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Renaissance, Reformation and Change:
Before we Begin: Write down everything you already know about the following movements:
Scientific Revolution:
The Renaissance followed the late ____________ (1300s), a time of great suffering due to wars,
famines, and plague.
The _______ plague (the “Black Death”) swept through Europe after 1347.
25 million died –one third of Europe’s population!
Music, arts, and sciences ignored as people focused on _______________.
After centuries of suffering through ___________ and the _____________, people wanted to enjoy life.
A movement began to embrace the celebrations of the past, in __________ and _____________, and to
move away from the dreary world promoted by the church.
This movement became known as the _________________________, or Rebirth.
_______________________ the way people lived and celebrated life
The Renaissance began in northern ______________ around 1300, and later spread to the rest of
The Renaissance began in Italy because the rest of Europe was caught up in ______, particularly England
and France (________________________ Years War.)
Italy also had a wealthy merchant class- able to support the arts- they were referred to as
The most famous and wealthy of the Italian families were the _____________________ family.
This is the era of history characterized by the achievements of Michelangelo and ____________
Michelangelo is best known for his sculpture of __________________ and his painting of the Sistine
Da Vinci is best known for his painting, ________________________________.
Both of these men were well versed in many fields and as such inspired the term “Renaissance Man”.
Renaissance Changes Technology:
Less errors than hand-copied texts
Books __________________________ and became cheaper and more accessible
New __________________ traveled more ___________________, spread more widely, and became
People began to read --and interpret- things for themselves
The most significant invention of the Era was without a doubt, the _____________________ Bible
The Gutenberg Printing Press was invented during this time. Extremely important in that it allowed ideas
and literature to spread more rapidly than ever before. The key was “moveable type”.
The Best known work was the Gutenberg Bible, published in 1455.
Legacy of the Renaissance:
_______________________ rebirth and revival of classical thought/culture.
Strong sense of ___________________________.
Increase in _______________________________ (the separation of church and gov)
Greater questioning of Church and religion.
More educated and ________________________ population.
Emergence of ___________________________.
Higher standards of living.
Led to burst of ________________________.
Led to spread of new ideas.
Renaissance belief in the importance of the ___________________________ played key role in gradual
rise of __________________________ ideas.
_____________________ the world with advances in technology
The world was connected by trade
Niccolo Machiavelli:
Italian ____________________ and government official.
Wrote _____________________________ in 1513.
Guidebook on how rulers can gain and keep power.
Controversial ideas are still studied and practiced today.
Safer for rulers to be __________________ than loved.
________ more effective in obtaining one’s goals than _____________________.
Acquiring and maintaining ______________ more important than being a “good” leader.
Leaders should do what’s politically effective, not what is _____________________________
What does Machiavellian Mean?
Is politically cunning and crafty.
Practices duplicity (uses treachery, deceitfulness, trickery, dishonesty).
Uses any means to stay in power.
Favors the use of arbitrary power.
The Renaissance changed Life.
It changed daily life and it changed the expectations people had for life in the present.
Prior to the Renaissance, people lived and accepted dreary lives because of the promise of a more
fulfilling and happier life after death.
The Reformation
The Reformation grew out of growing _____________________ of the Catholic Church and the
For Centuries, the ___________________ had been the most powerful figure in all of Europe.
However, the power of the Pope and the Church, became an opportunity for _______ by many.
People began to criticize the practices of the Church.
One particular practice that drew a lot of criticism was the selling of “___________________”.
Basically if a person contributed enough money to the church they would be given an
indulgence, or ________________, for their sins. The church told people that this would
shorten their time in _______________________.
One of the foremost critics of this practice and the power of the Pope was _________________.
The New Churches:
Martin Luther published his work “__________________________________”. His work was published
and news spread quickly all over Germany.
This began the “______________________________” or the reform of the church.
Reformers became known as “Protesters”, and as a result the new faiths that began were referred to as
Luther’s followers became known as “Lutherans”.
________________________________- began the _____________________ church as a result of an
argument with the Pope.
King Henry VIII wanted a _________________
The Pope would not allow the divorce because of the fact the King’s wife, was the Aunt of the
Holy Roman Emperor –Charles V.
King Henry VIII started the Anglican Church just to get divorced.
John Calvin- Calvinism
John Knox- Presbyterian Church (based on Calvin’s teachings)
The Catholic Church Responds:
In response to the ______________________, the Catholic Church underwent internal reforms.
