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Literacy Curriculum
Grade 8
Course Description: XYZ
Materials Used:
SAMS - Standards Alignment and Management System
Standards Management
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Ripon Standards 2011-2012
Ripon Standards 2011-2012 > Literacy ( 2008 ) > Grade 8
Standard 1: Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process
LA8.1.1 Uses a variety of prewriting strategies to generate ideas (6+1 Traits: Ideas and Organization)
Uses published pieces as writing models
Brainstorms and generates ideas
Builds and uses background knowledge
Determines purpose
Determines audience
Develops a working thesis statement
Organizes ideas clearly (i.e. using graphic organizers, webs, etc.)
LA8.1.2 Uses a variety of strategies to draft written text (6+1 Traits: Ideas, Organization, Word Choice, Voice, and
Sentence Fluency)
Chooses relevant details to support main idea/thesis
Explains significance of supporting details/evidence
Writes clear introduction and conclusion
Writes draft logically and coherently
Uses consistent voice, point of view, and verb tense
LA8.1.3 Uses a variety of strategies to revise (6+1 Traits: Ideas, Organization, Word Choice, Voice, and Sentence Fluency)
Add sufficient, appropriate details
Deletes unclear, overused ideas
Prioritizes ideas according to specific genre
Uses precise language (i.e. word choice)
Vary sentence structure (simple and compound)
Uses transitions and connecting words and phrases and sentences
LA8.1.4 Uses a variety of strategies to edit and publish written work (6+1 Traits: Conventions [i.e. capitalization,
punctuation, indenting, spelling at Developmental Level])
Proofreads using reference materials, word processor, resources
Uses a word processor or other technology whenever possible to publish written work (6+1 Traits: Presentation)
Uses appropriate conventions (see grade appropriate listing)
Maintains subject - verb agreement
Uses consistent tense
Uses District created list of editing marks
LA8.1.5 Evaluates own and others writing
Evaluates use of writing traits as listed in district writing rubric
Self-assesses to set and continue to achieve writing goals (self-reflection sheet)
Participates in peer reviews (i.e. praise, prompt)
LA8.1.6 Writes a variety of compositions
Expository (Includes the essay format)
States a thesis
Presents information that reflects knowledge about the topic
Organizes and presents information in a logical manner
Includes an introduction with a lead and thesis statement (last sentence)
Includes a conclusion which restates the thesis (first sentence), sums up ideas, and a final sentence
Includes title page and works cited page with essay all formatted according to MLA style
Paraphrase ideas (use own words to develop ideas)
Presents details in a logical manner
Includes direct quotes
Cites appropriate sources following MLA style
Persuasive (personal opinion essay, world issues speech)
Determines topic and gathers evidence following standard 4
Engages reader by developing a controlling thesis that conveys a judgment or opinion
Arranges details, (facts and opinions), reasons, and examples persuasively (most important to least important)
Excludes information and arguments that are irrelevant and cause fence sitting
Supports arguments with detailed evidence
Explains significance of evidence
Cites appropriate sources following MLA style
Descriptive in prose
Uses descriptive language , such as participles, sensory images, descriptive adjectives,similes, metaphors,
onomatopoeia, active verbs, to create images in prose
Creates titles that grabs the reader's attention
Uses dialogue correctly
Uses all elements of narrative with story: Narrator (person telling the story), Setting (time and place),
Characters, (people involved), Conflict (problem at the heart of the story), Triggering Event (event that starts
the story rolling), Climax (point in the story where the conflict or problem is most serious), Resolution (how the
problem/conflict is solved), Outcome (the way the story ends), remind them that resolution and outcome must
be logical
Creates an original moral
Uses animals as characters
Business Writing
Uses the parts of a business letter to create the three kinds of business letters, (complaining, request, and
Uses proper format to create an envelope
Uses proper format to fold a business letter
Uses proper format to complete an application form along with reference and resume
Standard 2: Uses style and rhetoric of writing
LA8.2.1 Uses word choice that clarifies and enhances ideas and voice (6+1 Traits: Word Choice)
Uses figurative language (similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, verbs and adjectives and the five senses)
Uses participles for word choice
Uses an increasingly sophisticated vocabulary (can use thesaurus)
Use number rules properly (when to write as numbers and when to write as words)
Use of slang - when it is appropriate and when it is not to use
LA8.2.2 Uses effective organization to convey ideas (6+1 Trait: Organization)
