Download 1) A common theme for writers is the personal quest: a seeking for

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English Summer Reading Assignment Grade 8 English / Ms. Garneau and Mr. Lemley Please read ​
by Alison Allen­Gray for your summer reading. Our first assessment will be an essay using ​
.. While you’re reading, please use ​
sticky notes​
to identify parts of the novel that stand out to you, particularly those parts that relate to the following topics: 1) A common theme for writers is the personal quest: a seeking for enlightenment, identity or some type of fulfillment. How has one of these themes appeared in ​
? 2) “In order to create one convincing character, an author needs to create at least one other character.” How do minor characters contribute to the compelling development of another character in ​
? Also, be sure to look up unfamiliar words as they arise in the novel. The best way to improve your vocabulary and grammar is to see it used in context, i.e. ​