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Class- IX
1. Write a formal letter to the commissionrate of police, Bhubaneswar to
allot two constables during the school departure time i.e. 4.30 PM to
avoid the traffic jam as your school is situated near a crowdy
residential area. You are the principal of the school.
2. Read the novel, “ Three men in a boat ‘ up to 5 chapter and write the
brief summary of each chapter in your own words.
3. Write an article on “ School time an unforgettable experience” in 250
Social Science
1. On a political map of India identify
a. Neighboring countries
b. Bay of Bengal and Araniansea
c. Islands groups
2. Mention the features of democracy
3. How democracy restored in chile?
4. How Poland was achieved its democracy?
5. As elected Government was over thrown by military. Justify it.
6. What is martial law?
1. Make an activity about your village
a. Location
b. Occupation
c. Transportation
d. Electricity and irrigation
e. Educational facility
f. Wealth facility
2. Explain about four requirement required for the organization of
3. How the farmer can produce different crops in same field?
4. Human resources is most important resources requirement in
organization by production. Justify it.
5. Palampur is well- developed village. Give reason.
1. Describe the role of French philosophers in the French Revolution.
2. Describe about all the three estates into which French Society was
divided in the 18th Century.
3. Who was the king of France at the time of French Revolution?
4. What was the main objective of the constitution 1791?
Value Based Question
5. Describe the importance of the declaration of the Rights of man and
citizen in France
Which five values were associated with declaration of the Rights of man
and citizen?
India occupies an important strategic position in South Asia, Describe.
Write a note on India’s neighboring country.
Describe the location of India in the world map.
Why do we need a standard meridian for India?
Why 820 30’ E has been selected as the standard meridian of India?
1. Double matching questions:Col-1
a. Multicellular Organism
(i) Lipids
b. Mitochondrion
(ii)Inner folded
c. Plasma membrane
(iii) Cell Sap
d. Central Vacuole
(iv)Outer permeable membrane
e. Chloroplast
(v)Digestive enzymes
f. Lysosomes
(vi)Carbon dioxide
2. Why do dry apricot placed in salt solution do not swell while they do so when kept in water.
3. Describe the structure and function of nucleus.
4. Differentiate between Plasma membrane and cell wall.
5. Write the name of different plant parts in which chloroplast, chromoplast and leucoplasts are
6. Why do plant cell posses large sized vacoule?
7. Write the cell organelles which
a. Determine function and development of the cell.
b. Provides resistance to microb and to withstand hypotonic external medium without
c. Package materials coming from the endoplasmic reticulum.
d. Is a fluied contained inside the nucleus.
e. Is site for many biochemical reaction necessary to sustain life.
Differentiate between RER and SER.
Define (i|) Hypotonic solution (ii) Hypertonic solution (iii) Isotonic solution.
Write the difference between diffusion and osmosis.
List two similarities between mitochondria and plastids.
Describe various components of nucleus of a eukaryotic cell.
(i)What is endoplasmic reticulum?
(ii)Describe its structure
(iii) Name two types of endoplasmic reticulum
(iv) What is membrane biogensis.
14. Explain the following
a. Osmosis
b. Diffusion
c. Active transport
d. Exocytosis
e. Phagocytosis
15. Give reasons why mitochondria are called power house of the cells and ATP as energy currency
of the cell.
16. (a) Draw a plant cell and label seven important organelle found in it.
(b) Name one organelle that can make some of its protein in a plant cell and mention one
function of it in a cell.
17. What is meant by intracellular digestion? How lysosomes bring about natural defence of the
1. A body is moving with a speed of 15m/s. if the motion is uniform, what will be the speed after
10 sec.
2. A particle moves 3m north, then 4m east and finally 6m south. Calculate the distance travelled
and the displacement.
3. Distinguish between uniform and non uniform motion.
4. A body is moving in a circular path of radius ‘r’. Calculate the ration of distance to displacement
after half of a rotation.
5. A car travels along a straight line for first half time with speed 40 km/h and the second half time
with a speed a 60 km/h. find the average speed of the car.
1. All the intext questions( Page-3 and Page-6)
2. Give the evidence for matter has got spaces between them.
3. Give evidence for the matter has an enter particular force of attraction.