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of Living Things
By: Sam, William, and Kelsie
Living Things have Cells
 All
living things have one or more cells.
 The cell is the building block of living
things, and it is surrounded by a
Sense and Respond to Stimuli
change that changes the way an
organism does something is called stimuli.
 Organisms must adapt to maintain their
Living Things Have DNA
 When
the parents of an organism passes
traits to their offspring, it is called heredity.
 When organisms reproduce, they pass
copies of themselves to their offspring.
Living Things Use Energy
 Organisms
use energy so they can carry
out the activities of life.
 Metabolism- the total of all the chemical
activities that the organism performs.
Living Things Reproduce
 Organisms
make copies of themselves in
sexual reproduction.
 Single celled organisms can reproduce by
simply splitting apart.
Living Things Grow and
 All
living things grow during their lives.
 As organisms grow, they produce more
Video for Grow and Develop