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Rhonda Alexander IC Science Robert E. Lee
B.10.B describe the interactions that occur among systems that perform the functions of
transport, reproduction, and response in plants
The tissues of a plant are organized into three
tissue systems: the dermal tissue system, the
ground tissue system, and the vascular tissue
The plant body has a hierarchy of organs, tissues,
and cells
There are three basic plant organs:
Tissue System
and Its Functions
Component Tissues
Dermal Tissue System
• protection
• prevention of water loss
Periderm (in older stems and
Ground Tissue System
• photosynthesis
• food storage
• regeneration
• support
• protection
Parenchyma tissue
Collenchyma tissue
Sclerenchyma tissue
Vascular Tissue System
Xylem tissue
• transport of water and minerals Phloem tissue
• transport of food
Location of Tissue Systems
Shoot System: Stems and Leaves
• Stems – function primarily to display the leaves.
o Terminal Bud – area of growth at the top end of stem
o Axillary Buds – area of growth located in the V area between the leaf and the stem
• Leaves – main photosynthetic organ in plants
There are three basic groups of plant tissues:
Dermal Tissue
o Single layer of closely packed cells
o Protects plant against water loss and invasion by pathogens and viruses
o Cuticle – waxy layer in leaves
Vascular Tissue
o Xylem and phloem
Ground Tissue
o Any tissue that’s not Dermal or Vascular tissue
o Pith – ground tissue located inside vascular tissue
o Cortex – ground tissue located outside the vascular tissue
Plants have two different types of 'transport' tissue. Xylem transports water and solutes from
the roots to the leaves, phloem transports food from the leaves to the rest of the plant.
Transpiration is the process by which water evaporates from the leaves, which results in more
water being drawn up from the roots.
Plant transport
No heart, no blood and no circulation, but plants do need a transport system to move food, water
and minerals around. They use two different systems – xylem moves water and solutes from the
roots to the leaves – phloem moves food substances from leaves to the rest of the plant. Both of
these systems are rows of cells that make continuous tubes running the full length of the plant.
Xylem cells have extra reinforcement in their cell walls, and this helps to support the weight of the
plant. For this reason, the transport systems are arranged differently in root and stem – in the
root it has to resist forces that could pull the plant out of the ground. In the stem it has to resist
compression and bending forces caused by the weight of the plant and the wind.
Comparison of xylem and phloem
What is moved
Moves water and minerals from roots to
Columns of hollow, dead
reinforced cells
Phloem Translocation Moves food substances from leaves to
rest of plant
Columns of living cells
Transpiration explains how water moves up the plant against gravity in tubes made of dead xylem
cells without the use of a pump.
Water on the surface of spongy and palisade cells (inside the leaf) evaporates and
then diffuses out of the leaf. This is called transpiration. More water is drawn out of the xylem
cells inside the leaf to replace what's lost. As the xylem cells make a continuous tube from the
leaf, down the stem to the roots, this acts like a drinking straw, producing a flow of water and
dissolved minerals from roots to leaves.
Factors that speed up transpiration will also increase the rate of water uptake from the soil. When
water is scarce, or the roots are damaged, it increases a plant’s chance of survival if the
transpiration rate can be slowed down. Plants can do this themselves by wilting, or it can be done
artificially, like removing some of the leaves from cuttings before they have chance to grow new
Factors that affect transpiration rate
In bright light
transpiration increases
The stomata (openings in the leaf) open wider to allow
more carbon dioxide into the leaf for photosynthesis
Temperature Transpiration is faster in
higher temperatures
Evaporation and diffusion are faster at higher
Transpiration is faster in
windy conditions
Water vapors is removed quickly by air movement,
speeding up diffusion of more water vapor out of the
Transpiration is slower in
humid conditions
Diffusion of water vapor out of the leaf slows down if
the leaf is already surrounded by moist air
. Reproduction is one of two things.
(1) One cell can split into two, giving you two identical cells. That type is asexual reproduction.
(2) The second type is when two cells, each with half of the DNA needed, combine and create a
living cell. That type is sexual reproduction.
When plants hit a point in evolution, the second is the one that occurs more often.
Sporophytes are the reproductive structures you will find in mosses. They are actually a phase of
the moss life cycle that feeds off the green parent plant (the gametophyte). The sporophyte is a
stalk that grows after the haploid sperm of one moss plant is able to mix with the haploid egg of a
female moss plant. The resulting diploid cell grows into the sporophyte stalk. When ready, spores
stored in the sporophyte are released and they grow into new moss plants.
While there are male and female mosses, conifers produce two types of cones on the same tree.
One of the cone types gives off pollen (the staminate cone). The other type of cone catches the
pollen if the wind is moving in the right direction. Better yet, the wind blows the pollen to another
conifer of the same species, and a cone (called the ovulate cone) catches the pollen. Again, the
pollen and megaspore (receiving haploid cell) are haploid and combine to form a diploid cell. That
diploid cell grows into a zygote (baby conifer) that eventually lives in a seed.
The most advanced of the plants have their own way of sexually reproducing. It is a very fancy and
very complex process. Plants that rely on flowers for reproduction are also very dependent on
outside help such as insects and animals. While conifers have the two structures on one tree,
flowering plants went one step further and put the devices that make and receive pollen in the same
How does that help? A bee might go to one flower and get a little pollen on its back. If it goes to
another flower of the same species, that pollen can land on the stigma. From that point, one haploid
male nucleus combines with a female nucleus and the other haploid male nucleus combines with a
polar nucleus. If successful, an embryo and seed/fruit develop respectively.
Plant Response
The interactions of hormones and stimuli in the environment often results in a bending or turning
response in the plant called a tropism. When the plant turns toward a stimulus, the tropism is said
to be positive. If the plant turns away from a stimulus, the tropism is negative.
One of the most familiar plant responses is the bending of the stem toward a light source. Light is
the stimulus, and the response of the plant is called a phototropism. A geotropism is a turning of
the plant away from or toward the earth. A negative geotropism is a turning away from the earth,
such as by a plant stem that grows upward . A positive geotropism is a turning toward the earth,
such as in a root that grows downward. What is thigmotropism? It is a plant's response and
movement to physical contact.
Vascular cylinder
Root hair
Meristems generate cells for new organs
Zone of
Zone of
Zone of
cell division
Dermal tissue system
Ground tissue system
Vascular tissue system
Apical meristems
o Are located at the tips of roots and in buds of
o Sites of cell division that allow plants to grow in
length (primary growth)
Lateral meristems
o results in growth which thickens the shoots and
roots (secondary growth)