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6X 11-07-2016 Monday Europeans
Explore the World
Objective: Describe European motivations for exploring
the world.
1. Prayer
2. Do now: Read page 40-41, Answer questions #3a and
3b from page 41.
3. Go over Do Now
4. Begin reading chapter 2.2
5. Homework: Write an A+ answer: Why did Europeans
want to explore the world during the 15th century?
Do now: Read page 40-41, Answer
questions #3a and 3b from page 41.
3A – The first explorer to find a sea route from Europe to Asia was
Vasco da Gama. King Manuel of Portugal sent him after Bartolomeu
Dias turned around from his exploration. He sailed from Lisbon,
Portugal in July 1497 and he reached southwestern India in 1498.
3B – Muslims living in India learned Portuguese from trading with
Italian merchants before Vasco da Gama arrived. This made it easy for
Vasco da Gama to trade with the Muslims in India. He made two trips
and governed a Portuguese colony there.
For the Homework – we learned from this lesson that Europeans
wanted to explore the world because:
- wanted to trade with Asia
- Learn from Asia – Asian culture
- Asia had spices and silk – learned from Marco Polo’s journeys to
- Europeans wanted to convert more people to Christianity.
Chapter 2.2 Europeans Reach the
Facts to help with my homework – European
reasons for exploring the world:
- New riches and new territories to rule
- They wanted to spread Christianity (Spain
wanted Catholic converts)
- Gold
- “Stories of fabulous kingdoms and wealth in
Asia captured the imagination of Christopher
Columbus.” He wanted to get to Asia.
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