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Using p. 350- 351 create a 2-column chart on the
differences between the Orthodox Church and Roman
Catholic Church
Orthodox Church
Roman Catholic Church
Analyze how the Rus affected the
early history of Kiev, the factors
that helped establish Christianity in
Russia, and what people groups
attacked Russia.
Beginnings and Growth: (add all in yellow to notes)
 Russian Primary Chronicle tells of the early Slavic peoples,
written in 1100s, telling of the people in mid-800AD
 Constant fighting, invited the Rus (northern Europeans) to
 Oleg- 2nd ruler
◦ expanded territory south to Kiev
◦ attacked Constantinople
◦ successful trade union with Byzantines
Slavic regions become formal state- Kievan Rus
Yaroslav the Wise
◦ had religious books translated from Greek into Slavic
◦ Russian law was codified
◦ Regained lost territory; but was crushed when attacked
◦ Good relations w/ Western Europe through daughters’ marriages
Early Slavic religion- polytheistic based on nature
863- Cyril and Methodius◦ brothers and Greek monks who used the Slavic language to
convert Slavs
◦ Developed written alphabet for Slavonic language
◦ Called Cyrillic alphabet
◦ Based on Greek alphabet
Vladimir I- Grand Duke of Kiev converted, married sister
of Byzantine emperor
◦ Built libraries, schools, churches
◦ 988- Vlad made Christianity state religion of Kievan Rus
After the Great Schism◦ became semi-independent of Orthodox in Constantinople
◦ “Russian Orthodox Church”
State weakened internally from land-owning princes
◦ New Grand Prince Andrew Bogolyubsky moves central city away
from Kiev (places family in Kiev)
Power no longer centralized, easy to attack
Attacked by:
◦ 1. Mongols(from east under Genghis Khan)- 1223 and were
defeated. Kiev falls in 1240 to Mongols.
 Alexander Nevsky- encouraged Rus not to rebel against Mongols
 Mongols didn’t destroy as much as they did elsewhere as a result
◦ 2. Swedes (from north) in 1240 for trade routes
 Alexander Nevsky- surprise attack on Swedes, Rus won!
◦ 3. Teutonic Knights (Germanic military order) wanted Rus to convert to Catholicism
 1242- Alex. Nevsky saves Rus again by a “massacre on ice”
◦ 4. The Tartars- ruled Rus after Mongols, until 1480
 Central Asian nomads, spoke Turkish, were Muslims,
Description and answer
Ask Ms. Herthel to check your work
Continue working on your Qualifier
Study your vocabulary words
Quiz yourself to prepare for
tomorrow’s test
Spartan society revolved around training for war
a. warfare was their favorite activity.
b. Spartans feared helot rebellions.
c. Spartans wanted to dominate the entire
Mediterranean world.
d. Spartans believed they could not achieve
immortality without proving their bravery in
In Sparta, there were 7 times as many helots (slaves)
as there were landowners.
How did tribunes check the power of the elected
When the last king of Rome was thrown out, his place
was taken by two magistrates called
a. consuls
b. tribunes
c. plebeians
d. the Senate
The Third Punic War was caused by
a. Rome’s desire for revenge.
b. Hannibal’s invasion of the countryside.
c. Carthage’s resistance to Roman expansion.
d. the assassination of Julius Caesar.
Rome won, enslaved the people of Carthage,
destroyed the powerful trading city, and forbade
anyone from living there.
Julius Caesar was assassinated by the Senate. (They
thought he was going to destroy the Roman
Republic!) (A: 11, B:
What caused the Third Punic War?
a. The Romans’ desire to destroy Carthage
b. the Romans’ need for more land as the
population grew
c. Hannibal’s desire to conquer rural northern
d. the Carthaginians’ fear that Roman expansion
would interfere with trade and commerce
The historian ____ lived during the Persian Wars and
wrote about the major battles. His work is an example
of historical bias.
a. Thucydides
b. Herodotus
c. Alexander the Great
d. Homer
Unit 2 test tomorrow (Greece, Rome, Rise of
◦ Will also include topics from Unit 1!
Unit 2 Qualifier due tomorrow
Progress reports coming on Wednesday
Tutorials after-school today, Thursday, and Friday