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Warm Up
• Pick up sheet off of my desk- page 100
• Get out homework- goes on page 99
• Skim over pages 421-423 and come up with
5 SPECIFIC problems the world was facing
after WWI.
Interwar Period
Warm Up- 130
• 1. What was the Great
• 2. Why did it occur?
The World After WWI
New Democracies were Unstable
• Between 1914-1918, Europe's last absolute
monarchs were overthrown
• The Ottoman Empire and AustriaHungary empire had ended
• The newly formed governments struggled
to establish democratic rule
The World After War
• WWI left every major European
country bankrupt
• Land destroyed
• Trading disrupted
• Industries destroyed
• Only Japan and the US came out of
the war in better financial shape than
they were in before the war
• War was not fought on these lands
Germany Was Weak
• In 1919 the Weimar
Government took charge and
signed the Treaty of Versailles
–Millions blamed the Weimar
government for the treaty,
defeat and the humiliation of
Germany Was Weak
• Unlike Britain and France, Germany
did not increase taxes during the war
• To pay for the war they just printed
more money , which caused severe
• Bread cost less than 1 mark in 1918 and
more than 160 marks in 1922
• Life savings became worthless
• Blamed the government
Germany seeks help
• Germany recovered from the
1923 inflation by accepting loans
from an American banker
• 200 million dollars
• Set up a schedule for Germany
to pay off their reparations ( war
damages in money)
• By 1929 Germany was
producing more than they had
before the war
• 1. Describe Germany after WWI.
• 2. Which nations were the only 2 nations
thriving directly after WWI?
• 3. Which government did the German’s
blame for the war and treaty?
• 4. What is inflation?
• 5. Which country did Germany turn to for
• 6. What are reparations?
The World tries to create lasting peace
• German and France signed a treaty saying
they would not fight again
• Germany agreed to except the borders
created by the Treaty of Versailles
• Almost every country signed a pledge
saying they would renounce war
• The League of Nations was suppose to enforce
these treaties
Weak League of Nations
• There was no way to enforce the
• The main enforcer was the League of
Nations, which was very weak
• US refused to sign and adopted a
policy of isolation
• Had no armed forces
• Major divisions existed between
counties because of WWI
• Democratic countries adapted a
policy of isolation
Mandate System
• The league of Nations created a Mandate
• Mandates were former colonies of defeated
countries such as Egypt and Iraq
• European countries we suppose to take over
these colonies on a temporary basis,until they
were able to get back on their feet
• Many countries extended their control over
these territories. ( controversial)
• France and Britain established a strong
presence in the Middle East because of the
Mandate System
1. What was the League of Nations? Why
was it weak?
2. Describe Germany after WWI.
3. What is the Mandate System? Problems
with it?
4. Which government was in control of
5. What was the Interwar Period?
Warm Up
1. What was the League of Nations? Why
was it weak?
2. Describe Germany after WWI.
3. What is the Mandate System? Problems
with it?
4. Which government was in control of
5. What was the Interwar Period?
A Global Depression
The Great Depression
The US Economy
• In the late 1920’s many countries
relied on the US for loans and
trading opportunities
• The US was financially
strong………. or so people
• 3 things went wrong for the US
What went Wrong
• 1. Uneven
distribution of wealth
• In 1929, 60% of American families
earned less than 2,000 a year
• America families were unable to
buy the goods being produced
• Unable to sell goods, factory
owners cut goods and jobs=
What went Wrong
• 2. Overproduction
• The US was producing more food,
however, they had stiff competition
from other countries
• Americans started buying from
Non American food sources
• Priced went down, profit went
What went Wrong
• 3. Too Many Loans
• Many farmers could not pay
back their loans
• Unpaid dept weakened banks
and forced some to close
1. What was the Great Depression?
2. How did the uneven distribution of wealth
lead to the Great Depression?
3. How did the overproduction of good lead to
the Great Depression?
4. How did giving too many loans lead to The
Great Depression?
The Stock Market Crashes
• 1929, Wall Street was the
financial capital of the world
• The US Economy appeared to be
going strong
• Wanting to get involved, many
people began buying stocks on
the margin
• Paid a small percentage of the cost and
borrowed the rest of the money
The Stock Market Crashes
• In September 1929, some investors
began to feel the stock prices were
unnaturally high
• By October the stock prices were on a
downward slide, everyone wanted to
sell their stocks
• Tuesday , October 29, a record 16
millions stocks were sold
• High priced stocks were now
• 1. What does buying a stock “on the
margin” mean?
• 2. What happened on October 29th, 1929?
