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Document related concepts
 384-322
 Student of Plato, Teacher of Alexander the Great
 Philosopher
 Ideas in The Rhetorics
 all men make use, more or less, of both; for to a
certain extent all men attempt to discuss
statements and to maintain them, to defend
themselves and to attack others
 Rhetoric may be defined as the faculty of observing
in any given case the available means of persuasion.
 Of the modes of persuasion furnished by the
spoken word there are three kinds. The first
kind depends on the personal character of the
speaker [ethos]; the second on putting the
audience into a certain frame of mind [pathos];
the third on the proof, or apparent proof, provided
by the words of the speech itself [logos].
 "American Rhetoric: Aristotle's Rhetoric - Selected
Moments." American Rhetoric: The Power of
Oratory in the United States. Michael E.
Eidenmuller. Web. 15 Nov. 2010.
 Must consider:
 Who (audience and speaker)
 What (topic, subject, purpose)
 When ( when due? What length?)
 Where (occasion)
 How (visual aids? Format?)
 Before you can make good decisions, or present
information, you need to have as much and as
accurate information as possible
 Society’s guidelines for right, just and moral
 Logos
 Logic
 Pathos
 Emotion
 Ethos
 credibility
 Violating ethical standards destroys credibility
 It is unethical for speakers to:
 Lie or deceive
 Distort
 Engage in namecalling
 Attack a person or idea without evidence
 Deny the opposition the right to reply
 Your goal is to PERSUADE and not
 Manipulation: the clever or devious management of
facts for your own purpose. (based on unethical
distortion of info, withholding key info, presenting ½
truths or purposely misrepresenting ideas and
 It is the speaker’s responsibility to make sure the
message is understood!
 As long as the listener is doing everything in his/her
power to understand…