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New Curriculum Revision List - Foundation
Order whole numbers, negative numbers, decimals and fractions (including a mixture of
them all) and use inequality symbols.
Use the four operations (add, subtract, divide, multiply) with whole numbers, negative
numbers, decimals and fractions (including improper/mixed fractions).
Use inverse operations and BIDMAS, also brackets, powers, roots and reciprocals.
Identify prime numbers, factors (divisors), multiples, common factors, common multiples,
HCF, LCM, prime factor decomposition.
Use systematic listing strategies.
Writing in powers and laws of indices (multiply, divide, brackets).
Write in standard form and answer calculations in standard form.
Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages.
Share by a ratio and be able to use fractions and ratios within the same problems.
Find fraction/percentages of an amount, percentage increases/decreases, use decimal
multipliers, reverse percentages, express one quantity as a fraction of another.
Use units of mass, length, time, money.
Use estimation and approximation.
Round to powers of 10, decimal places, significant figures.
Use inequalities to show upper and lower bounds.
Ratio, proportion and rates of change
Convert between standard units e.g. time, length, area, volume, mass, and compound
units e.g. speed, rates of pay, prices, density, pressure.
Use scale factors, scale diagrams, maps.
Express one quantity as a fraction of another.
Use ratio notation including equivalent ratios and simplest form.
Share by a ratio, express the division of a quantity into two parts as a ratio.
Express a multiplicative relationship between two quantities as a ratio or a fraction.
Understand and use proportion as equality of ratios.
Relate ratios to fractions and linear functions.
Convert percentages and percentage changes to a fraction or decimal, express one
percentage as a quantity of another, compare two quantities using percentages, work
with percentages greater than a 100%, percentage increases and decreases, reverse
percentages, simple interest.
Solve problems involving direct and inverse proportion, both graphically and
Use compound units e.g. speed, rates of pay, unit pricing, density and pressure.
Compare measurements using ratio notation, similarity, scale factors.
Interpret the gradient of a line as a rate of change.
Growth and decay problems including compound interest.
Use algebraic notation, including multiplication, indices, division, fractional coefficients
and brackets.
Substitution including powers, roots, negatives, decimals.
Understand key vocabulary e.g. expressions, equations, formulae, inequalities, identity.
Simplify and manipulate expressions including collecting like terms, expanding and
factorising brackets, laws of indices.
Recall and use mathematical formulae, including circumference and area of a circle,
Pythagoras theorem, SOHCAHTOA.
Rearrange formulae to change the subject.
Interpret simple expressions as functions with input and output e.g. write a simple two
step equation out using a function machine.
Use coordinates in all four quadrants, use a table of values to generate coordinates.
Plot linear graphs in the form y=mx+c; identify gradients and y-intercepts; find the
equation of a line through two points; identify parallel lines.
Identify and interpret roots, intercepts, turning points of quadratic functions graphically
and deduce roots algebraically.
Recognise, sketch and interpret graphs of linear functions, quadratics, simple cubic
graphs and reciprocals.
Plot real life gaphs e.g. distance-time, conversions, and interpret the gradient.
Solve linear equations with one unknown (including on both sides of the equation).
Solve quadratic equations (that don't need rearranging) algebraically by factorising and
by using a graph.
Solve two simultaneous linear equations algebraically and graphically.
Derive equations/expressions/formulae from a worded sentence.
Solve linear inequalities with one variable and represent inequalities on a number line.
Generate a sequence from a term to term or position to term rule.
Recognise and use triangular numbers, squares and cubes, simple linear sequences,
Fibonacci type sequences, quadratic sequences and simple geometic progressions.
Find the nth term of a linear sequence.
Geometry and measures
Use correct notation e.g. to show angles, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, right angles,
sides equal in length.
Be able to draw diagrams from written descriptions.
Be able to accurately construct perpendicular bisectors, a perpendicular line at any
point, angle bisector.
Use construction to solve loci problems.
Know and apply angle rules including angles at a point, angles on a straight line,
vertically opposite angles, alternate and corresponding angles, angles in a triangle,
base angles in an isosceles triangles.
Explain the properties of a given quadrilateral, including squares, rectangles,
parallelograms, trapezium, kites, rhombuses, by breaking down angle characteristics and
side characteristics.
Explain the properties of different triangles, by breaking down angle characteristics and
side characteristics.
Use congruence for triangles (SSS, SAS, ASA, RHS)
Identify and describe congruent and similar shapes, including on a set of axes.
Use rotation, reflection, translation and enlargement (including fractional scale factors).
Identify and apply circle definitions and properties including centre, radius, chord,
diameter, circumference, tangent, arc, sector and segment.
Solve geometrical problems on coordinate axes.
Identify properties of the faces, surfaces, edges and vertices of cubes, cuboids, prisms,
cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres.
Construct and interpret plans and elevations of 3D shapes.
Use standard units of measure.
Measure line segments and angles in geometric figures, including interpreting maps and
scale drawings and use of bearings.
Know and apply formulae to calculate area of triangles, parallelograms, trapezium,
volume of coboids and other prisms (including cylinders).
Know the formulae for circumference and area of a circle, be able to find perimeters of
2D shapes involving circles; find surface area and volume of spheres, pyramids, cones
and composite solids.
Calculate arc lengths, angles, and areas of circle sectors.
Apply the concepts of congruence and similarity.
Know Pythagoras theorem, SOHCAHTOA, exact values of sin/cos for 0, 30, 45, 60 and 90
degrees and for tan at 0, 30, 45 and 60 degrees.
Describe translations as 2D vectors.
Addition and subtraction of vectors, multiplication of vectors, diagrammatic and column
representations of vectors.
Use different sampling methods.
Construct and interpret tables, charts and diagrams including frequency tables, bar
charts, pie charts, pictograms, verticalline charts, line graphs for time series data.
Interpret, analyse and compare distributions of data sets (discrete, continuous or
grouped) from graphical representation and be able to find the median, mean,
mode/modal class and range.
Apply statistics to describe a population.
Use scatter graphs to investigate the relationship between two variables.
Recognise positive/negative/no correlation but know it does not indicate cause.
Draw lines of best fit and make estimates/predictions.
Record and analyse outcomes of probability experiments using tables and frequency
Use randomness, fairness and equally likely outcomes and predict future events from it.
Use appropriate probability language and use the probability scale from 0-1.
Use the fact probability always adds to 1.
Understand that larger samples will be more accurate.
Work with data in a systematic way and use tables, grids, Venn diagrams and tree
Use sample space diagrams and work with combined probability.
Understand replacement and independent/dependent events, including with
probability trees.