Download Chapter 19: Protists and Fungi

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Section One: Diversity of Protists
 Protists
 A eukaryote that is not an animal, plant, or a fungus
 Can share similar feature to animals, plants, and fungi
 Can be heterotrophs, autotrophs, or decomposers
Section Two: Animal-like Protists
 Protozoa
 Animal like protists
 Zooflagellates have
 Ameobas and Foramnifera
have pseudopods
Pseudopods: temporary
extension of the cytoplasm
and plasma membrane that
helps for movement and
 Cilliates have cillia
 Cillia: short hairlike
structures that cover some
or all of the cell surface and
help the organism swim and
capture food
Section Three: Plant-like Protists
 Algae
 Photosynthetic plantlike protists
 Green, brown, and red
 Have chloroplasts
Section Five: Diversity of Fungi
 Fungi
 Have cell walls made of
chitin: a tough
polysaccharide also found
in insect shells
 Have bodies made of
 Mycelium: an
underground network of
 Reproduce sexually or
 Examples: bread molds,
mushrooms, yeasts