As a result, new orders within the Catholic church were created. This was known as the Catholic
Ignatious of Loyola founded the __________________________ order.
3 goals- Creation of schools, conversion to Christianity, and stopping Protestantism.
The power lost by the Church as a result of the Reformation, was quickly seized by those known as
An Absolute Monarch controls all _____________________________, including the ability to make laws,
enforce the law, and interpret and apply the law.
What is a potential problem with a monarch having absolute power?
In the United States, how are these responsibilities divided? Why?
Absolute Monarchs justified their rule by a the __________________________
Idea that God created the monarchy and that the __________________ was God’s representative on
Absolute Monarchs controlled everything from Religious to Social Gatherings.
As the Monarchies grew, so did the size of their courts and their newly created ____________________
(non-elected government officials who make decisions based on the beliefs of the monarch)
The most powerful of these Monarchs was ___________________________________.
Absolute Monarchy might be best reflected in the excesses of _________________________.
Pg. 141 in text
The Scientific Revolution:
What was the Scientific Revolution?
__________________________ questioning of nature as taught by the church.
Made possible in light of the Church’s _______________ position after the ____________________.
Scholars/scientists questioned accepted ideas about _____________, earth and the universe
Old Science v. New Science
 Old Science based on __________________ and observation
 NEW SCIENCE based on ________________, logic, ______________, and data
Use of the Scientific Method (developed by Francis Bacon).
What Influenced the Scientific Revolution?
Education of the Classics
____________________________- Free from Religious rule and influence
Criticisms of the Catholic Church
Drive to better understand tides, weather, winds, currents,
Foreign technology-astrolabe
New Discoveries:
_____________________ Theory –sun-centered universe
Advancements in ______________________—vaccinations
Scientific Instruments
Law of _________________________
Made possible by peoples willingness to question and change the status quo of beliefs.
Inspired by the questioning of Status Quo in both the Renaissance and the Reformation.
The Enlightenment:
The Renaissance, Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution were all important steps in inspiring the
Enlightenment thinkers to challenge and change the prevailing thoughts on government and society.
People try to apply the ____________________________ approach to all aspects of society
Political _______________________ propose new ideas about government
___________________________ advocate the use of reason to discover truths
Address social issues through reason
Causes of The Enlightenment:
Ideals of the Renaissance
_______________________________, secularism, rebirth of classical teachings
Scientific Revolution
_______________________, reason, mathematics
New way of thinking based on willingness to question assumptions
Reaction to government of total control
Questioning of Theory of Divine Right
Characteristics of the Enlightenment:
Ideas incorporating the themes listed below were heavily discussed during this era
1. _____________________________-justification
2. _____________________________-What makes people happy?
3. _____________________________-freedoms
4. _____________________________-tolerance, diversity, science
5. _____________________________- outside (plants, earth, universe, etc) and inside (emotion, human
interactions, etc)
Faces of the Enlightenment:
Thomas Hobbes:
Believed that people were born _________________ and societies needed
___________________________ to protect themselves from their own selfishness
All political power should be representative of the people
Without Government….“Life is nasty, brutish, and short.”
2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau:
Believed in the freedom of the __________________________
Only good government was one formed freely by the people
The Social Contract: people agree to create a gov and society that favors the common good
3. Montesquieu:
Praised the British System of Government featuring a limited _______________________.
He is famous for his articulation of the theory of _____________________________________ in
government; executive, legislative and judicial branches along with Checks and Balances.
His ideas had the greatest impact on the shaping of the U.S. government and its Constitution.
John Locke:
Believed that the ultimate purpose of government was to protect its people’s natural rights____________________, liberty and ____________________.
If a government fails to do so, than the people have the right to overthrow the government.
Arguments concerning liberty and the social contract later influenced the written works of
Thomas Jefferson, and other Founding Fathers of the United States.
Two Treatises of Government had a profound influence on the writing of the Declaration of
Independence and Constitution
His intelligence, wit and style made him one of France’s greatest writers and philosophers
He was attracted to the philosophy of John Locke and ideas of Sir Isaac Newton
In favor of ____________________________ and interested in the study of the natural sciences
Strong advocate against _______________________ and for the freedom of speech.
His writings heavily influenced the First Amendment of the United States.
6. Adam Smith:
A ________________________- Applied Enlightenment thought to Economics.
Scottish philosopher and physiocrat famous for his book, “The ______________________
________________________” written in 1776
Father of modern ___________________________ and influential in the formulation of laissez
faire (hands off) economics and American Capitalism