in food Resources)
1. Which of one of the following nutrients is not available in fertilizers.
(a) Nitrogen (b) Phosphorous
(c) Iron (d) Potassium.
2. The science of growing vegetables, fruits & ornamental plants is called –
(a) Floriculture (b) Horticulture
(c) Agriculture (d) Animal Husbandry.
3. Who is known as ‘Father of white revolution’ in India?
(a) Prof M.S. swaminathan (b) Dr.V. Kurien
(c) Mrs. Indira Gandhi (d) Shri Jai Prakash Narain.
4. Poultry fowl are susceptible to the following pathogens –
(a) Viruses (b) Bactria
(c) None (d) all of the above.
5. Define the following (i) White revolution (ii) silver revolution (iii) blue revolution.
CLASS - IX Science (Tissues)
1. Which one of the following is the correct definition of the tissues?
(a) Group of dissimilar cells which perform similar function
(b) Group of similar cells which perform similar functions.
(c) group of similar cells which perform specific functions
(d) Group of dissimilar cells which perform different functions.
2. A long tree has several branches. The tissue that helps in the side ways conduction
of water in the branches is:
(a) collenchyma (b) xylem parenchyma (c) parenchyma (d) xylem vessels
3. White blood corpuscles:
(a) help in blood clotting (b) help in transport of oxygen
(c) are enucleated (d) protect the body from diseases
4. A person met with an accident in which two long bones of hand were dislocated.
Which among the following may be possible reason?
(a) tendon break (b) break of skeletal muscles
(b) ligament break (d) Areolar tissue break
5. If a potted plant is covered with a glass jar, water vapours appear on the wall of
glass jar. Explain why?
Living World Quiz
Given the DESCRIPTION, identify the LIVING BEING
1. Bird with the largest wing span
• Albatross
• Ostrich
• Eagle
• Pelican
• Falcon
2. Heaviest snake
• King Cobra
• Viper
• Anaconda
• Boa Constrictor • Reticulated Python
3. Heaviest bird of prey
• Great Bustard
• Kori Bustard • Andean Condor• Bald Eagle • Peregrine Falcon
4 Fastest growing plant
• Ferns
• Coconut
• Banyan
• Bamboo
• Palm
5. Largest mammal
• Elephant
• Blue Whale
• Giraffe
• Hippopotamus • Rhinoceros
6. Fastest land animal
• Tiger
• Gazelle
• Antelope
• Hare
• Cheetah
7. Most contagious disease
• Leprosy
• Malaria
• Tuberculosis • Common cold
8. Fastest fish
• Shark
• Swordfish
• Cosmopolitan Sailfish • Bluefin Tuna
• Eel
9. Largest land animal
• Elephant
• Giraffe
• Hippopotamus
• Rhinoceros
• Lion
10. Heaviest dog (breed)
• Great Dane
• Bull Dog
• Irish Wolfhound
• English Mastiff or St. Bernard • German Shepherd
11. Longest bone in the human body
• Back bone
• Ulna
• Humerus
• F emur
• Tibia
12. Tallest land animal
• Antelope
• Rhinoceros
• Polar bear
• Giraffe
• Elephant
13. Largest muscle in the human body
• Cardiac Muscles • Calf Muscles • Gluteus Maximus
• Stapedius
• Sartorious
14. Tallest dog (breed)
• Great Dane
• Dalmatian
• Greyhound
• Labrador • Dobberman
15. Largest predatory fish
• Piranha
• Catfish
• Electric Eel • Great White Shark
• Swordfish
16. Smallest bird
• Sparrow
• Hummingbird
• Kingfisher
• Kittiwake
• Kiwi
17. Fastest marine animal
• Dolphin
• Squid
• Killer Whale
• Sperm Whale
• Shark
18. Longest venomous snake
• Krait
• Viper
• Rattlesnake
• Python
• King Cobra
19. Heaviest internal organ in the human body
• Heart
• Stomach
• Liver
• Large intestine
• Pancreas
20. Strongest muscle in the human body
• Masseter (jaw muscles) • Cardiac Muscles • Sartorious • Eye Muscles • Abdomen Muscles
21. Longest cells in the human body
• Megakaryocyte (blood cells)
• Brain Cells
• Nerve Cells (Neurons)
22. Most common blood group in humans
• AB •O
•A23. Bird with the largest egg
• Turkey
• Geese
• Ostrich
• Albatross
• Mute Swan
24. Largest bird
• Vulture
• Ostrich
• Eagle
• Peacock
• Albatross
25. Fastest flying bird
• Kite
• Peregrine Falcon
• Kingfisher
• Eagle
• Seagull
Biology : Plant & Animal Cells III (Parts & Functions)
Worksheet / Test Paper
Answer each question below related to parts of plant and animal cells & their functions based on the clues given.
1. It provides shape to the cell. It is semi-permeable, regulating the entry and exit of substances, namely solutes and
2. It provides protection, shape and rigidity to the cell. It is freely permeable, allowing substances in the form of
solutions to enter and leave the cell without any hindrance.
3. It initiates and regulates cell division. It also helps in forming spindle fibres, with the help of asters.
4. It is a plastid, containing a pigment called chlorophyll. This chlorophyll captures energy from sunlight and helps in the
manufacture of food by the process of photosynthesis.
5. It is a plastid, containing pigments such as xanthophyll (yellow in color) and carotene (orangish-red in color). These
pigments impart color to flowers and fruits of plants.
6. It is the house of all metabolic activities and functions in the cell. In other words, it contains most of the cell
organelles, each of which perform a specific function.
7. It provides support to the cell. It also helps in the synthesis and transport of proteins and fats.
8. It synthesizes and secretes certain substances, namely hormones and enzymes. It also helps in the formation of
acrosome of sperm.
9. It is a plastid. It helps in the storage of starch.
10. It performs intracellular digestion. It also helps in destroying foreign substances.
11. It is the site of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) synthesis. It also synthesizes respiratory enzymes.
12. It is semi-permeable, allowing substances to enter and leave the nucleus of the cell. It also provides protection to the
nucleus of the cell.
13. It synthesizes proteins by producing and storing RNA (Ribonucleic acid). At the same time, it orders ribosomes to
synthesize proteins.
14. It contains chromatin fibres, which are made up of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid). After cell division takes place, these
chromatin fibres undergo certain structural changes, and are called chromosomes. These chromosomes carry the
hereditary information of the genes.
15. It controls and coordinates all the activities and functions of the cell. It plays a vital role in cell division.
16. It is known as the 'site of protein synthesis in the cell', and synthesizes proteins. It is chiefly composed of RNA
(Ribonucleic acid).
17. It helps in the storage of water and several other substances, namely food, waste products and pigments. It also
provides turgidity to the cell.