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Cell: Basic unit of life
 Adult human contains ~75 trillion cells
 Cells are very diverse in size, shape,
› Ex: Neuron – long thin axons coupled with
cell body – serve to move electric signals
throughout body
› Ex: Red Blood Cell – doughnut-shaped, small,
carry oxygen to organs
Two types:
› 1) Prokaryotic
› 2) Eukakryotic
Prokaryotic cell:
› Do NOT contain nucleus
› DNA found in cytoplasm
› Do NOT contain membrane-bound
› Simpler
› Smaller (usually unicellular)
Eukaryotic cell:
› DOES contain nucleus
› DNA found in nucleus
› DOES contain membrane-bound organelles
 Ex: mitochondria, ER, golgi, lysosomes, vacuole
› More complex
› Larger size (usually a part of a multicellular
ALL cell contain:
› Cell/plasma membrane
 a membrane which encloses to cell
 Serves to protect cell from pathogens and
permit molecules to pass into cell
› Cytoplasm
 Houses the cells organelles and genetic
› Ribosomes
 Protein synthesis takes place here
 Genetic material
Also called plasma membrane
 Boundary that separates cell’s contents
from the external environment
 Actively functioning component of cell
› Regulates the movement of substances in
and out of the cell
› Helps cells to adhere to other cells
(important in forming tissues)
› 1) Thin, flexible
› 2) Outpockets and infoldings (increase
surface area)
› 3) Selectively permeable (only allows some
molecules in/out)
› 1) Lipid bilayer
 Two layers of phospholipids
 Tails face inward (fat-like; hydrophobic – water hating)
 Heads face out (phosphate; hydrophilic – water loving)
› 2) Cholesterol
 Keeps membrane fluid in cold weather
› 3) Proteins
 Structure and cell communication
› 4) Carbohydrates
 Cell communication
Membrane proteins:
› Transmembrane/integral:
 Help to transport ions and other molecules
 Structure
› Peripheral/Extensions:
 Connection of organelles to membrane
 Structure
 Cell communication
 Cellular adhesion molecule
 Guides a cell’s interactions with other cells
 Ex: CAMs help white blood cells move to injury
Contains organelles
 Contains cytoskeleton
› Network of protein fibers that form a support
Usually slightly neutral pH
 Serves to help cells communicate signals
Called ER
Two types:
› Smooth:
 No ribosomes found on
surface (appears
 Contains enzymes
important in lipid
synthesis, absorption of
fat, metabolism of drugs
› Rough
 Contains ribosomes
 Site of protein synthesis –
sends items to smooth
ER and Golgi for further
Site of protein synthesis
 Two types:
› 1) Attached (to rough ER)
› 2) Free (found floating in cytoplasm)
› Protein
› RNA molecule (rRNA – ribosomal RNA)
Stacks of membranebound sacs
 Takes in proteins
› Then, refines, packages
and delivers final
Arrive to Golgi enclosed
in vesicles
Vesicles fuse with Golgi
As move through Golgi,
the proteins are
modified chemically
When reach outermost
layer, packaged again
in vesicles and shipped
Major sites of cellular respiration
(breakdown food to form energy - ATP)
 Can reproduce
 Contain own DNA
 Contains outer and inner membrane
› Inner membrane folds inward to form cristae
Matrix: inner space
Many mitochondria found in muscle
cells (which require a LARGE amount of
› Tiny sacs containing
enzymes that break down
nutrient molecules, foreign
particles, broken
› Tiny sacs containing
enzymes that catalyze the
synthesis of bile acids,
detox hydrogen peroxide,
breakdown lipids, detox
› Abundant in liver and
› Tiny hairs
› Assist in movement
› Move fluids (like mucus)
over tissues
› Tail-like extensions
› Assist in movement
› Usually cells contain
single flagella
› Ex: sperm
Membrane-bound sacs formed by cell
membrane folding inward
 Used for storage of macromolecules,
water, toxins, pigments
Thin, thread-like strands within cytoplasm
 Integral part of cytoskeleton
› Actin proteins
› Provide cell
› Tubulin protein
› Thicker
› House genetic material
› Direct all cell activities
Enclosed by nuclear membrane (lipid
› Contain pores which allow molecules to exit
Found within nucleus:
› Nucleolus: small, dense organelle made of RNA
and protein, forms ribosomes
› Chromatin: loosely coiled fibers of DNA and
proteins (chromosomes)
Cell membrane is semi-permeable
 Rely upon concentration gradients to move
› Def: difference in concentration between two areas
› Continually work to reach a state of equilibrium
(uniform concentration)
