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Lesson 2
The Theory of Evolution
By Natural Selection
Charles Darwin
• Scientists had evidence that showed changes
in species over time, but they didn’t know
• Charles Darwin was one scientist who
struggled with this idea.
Charles Darwin
• Darwin was a NATURALIST, a person who studies
plants and animals by observing them.
• He was not the first scientists to develop a theory
about evolution, but his theory is the one best
supported by evidence.
Charles Darwin
• Darwin’s breakthrough came while on a voyage to
the Galapagos Islands (near the equator off the pacific
coast of South America).
• Darwin noticed slight differences in animals living
on each of the islands; he later decided that some
varieties were different enough to be classified as
different species.
Darwin’s Theory
• Darwin noticed a relationship between each species
and the food sources of the island it lived on.
Darwin’s Theory
• The species of tortoise that lived on an island with
tall cacti had long necks, while the species of
tortoise on an island with lots of short grass had
short necks.
Darwin’s Theory
Darwin’s Theory
• Darwin thought all the Galapagos
tortoises shared a common ancestor
that came to one of the islands
millions of years ago.
• He knew that members of the same
species each have slight differences
• Darwin didn’t know about heredity,
but he realized that variations in
populations could help explain how
the different species of Galapagos
tortoises and finches evolved.
Darwin’s Theory
• Darwin knew that food is a LIMITING RESOURCE, so
members of a species that live in the same area
compete for food.
• If a variation benefited a tortoise, allowing it to
compete better for food than other tortoises (more
“fit” to its environment), the tortoise was more likely to
live longer, reproduce more, and pass on its variations
to its offspring.
Natural Selection
• NATURAL SELECTION: Individuals within a population
that possess variations which help them survive in their
environment tend to live longer, compete better, and
reproduce more than individuals that do not have the
beneficial trait.
• An ADAPTATION is an inherited trait that
increases an organism’s chance of surviving
and reproducing in its environment.
• Scientists classify adaptations into three
shape, and other physical characteristics.
organisms behave or act.
body systems that affect biochemistry.
Environmental Interactions
• A structural adaptation that aids members of a
species in blending in with their environment is
Environmental Interactions
• An adaptation in which one species resembles
another species is called MIMICRY.
Environmental Interactions
• The living and nonliving parts of the
environment are always changing; species that
cannot adapt to such changes will become
Natural Selection vs. Artificial Selection
• Darwin’s theory of natural selection predicts
that species will develop adaptations, which
explains why we see such a diversity of
organisms that are perfectly suited to thrive in
their environment.
Natural Selection vs. Artificial Selection
• SELECTIVE BREEDING is the practice of
breeding organisms for desired characteristics.
Natural Selection vs. Artificial Selection
• Darwin realized that natural selection and
artificial selection are similar processes.
– In natural selection, nature causes the changes in the
– In artificial selection, humans cause the changes in the
Natural Selection vs. Artificial Selection
• Artificial selection explains and supports
Darwin’s theory.
Common Misconceptions about
Common Misconceptions about
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Common Misconceptions about
Common Misconceptions about