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Spanish Lower Intermediate Framework
These are the grammar points we will be covering over the next three terms.
Depending on the students’ interests and needs, the tutor will adapt and vary the
program, topic-wise. There might be some variations depending on the general
level of the class and what the group can absorb in the given time.
Term 1: Grammar to be introduced in sessions 1 – 10 (Sept-Dec)
 Brief revision of verb GUSTAR, ENCANTAR, DOLER, PICAR.
 Verb: Parecer.
 TENER QUE (to have to) / DEBER (it must) + SER.
 Difference between “Me gusta” & “Me gustas”
 Irregular verbs with vowel changes in the stem in present tense e.g.
 Contrast between verbs SER and PARECER for physical description and
 The use of the pronoun “SE” for impersonal expressions.
 Introduction of reflexive verbs.
Term 2: Grammar to be introduced in sessions 11 – 20 (Jan-March)
 Revision of reflexive verbs.
 Verbs “PONER” and “TRAER”
 Direct object pronouns
(lo, la, los, las)
 Impersonal pronun “se”
 Pronouns and indefinite adjectives (algún, ningún, muchos)
Term 3: Grammar to be introduced in sessions 21 – 30 (April-July)
 Prepositions and adverbs of place and space (a, en, al lado de, lejos,
 Direct object
 Simple past (pretérito indefinido)
 Verb “SABER” vs “PODER”
The material will be provided by the tutor and will be taken from a variety of
sources: texts and exercise books, videos, audios, newspaper (adapted) articles,
etc. The course has a communicative approach, and speaking activities will help us
to incorporate the grammar introduced in each session. Each session lasts for 2