The Great Depression
• Unemployment rates rose
• Industrial prices, wages and
production decreased
• Businesses failed
• Banks closed
• 9 million people lost the money
in their savings accounts
• By 1933 ¼ of Americans had no
Global Depression
• The US pulled their money out of Europe
• Countries placed high tariffs or taxes on
imported items. Countries wanted their people
to buy goods produced or made at home
• Germany and Austria could not pay back their
loans or reparation
• High unemployment, bank failures, a collapse
of credit and a collapse of prices in world
trade occurred
• Money was not worth as much
• Germany blames the Jews for the Depression
and the Nazi party grows
What the World Does
• High tariffs
• Governments were blamed,
and new parties formed
• Franklin Roosevelt
• New Deal – provided jobs
• Germans, Italians, and Japanese
began looking for a stronger
leader to guide them through
the depression
• List 3 effects of the Great Depression.
• How did the US economic conditions spread around
the world?
• Who did Germany blame for the economic
conditions in Germany?
• Why did countries start placing high tariffs on
foreign goods?
• Which US president is blamed for The Great
• Which US president is credited with helping get the
US out of the Great Depression?
Pages 123-124
• Page 123- Illustrate and Label
Germany or US before The Great
• Page 124- Illustrate and Label
Germany or the US During The Great
• Need to illustrate and label 10 points
of comparison
– Ex. Before- Jobs……. AfterMassive Unemployment
Warm Up
• Pick up SOL review put on page 106
• Get out hw, put on page 105
Warm Up1. What was the League of Nations? Why
was it weak?
2. What was the Mandate System?
Problems with it? Who controlled who?
3. What was the Great Depression?
4. List 3 causes of the Great Depression.
5. List 3 effects of the Great Depression.
• Emphasizes loyalty to the state
and obedience to its leader
• Promised to revive the economy,
punish those responsible for hard
times and restore national pride
• Fascists wore uniforms, used
special salutes and held mass
• Like communism; dictators and no
individual rights
• What is facsim?
Mussolini comes to Power in Italy
What was happening in Italy
• Fascism was able to grow in popularity
in Italy,b/c many were still bitter
about Italy’s lack of territorial gains
after WWI
• Rising inflation and unemployment
also fueled fascism
• Italians did not believe their
democratic government would be able
to stop the country’s problems, so they
looked for a new leader
The Rise of Mussolini
• Benito Mussolini promised to fix Italy
by fixing the economy and building a
stronger military
• Mussolini founded the first fascist
party in 1919
• He spoke out against his main
opponent, the communists, and slowly
gained popularity and support
• In October 1922, 30,000 fascists
marched to Rome and demanded
Mussolini be put in charge, it worked!
Mussolini was now Il Duce
• Il Duce=Leader
• Promised to restore the glory of
• Abolished democracy
• Stopped all parties, but fascism
• Secret police jailed opponents
• Radio stations and newspapers could
only promote fascist causes
• Mussolini never had as much control
as Hitler did in Germany and Stalin
did in the USSR
• 1. Why was Italy so angry after WWI?
• 2. What factors enable Mussolini to come to
power ?
• 3.
Interwar Period
Adolf Hitler
Hitler takes control of
• Who was Hitler
• Born in Austria in 1889
• Dropped out of High School
• Fought in WWI for Germany and
received a medal
• Hitler MAY have had a Jewish
grandfather. But he was raised
The Rise of the Nazis
• After the war, Hitler joined the National
Socialist German Workers’ Party or Nazis
• After a short time he was named der
Fuhrer, or leader
• Like Mussolini did in Rome Hitler planned
to storm Munich in 1923, however it did
not work and he was jailed
• While in jail he wrote Mein Kampf ( My
Struggle).It was about his goals for Germany
• Aryans were the master race ( blonde hair,
blue eyes)
• Non Aryans, Jews, Slavs and Gypsies were
• Treaty of Versailles was an outrage and
Germany would regain their land
• Germany was overcrowded and need more
• He promised to conquer eastern Europe and
• Most Germans ignored Hitler until the Depression
struck. Germans turned to Hitler to help them
Hitler becomes Chancellor
• 1932 Nazis became the largest party
• Hitler was named Chancellor to help
fight off the growing communist party
• Hitler was given absolute power for 4
What Hitler did once in power
• Banned all other parties
• The SS was created ( black uniform)
• In 1934, the SS arrested and murdered hundreds
of Hitler enemies
• The Gestapo, or secret police, terrorized people into
total obedience
• Hitler put millions of workers back to work. They
constructed factories, highways, weapons and
served in the military.
• Unemployment dropped from 6 to 1.5 million by
What Hitler did once in power
• Attempted to control all aspects of
people’s lives
–Turned press and radio into
propaganda tools
–Books that did not conform to Nazi
ideas were burned
–At age 10 children had to join Hitler
Youth Groups
“Every girl belongs to us"
What Hitler did once in power
– Hatred of Jews, or Anti Semitism, was used by
• Jews less than 1 percent
• Used as a scapegoat for Germanys problems
• 1933- laws were passed depriving Jew of
• On November 9, 1938, Nazis attacked Jewish
schools and home, burning thousands.
• Called Kristallnacht( Night of broken Glass).
Symbolizes the start of Hitler’s plan of eliminating
Jews from Germany
• 1. Which goals did Hitler outlines in Mein
• 2. Describe an “Aryan”?
