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Do Now+ Take out HW due today. —0. —Ask 3 people then raise your hand to ask me Answer the ques9ons/ do the ac9vity. If you finish early, then wait or work on one of the suggested ac9vi9es un9l 9me. —only with permission from the teacher —working on do now right away without reminders. Teacher Led (Whole Group) —0 —Raise your hand for the teacher to call on you. DO NOT Blurt or shout over someone else. Wait un9l you are called. listen for informa9on, take notes, ask ques9ons, be respecJul, be your best. —only with permission from the teacher —working on wri9ng notes, listening, learning **not playing with tech decks, passing notes, drawing, talking, applying lo9on, or anything else! Today’s Standard and ObjecBve Standard: 1. b. There are differences between plant cells and animal cells, including chloroplasts and cell walls. Learning ObjecBve: You will learn about the similari9es and differences between plant and animal cells though notes, a project, independent reading, and an exit slip. Agenda 8-­‐15—8-­‐16 1.  Do Now 2.  Whole group instruc9on—The Plant vs. Animal Cell 3.  Rota9ons 1.  Collabora9ve—Cell City 2.  Independent—Brain Pop and Review Ques9ons 4.  Exit Slip Plant VS. Animal Cells What are the similari9es and differences between plant and animal cells? PLANT CELL ANIMAL CELL Flagellum Centriole Circular Cell Membrane Nuclear Membrane Endoplasmic Re9culum Nucleus Golgi Apparatus Chromosomes Cytoplasm Vacuole Ribosomes Nucleolus Mitochondria Chloroplast Cell Wall Rectangular •  Plant cells and animal cells have the same organelles, except for 4. 1. Cell Wall The cell wall is only in the plant cell. It is a rigid, protec9ve structure outside the cell membrane. Animal cells only have the cell membrane as the outer layer of the cell. 2. Chloroplasts •  Chloroplasts are only in the plant cell. They contain a chemical called chlorophyll, which make the plant green and absorbs sunlight to perform photosynthesis. •  Photosynthesis is the process where plants convert energy from the sun into glucose (food for the plants) 3. Centriole •  Only Animal cells have centrioles, which are organelles that help the cell divide. Plant cells do not have this organelle. 4. Vacuole •  Plant cells have a HUGE vacuole, compared to animal cells. •  The vacuole is used to store water and nutrients, and helps give the plant’s structure Main idea: The plant and animal cell may have some differences in their structure, but overall they have similar func9ons. All cells have DNA, work to create energy, get rid of wastes, and keep the organism alive. Cell Rap hdp://­‐zafJKbMPA8 Individual Work (independent) — 0 or 1. Talk ONLY about the subject. —Ask 3 people, then raise your hand for me. work on the ac9vity —only with permission from the teacher —working on the assignment quietly, staying on task. **Not playing with other materials, working on other HW, or doing anything other than the assignment RotaBons •  Yellow: –  Cell City Project! •  Blue: –  Brainpop+ Quiz –  Ques9ons on plant and animal cells Teacher Led (Whole Group) —0 —Raise your hand for the teacher to call on you. DO NOT Blurt or shout over someone else. Wait un9l you are called. listen for informa9on, take notes, ask ques9ons, be respecJul, be your best. —only with permission from the teacher —working on wri9ng notes, listening, learning **not playing with tech decks, passing notes, drawing, talking, applying lo9on, or anything else! Read through the Cell City Requirements •  Group roles •  Steps of the project •  Due Date How to Do your HW. !"#$%&''&(
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Today’s Project Goals 1.  Choose your group roles. 2.  Researcher: Lead your group in FINISHING and CHECKING the City Analogy worksheet together as a group. 3.  Leader: Help your group decide on plant or animal city and assign each group member organelles 4.  Leader/Recorder: Take notes as you discuss ideas. 5.  Everyone: Begin designing your city parts—HW due MON/TUES if not done 6.  Reporter: Work with team to record what you did for the day, and plan next steps on calendar. 7.  Everyone: Fill out individual reflec9on log 5 Minutes to finish the City Worksheet…. •  We will grade our papers together and fix our mistakes. Please be done by the end of 5 minutes. Group Work (CollaboraBve) — 2 (no shou9ng across the room) —Ask all your group members 1st, then raise your hand work on the project/ lab coopera9vely and respecJully —stay in your groups, move away only to throw away trash, get materials —listening and communica9ng with one another, working on the project, asking and answering ques9ons **Not playing with other materials, working on other HW, or doing anything other than the project. Exit Slip 1.  Write down your HW in your agenda: –  Design sheet for cell city project due Mon/Tues 2.  Pack up and make sure you have no trash! 3.  Please answer these ques9ons in COMPLETE SENTENCES on the bo`om of today’s Notes: 1.  What are the main differences between plant and animal cells? 2.  In general, are plant and animal cells more similar to each other or different from each other? Why? ExiBng the Classroom —0 or 1 —Ask the person next to you, then raise your hand Wait quietly in your assigned seat, keeping hands to yourself. Be pa9ent-­‐-­‐Do not get out of seat, whine or complain while wai9ng. The teacher dismisses you, not the bell. —When called, stand up, Push in your chair, make sure there is no trash around your area, and calmly walk out of the room. Keep your hands to yourself. —Wait un9l you are called. Calmly walk out of the door and keep the door closed