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Ch 6.1 and 6.2 Review
Explain the primary difference between the modern periodic table and the tables of both
Mendeleev and Newlands.
What is the law of octaves and how does it apply to the periodic table?
Which property of an element is currently used to determine its place in the periodic table?
What is the difference between a period and a group (or family)?
Compare and contrast the electron configurations of elements within the same family and
elements within the same period. Look particularly at sublevels and energy levels.
Identify each family in the periodic table according to its name and identify the transition
elements, lanthanides, and actinides.
Explain the difference in filling within a period between the transition elements and the “A
group” elements.
For each family, the transition elements, the lanthanides, and the actinides, identify the
sublevel that is filled.
Identify the element (by row and column) that has the following electron configuration:
10 Identify the energy level filled within each period of the periodic table
11 If an element has an electron configuration ending in 3p4, describe its location in the periodic
table according to row and column
12 How are the terms “energy level” and “principal quantum number” related?
13 Distinguish a metal from a nonmetal according to their respective properties.
14 In order to be chemically stable, how many electrons mush an element have in its outermost
energy level?
15 What happens to the metallic character of the elements as you move from left to right across
the periodic table?
16 Write the correct electron configuration of an element in column 1, row 5.
17 Which families in the periodic table contain all metals? All nonmetals? Both metals and
18 List all metalloids in the periodic table.
19 Write the electron configuration for copper. (Use Hund’s rule)