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5.2 Greeks The Polis, Persian War &
The Polis-Center of Greek Life
 Polis: Another name for _city-state_
 The main gathering place in the polis was
usually _the Agora_
 Acropolis:
 The acropolis served as :__a defensive point
and a government meeting place.
 In early Greek times, the military consisted of:
Hoplites: foot soldiers with shields, spear and
 By 700 BC, the military consisted of hoplites
that grouped together forming a phalanx.
 Phalanx: A tightly rowed group of hoplites
with shield and spears.
(A military focused society. Everything was based
on military strength and duty to the army.)
 Birth, only the strong survived.
 Age 7 taken away from home to train.
 Age 20 they became a full time soldier.
 At the age of 30, Spartan men could get
 Age 60 could retire from battle.
 All Spartans were expected to stay fit and
defend the city
 Government of Sparta was an _Oligarchy_ led
by _ a few_ kings.
 Ephors: council of 5 that advised and gave laws.
 List examples of how Sparta was shut off from
the rest of the world: no trade within Sparta, no
outsiders allowed inside Sparta, heavily
Reforms led to Democracy in Athens.
 Draco created the 1st legal code.
 Solon outlawed debt slavery, introduced legal
concept that any citizen could bring charges
against a wrongdoer, encouraged exports of
grapes and olives, initiated trade overseas.
 Pisistratus: provided funds to help peasants buy
farm equipment, launched a massive building
project to give jobs to the poor.
 Cleisthenes Reforms: He worked to make
Athens a full democracy by reorganizing the
Assembly to break up the power of the nobility,
increased the power of the assembly by
allowing all citizens to submit and debate laws,
created a Council of 500 to propose laws and
advise the Assembly.
 Only 1/5 of the population of Athens were
: The Persian Wars
 The Persians led by _King Darius_ attempted to
seek revenge against the Athenians for their
assistance the __Ionians Colonies___ that were
seeking to revolt.
 Darius invaded Greece in 490 BC. At the battle
of __Marathon__ the Athenians defeated the
__Persian___ army. A messenger named
___Pheidippides___ was sent to run the 26
miles back Athens to tell of the victory.
 __Xerxes__ succeeded Darius as ruler of Persia
and vowed revenge against the Athenians
 In 480BC Xerxes invaded Greece with over
__250,000-1million__ troops. He met the
Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae 480BCE.
The Spartans were heavily outnumbered but
held the Persians off for 2 days before they
were surrounded and slaughtered.
 Battle of Salamis (Greeks destroy Xerxes’ navy
and defeat his troops.
 The battle at the Plain of Plataea (last battle of
the war) 479BCE the Persian War ends .
The Growth of the Athenian Empire
 Delian League:
 All chief officials in the Delian League were
 Purpose of the Delian League:____Prevent the
future Persian Attacks__
 Athens was using the Delian League to its
advantage to control the other city states, while
Sparta was left out of the League.
The Age of Pericles
 During this time what was the type of
 Direct democracy:
 Every _citizen_ participated in the
___Assembly___ and voted on most major
 What were Pericles three goals for Athens?
1) Strengthen the Athenian Empire (he added 200
ships to the Navy using money from the Delian
2) Strengthen Athenian democracy (increased the
number of paid officials, helped promote direct
3) Glorify Athens (He used money from the
Delian League to buy gold, silver, ivory and
marble for construction projects. He then hired
artisans to build the Parthenon and other
buildings to make Athens the most beautiful city
in Greece.
The Great Peloponnesian War
 After the defeat of the Persians, the Greek
world was divide into 2 groups: Those that
sided with Athens and those that sided with
 What led to the beginning of the Great
Peloponnesian War? _Sparta__ was left out of
the Delian League & __Athens___ became rich
and powerful from the Delian League’s money.
 The Spartans and their allies hoped by
surrounding Athens, the Athenians would
surrender quickly.
 What event devastated Athens during the 2nd
year of the Peloponnesian War. a plague
 How many people died due this epidemic (1/3
of the population died, including Pericles).
 The decisive blow against the Athenians came
when their Navy was destroyed at the Battle of
_Syracuse_ in 413BC.