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by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
(Charles Robert Darwin, British naturalist, major theorist of evolution and
natural selection; grandson of Erasmus Darwin; st. divinity, amateur
naturalist, traveled round the world with Capt. FitzRoy on the Beagle,
contracted disabling disease, m. his cousin Emma Wedgwood 1839, l.
Downe, Kent, 1842-, as gentleman naturalist, devoted to research, many
children, distressed by daughter Annie's death; lost religious faith, friends
with T. H. Huxley and Asa Gray)
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_____. "Steven Pinker: The Genius of Charles Darwin: The Uncut
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_____. The Genius of Charles Darwin. 3-part series. YouTube (Wady
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Dennett, Daniel. "Darwin's 'Strange Inversion of Reasoning'." Video of
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_____. "Darwin's Dangerous Idea." Video lecture. YouTube (hexag1)
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See also Evolution; Natural selection.