• 3. Why do you think so many people went
along with Hitler’s agenda?
• 4. What is Anti Semitism?
• 5. What happened on Kristallnacht?
Day 3
• Warm up on my desk- page 111
• Page 109 Timeline
• Page110 Vien Diagram
Warm Up•
1. What was the Great Depression? List 3 causes
2. What was the Mandate System? Why was it a bad idea?
3.What is Fascism?
4.How did Hitler and Mussolini come to power?
5. What was Mein Kampf about?
6. Why were Germans accepting of Hitler?
7. What is Anti- Semitism?
8. Who was the master race?
9. Who was considered subhuman?
10. What are Nazis?
Setting the Stage
• By the mid 1930’s
• Germany and Italy seemed bent on
military conquests
• Britain, France and the US, were
distracted by economic problems
and feelings of isolation
• The Soviet Union was in the middle
( neutral)
• All hopes for peace rested on the
League Of Nations
Japan falls under military rule
• In the 1920’s Japan was
becoming more democratic
• Kellogg- Briand Pact- renouncing
• Singed a treaty with China
respecting their boarders
• Weak prime minister and
• Military leaders only answered to
the emperor
Militarists take Control of Japan
• 1930- the depression was blamed on
the government, people looked for
new leaders
• Military took control of Japan
• Unlike fascism, no new system of
• Wanted to restore traditional control of
the country to the military
• Emperor was the symbol of power
Militarists take Control of Japan
• Emperor Hirohito remained
emperor and controlled the
• Hideki Tojo was his general
• Wanted to solve the economic
problems by foreign expansion
• They planned a Pacific Empire, that
included China
• The empire would provide raw
materials and space for the growing
Japan begins to create an empire
• Japan takes over Manchuria in 1931
• A region in northeastern China
• Rich in iron and coal
• Set up a puppet government
• So what did The League of Nations
• The League protested Japan’s
aggression and condemned Japan
• Japan ignored protests and
withdrew from the League
Japan begins to create an empire
• Japan invades China
• 4 years later
• Despite China’s large army they were not
able to beat the better equipped Japanese
• In 1937, Beijing, the capital and other
northern cities fell to Japan
• The Japanese killed tens of thousands of
captured soldiers and civilians
• Chinese Communist guerrillas lead by
Mao Zedong continued to fight
• How did The Great Depression facilitate the
military taking over Japan?
• How did the League of Nations handle the
Japanese expansion?
• Who was the military leader of Japan?
• Who was the emperor?
• List 1 area Japan took over.
Imperialism Spreads to Europe
• The league was unable to stop Japan, so
Italy and Germany decided to get in on
the action
• Mussolini Attacks Ethiopia
• Ethiopia was one of the last remaining
free colonies in Africa
• The Ethiopians had resisted Italy in the
• Italy wanted revenge
• Ethiopia appealed for help from the
League, but the League did nothing
Imperialism Spreads to Europe
• Hitler defies Treaty of Versailles
• Hitler decided they would no longer
have a restricted military
• The league condemned this
• Hitler entered the Rhineland, a
buffer space in-between France and
Germany and an industrial center
• The French and British urged
Germany to stop, giving them an
• Hitler is not stopped and plans to
take more land
Alliances Begin
• Hitler and Mussolini join an
alliance- Rome Berlin Axis
• A month later Japan,
Germany and Italy become
the Axis powers
• Who was the leader of Italy
• List 1 country Italy took over. What was the
response of the League of Nations?
• List 2 examples of Hitler defying the Treaty
of Versailles.
• What is an appeasement?
What the US was doing
• Democratic countries were
overwhelmed with the depression
and fear of another war
• What the US adopts a policy of
• 1935, Congress passed a 3
Neutrality acts, saying loans and
arms can not be given to nations at
What Germany did
• The Third Reich Expands
• On November 1937, Hitler
announced he was going to add
Austria and Czechoslovaks to the
Third Reich or German Empire
• Austrians support this
• Czechoslovakian asked France to
help protect a region of their
land known as Sudetenland
Munich Conference
• To try to avoid war a conference is held.
Germany, Italy, France and Britain all attend
• They agreed to give into Hitler and give him
Sudetenland , but Hitler needed to honor the
new borders
• 6 months later…
– Hitler takes over Czechoslovakia
– demanded the Poles give back the former
German port, Dazing.
– The poles turn to Britain and France for help,
both say they will guarantee Poland’s
Nazis and Soviets Sign
Nonaggression Pact
• Britain and France asked the Soviet Union
to join them in stopping Hitler
• Stalin also talked to Hitler
• On August 23, 1939, a nonaggression pact
was signed between Germany and the
Who made up The Axis powers?
What was the US doing before WWII?
List 3 countries Hitler took over.
What was decided at the Munich
• Did Hitler obey the Munich Conference?
• Which country to Britain and France vow to
• Who signs the Nonaggression Pact?