Two types of cellular movement:
› 1) Passive transport:
 No energy required
 Ex: diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, filtration
› 2) Active transport
 Energy required
 Ex: exocytosis, endocytosis, proton pumps
Passive transport (no energy use)
 Molecules/Ions spread from regions where
they are more concentrated to less
 Can occur if:
› Membrane allows it
› Concentration gradient exists
Ex: oxygen and carbon dioxide moving
in/out of blood
 Animation
Passive transport (no energy use)
 Molecules/Ions spread from regions where
they are more concentrated to less
 Can occur if:
› Membrane allows it
› Concentration gradient exists
› Membrane proteins assist(change shape when
molecule attaches)
Ex: movement of glucose and amino acids
 Animation
Passive transport (no energy use)
 WATER molecules spread from regions
where they are more concentrated to less
 Can occur if:
› Membrane allows water (but usually not other
molecules) to pass through
› Concentration gradient exists
 Solution
can be:
› Hypertonic:
 Higher osmotic pressure inside
 More water –less solutes - on
inside of the cell
 Result: water rushes OUT, cell
› Hypotonic:
 Lower osmotic pressure inside
 Less water – more solutes – on
inside of the cell
 Result: water goes IN, cell
 Solution
can be:
› Isotonic:
 Same osmotic pressure on body sides
 Net concentration of water and solutes does not
Passive transport (no energy use)
Molecules are FORCED from regions where
they are more concentrated to less
Usually used to separate solids from water
Relies upon hydrostatic pressure (created
by weight of water due to gravity) to force
Teacher Demo (applesauce and water)
Requires use of energy (ATP molecules)
Also requires the use of special membranebound proteins to assist molecule movement
› Carrier proteins (change shape when molecule
Moves particles AGAINST concentration
gradient (low to high)
May use up to 40% of cell’s energy
Ex: Proton pump, Na/K pump, movement of
nutrients into cells that line intestines
Requires use of energy (ATP molecules)
Molecules too large to enter cell through
passive transport
Molecules are packaged inside vesicles (using
infolding of cell membrane)
Molecule moves INWARD
Three forms:
› Phagocytosis:
 Cell “eating”
 Take in solid particles (bacteria, debris)
› Pinocytosis:
 Cell “drinking”
 Take in liquid particles (water w/ dissolved items)
› Receptor-mediated:
 Moves specific kinds of particles into cell
 Proteins extend to outer surface where they form
 Bind to ligands
Requires use of energy (ATP molecules)
Molecules too large to leave cell through
passive transport
Molecules are packaged inside vesicles and
Molecule moves OUTWARD
Series of changes cell undergoes from its
formation to its division
Rate of cell cycle depends upon checkpoints
and stimulation
› Ex: restriction checkpoint
 Determines cell’s fate (division, resting, death)
› Cancer: inability of cell to respond to checkpoints,
cells divide uncontrollably
› Stimulation: cells will divide spontaneously when
hormone or growth factor triggers it
 Ex: development of milk during pregnancy
 Includes:
› Interphase: preparatory phase
 Grows, makes copies of organelles,
obtains nutrients replicates DNA
 Three stages: G1, S, G2
 Includes:
› Mitosis: Nuclear division
 Phases: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase,
 Prophase: chromosomes condense (become visible),
centrioles migrate to opposite ends, nuclear envelope
 Metaphase: chromosomes line-up in middle, spindle
fibers attach to centromeres
 Anaphase: chromosomes separate, cell elongates
 Telophase: final stage, chromosomes unwind (go back to
chromatin), nuclear envelope reforms (prophase in
 Includes:
› Cytokinesis:
Cytoplasmic division
 Animals:
 Cell membrane begins
to constrict, pinch
 Creates cleavage furrow
 Uses microfilaments to
contract and pinch
› Animation
› Def: Process of cell specialization
› Cell gains function/structure
Stem cells:
› Def: cells who have NOT gained
specialization, divide frequently
› Divides through mitosis
continually (two options)
 1) Forms 2 daughter cells
 2) One daughter cell and one
progenitor cell
 Progenitor cell: partially
specialized cell
› Cell that does not divide or
› Cell death
› Normal part of development
 Ex: fetus – rids hands of
› Could also be due to injury or
 Ex: sunburn (peeling skin)