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Year 7 Music - Key Vocabulary, Summer Term
Time Signature – two numbers that appear at the beginning of a piece of music
which indicate how many beats there are in a bar.
Dorian Mode – a scale running from D to D on the keyboard using only white notes
Jig – an Irish Dance
Year 8 Music - Key Vocabulary, Summer Term
Syncopation – an offbeat rhythm
Skank – a specific rhythm using in Reggae Music
Chord – three or more notes played together at the same time.
Root – the bottom note of a chord
Synchronisation – playing in time
Year 9 Music - Key Vocabulary, Summer Term
Syncopation – an offbeat rhythm
Skank – a specific rhythm using in Reggae Music
Chord – three or more notes played together at the same time.
Root – the bottom note of a chord
Synchronisation – playing in time
GCSE Music
GCSE Music students need to know all the vocabulary listed on the revision pages on the FitzWimarc GCSE Music Zone.
Below is some of the specific vocabulary linking to current tasks.
Year 10 Music - Key Vocabulary, Summer Term
Scale & Key
A series of notes around which a piece of music is written
Key Signature
Sharps and flats based at the beginning of a stave.
Combinations of sharps or flats within a key signature indicate the key and scale around which a piece of music is
The key signature also informs the performer that the written sharps or flats should be used in place of the natural
notes throughout the piece, avoiding avoiding the need for these to be written on the score every time.
Major Key
based on a major scale. Root - Tone - Tone - Semitone - Tone - Tone - Tone - Semitone.
Minor Key
based on a minor scale (Harmonic). Root - Tone - Semitone - Tone - Tone - Semitone - Tone - Tone.
Indicates how many beats there are in a bar, and what type of beat they are.
the tune
the distance between the pitch of notes.
notes that are close to one another in pitch.
notes that are not close to one another in pitch / leaps.
an off beat rhythm
a curved line used to tie two shorter notes together creating one longer sounding note. These can only be used in
certain places and should not be used where an alternative whole note is available.
3 or more notes played together at the same time. Most often played by a guitar or piano.
Major chord
Happy sounding. Major chord = root +4 + 3
Minor chord
Sad sounding. Minor chord = root +3 +4
a sequence of chords
4 chord trick
a sequence of 4 chords, commonly used in popular music
Power Chord
a chord commonly played on the guitar using the root and 5th of the chord.
a playing technique on a string instrument sliding a finger, or a glass or metal ring from one note to another.
a note repeated or sustained across chord changes, often creating a dissonance.
Ternary Form
three sections - A B A
Music concentrating on the manipulation of timbre and texture to create a musical ‘landscape’ or atmosphere rather
than the statement and development of musical themes.
the use of a multi-track recording device to layer musical parts together.
repetitions of a sound after a set time interval, usually at a lower volume and with less high frequency content than the
a commonly used abbreviation of equalisation. This is cutting and boosting specific frequencies within a sound.
A studio effect ranging from subtle ‘swirling’ sounds to a ‘jet plane’ effect.
Year 11 Music - Key vocabulary linked to the given composition stimulus of popular
AOS 1 - Rhythm & Metre
the main / strong beats in a piece of music.
an off-beat rhythm
Rhythmic improvisation
made up rhythmic sections, e.g. drum solo
AOS 2 - Harmony & Tonality
Harmonic patterns
commonly repeating chord sequences
Extended Harmony
harmonic additions to chords beyond the standard tonic chord, and directly linked to the given number
of the scale.
7th chords
Chords including the 7th degree of the scale
Dominant 7th chord
Chords including a flattened 7th.
Melody harmonised using
3rds and 6ths
a harmony part which follows the melody line either a 3rd above or a 6th below.
AoS 3: Texture and Melody
Rhythmic riff
a short, catchy repeated rhythm
Melodic riffs
a short, catchy repeated tune
Chordal riff
a short, catchy repeated chord sequence.
Blues scale
scale consisting of root, minor 3rd, 4th, augmented 4th, 5th and flattened 7th. e.g. C Eb F F# G Bb C
Decoration of melody (single
words sometimes)
Passing notes
using a note above or below to get to the expected destination. Eg using an F# before playing a G.
Syllabic underlay, using
original or existing lyrics
how the lyrics fit with the melody line.
AoS 4: Timbre and Dynamics
Big Band combination
rhythm section of drums, bass and sometime piano with a horn section of trumpets, trombones &
saxophones. Flutes and clarinets are also sometimes used.
A device used in the end of the brass instrument to change they way it sounds.
where certain notes are emphasised.
Small / large jazz combos
Piano, Bass, Drums and sometimes guitar.
Vocal ensembles as found in
Exploring how different characters and their melodies interacts and overlap within musicals
Sampled sounds
Recorded sounds which are used as part of a piece of music. sounds can have their pitch and duration
AoS 5: Structure and Form
common form used in popular music.
Use of Middle 8
a linking section of a piece of music, often leading into a chorus.
Arch shape
sections that are not formally notated and which are made up by the performer.