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Name: _______________________________ Block: _______
Date: ________________
Chapter 10 – The Roman Republic
Section 3 – The Late Republic
Essential Questions: What factors contributed to the decline of the Roman Republic? What was the impact of the
Punic Wars on the development of the Roman Empire?
Growth of Territory and Trade
A. After about 400 BC the Roman Republic grew both ___________________ and
B. Within _______ years the Roman army had conquered nearly all of _____________.
C. Roman traders had begun to ship goods throughout the ________________________.
Growth of Territory
A. Roman territory grew mainly in response to outside ______________.
B. A people called the __________ attacked Rome in 380 BC. Unable to defeat them, the Romans
had to give the Gauls a huge amount of __________ to leave the city.
C. Seeing this victory by the Gauls, neighboring cities decided to __________ the Romans. The
Romans were able to ____________ and take over their land.
D. One reason for the Roman success was the organization of ____________, groups of up to
__________ soldiers. Each legion was divided into _____________, or groups of _______
soldiers, which allowed the army to fight as a large group or as several small ones.
Farming and Trade
A. As the ______________ grew, many people left their ___________ and decided to live in Rome.
B. They left their farms in the hands of ___________ who were in charge of growing one or two
C. Roman ___________ also expanded as the Republic grew because farmers couldn’t grow
enough __________ to support the growing __________________.
D. ____________ brought food from other parts of the Mediterranean. They also brought
_________ goods and slaves to Rome.
E. To pay for these goods, the Romans made _________ out of copper, __________, and other
Rome grows beyond Italy
A. As Rome’s power ______________, other countries felt threatened and declared _______ on
B. The Romans defeated the opponents and gained _____________ throughout the
The Punic Wars
A. The fiercest of the wars Rome fought were the ___________ _________, a series of wars
against ______________, a city in northern Africa.
B. __________ and Carthage went to war __________ times between 264 and 146 BC.
C. The wars began when Carthage sent its enemies to _______________ and the Romans
responded by sending an _____________ to the island as well.
D. After almost __________ years of fighting, the Romans forced their enemies out and took
control of Sicily.
E. In ______________ BC, Carthage’s brilliant general, _________________, tried to attack Rome.
F. Hannibal nearly ________________ the Roman army, but before he could, Rome attacked
Carthage. Hannibal rushed home to defend his city, but his troops were defeated at _________.
G. In 140 BC, ________________ was becoming powerful again. Romans sent an army to
______________ Carthage again.
H. After this victory, the Romans ______________ the city, _____________ most of its people,
and ____________ the rest of the people into slavery. They also took control of northern Africa.
Later Expansion
A. During the 120s BC, Rome took control of Sicily, Corsica, ____________, North Africa, Gaul,
___________, and parts of _____________.
B. Although the Romans took over Greece, they did not _____________ Roman ideas. Instead,
they ______________ ideas about literature, art, philosophy, religion, and education from the
Crises Strike the Republic
A. As The Romans’ territory grew, _______________ arose in the republic.
B. Rich citizens were getting richer, and many feared that _____________ would erupt between
rich and poor.
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
A. ________________, took office in 133 BC, wanted to create ____________ for poor Romans to
keep them happy and prevent ________________.
B. These lands were originally _______________ taken by wealthy citizens. This public supported
the idea, but wealthy citizens _______________. This led to _________ and Tiberius was killed.
C. A few years later ____________ tried to create new farms and began to sell food cheaply to
Rome’s poor citizens.
D. Like his brother, Gaius _____________ many powerful Romans and was ____________ for his
Marius and Sulla
A. In 107 BC the Roman army desperately needed more _______________. A consul named Gaius
Marius encouraged poor people to ___________ the army.
B. As a result of this change, thousands of ______________ and ______________ citizens joined
Rome’s army.
C. Because Marius was a good general, his troops were more ___________ to him than they were
to Rome. This set an example for ____________ politicians.
D. Lucius Cornelius ______________ became consul in 88 BC. Soon after, he came into conflict
with Marius causing a __________ _______, or a war between the citizens of the same country,
in Rome.
E. Sulla defeated Marius and named himself ________ and used his power to punish his enemies.
A. Not long after Sulla died, thousands of __________ led by a former gladiator,
________________, rose up and demanded freedom.
B. Spartacus and his followers ______________ an army sent to stop them and took over much of
southern ______________.
C. Eventually Spartacus was ______________ in battle and without his leadership the revolt fell
apart leading the Romans to execute _____________ rebellious slaves as an example.
D. The rebellion was over, but the Republic’s _____________ were not.