Arranges sentences in most appropriate order
Uses supporting and follow-up sentences
Establishes coherence within and and among paragraphs
LA8.2.3 Uses variety of sentence structures to convey meaning (6+1 Trait: Sentence Fluency)
Writes simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences
Includes transitional devices for unity and coherence
LA8.2.4 Answers prompt completely and accurately
Develops topic sentence
Uses relevant supporting details in an organized way
Explains significance of supporting details
Practices timed writing skills with prompts
Standard 3: Uses grammar and mechanical conventions in written composition
LA8.3.1 Defines, identifies and uses parts of speech in writing, reviewing earlier concepts as necessary
Verb - review and apply as related to past, present, and future tenses
Noun - review all types; teach collective noun
Pronoun - review personal pronouns for point of view
Adjective - know as related to dependent clause
Adverb - know as related to dependent clause
Preposition - prepositional phrase
Conjunctions - coordinating and subordinating with comma rules for both
Interjections - review for comma usage
Articles - know a, an, the and use them properly
LA8.3.2 Understand and uses basic sentence structures
Compound - complex
LA8.3.3 Identify and uses part of sentence structure
Difference between a clause and a phrase
Subordinating clauses - adverbial, adjective and noun
LA8.3.4 Applies appropriate usage
Pronoun - antecedent
Consistent tense
LA8.3.5 Uses conventions of mechanics of punctuation, and capitalization accurately
Uses colon appropriately after greetings in business letters
Uses semicolons in compound sentences and in a series to avoid confusion
Uses comma appropriately - after dependent clauses that start a sentence and with appositives
Uses quotation marks appropriately in dialogue, for titles of works, and for direct quotes
Uses capitalization properly - family relations (mom and dad, etc.), bodies of the universe, school subjects, AD, BC,
LA8.3.6 Understands and uses the conventions of spelling
Standard 4: Gathers and uses information for research purposes
LA8.4.1 Uses a variety of strategies to plan research (The BIG 6 Skills)
Develops questions to define the task
Organizes prior knowledge about the topic
LA8.4.2 Uses a variety of resources to gather information for research topics (RMS homepage, WebCollectionPlus,
Internet, websites, computer databases, print resources, etc.) (The BIG 6 Skills)
LA8.4.3 Determine the appropriateness of an information source for a research topic (i.e. bogus sites)
Evaluates information and information sources in order to re-evaluate the research topic /thesis
Uses most important and relevant information to the research topic/thesis
Knows criteria for selecting sources to use or delete
Determines appropriateness of an information source for a research topic/thesis
LA8.4.4 Organizes information and ideas from multiple sources in systematic ways and uses note taking strategies
Teaches note-taking from multiple sources
Paraphrase information for notes
Separates information into main ideas, subtopics and details
Develops thesis statement
Organizes ideas in an ouline
LA8.4.5 Synthesizes information into an appropriate product
Incorporates notes into a finished product (i.e. essay, letter, speech)
Draws conclusions from data
Uses visuals appropriately when needed
Uses MLA style with appropriate parenthetical documentation
LA8.4.6 Evaluates own work based on criteria for clear communication
Assesses product and process for accuracy and completeness (check off lists)
Uses a rubric to determine quality level
Standard 8: Uses listening and speaking strategies for different audiences and purposes
LA8.8.1 Uses strategies to enhance listening comprehension
Demonstrates understanding of speaker's ideas (i.e. notes, paraphrases, webs, etc.)
Asks questions to see clarification and elaboration of ideas
Evaluates speaker or presentation or group work
LA8.8.2 Makes formal and informal presentation to the class
States main point clearly
Stays on topic
Uses appropriate vocabulary and speech
Uses notes, prompt cards, etc. appropriately
Organizes and rehearses (if needed)
Uses visual media appropriately
Uses appropriate verbal and non-verbal techniques (i.e. inflection, tempo/rate, grammar, tone, eye contact, volume,
rate expression, enunciation, posture, etc.)
Standard 9: Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media
LA8.9.1 Understand a variety of methods conveyed by visual media and techniques used to influence or appeal to a
particular audience
Evaluate different advertising appeals, propaganda, brand names, and slogans to gain an understanding of media and
its influence
Standard 10: Understands the characteristics and components of the media
LA8.10.1 Knows characteristics of the wide range of media
Television news favors messages that are immediate and visual
News photographs favor messages with an emotional component
SAMS – Standards Alignment and Management System. Collaborative Learning, Inc.