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Welcome to the Winter Edition of our newsletter. We wish all our
patients a Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy New Year.
As you know the doctors, staff & patients of Carlisle House support
various charities and we greatly appreciate the support you give
from year to year.
Ann Singleton has made 3 beautiful Christmas cakes which will be
raffled for this year’s chosen charity, Forest Holme hospice. Raffle
tickets are available at reception.
Feeling under the weather this winter?
A minor illness can get worse quickly when you’re over 60, so early advice is the best
Winter health advice
Cold weather doesn't have to go hand in hand with illness. Here are some
simple things you can do to help yourself stay well this winter.
Keep warm – this may help prevent colds, flu or more serious health conditions
such as heart attacks, strokes and pneumonia.
Eat well – food gives you energy, which helps to keep you warm. So, try to have
regular hot meals and drinks throughout the day.
Get a flu jab – flu vaccination is offered free of charge to people who are at risk, to
ensure that they are protected against catching flu and developing serious
Common winter illnesses
Colds – to ease the symptoms of a cold, drink plenty of fluids and try to rest. Steam
inhalation and vapour rubs can also help. Prevent colds from spreading by washing
your hands thoroughly, cleaning surfaces regularly and always sneeze and cough
into tissues, throwing them away after use.
Sore throats – a sore throat is almost always caused by a viral infection, such as a
cold. Try not to eat or drink anything that’s too hot, as this could further irritate
your throat; cool or warm drinks and cool, soft foods should go down easier.
Asthma – a range of weather-related triggers can set off asthma symptoms,
including cold air. Covering your nose and mouth with a warm scarf when you’re
out can help.
Norovirus – this is also known as the winter vomiting bug, although it can also
cause diarrhoea. The main thing to do to is drink plenty of water to avoid
dehydration. You can also take paracetamol for any aches, pains or fever.
Flu – if you’re over 65 or have a long-term health condition such as diabetes or
kidney disease, flu can be life-threatening, so it’s important to seek help early.
However, if you’re generally fit and healthy, the best treatment is to rest, stay warm
and drink plenty of water.
Getting help
If you’re not sure which NHS service you need, call 111. An adviser will ask you questions
to assess your symptoms and then give you the advice you need, or direct you straightaway
to the best service for you in your area.
Ask your pharmacist
Pharmacists are expert in many aspects of healthcare and can offer advice on a wide range
of long-term conditions and common illnesses such as coughs, colds and stomach upsets.
You don’t need an appointment and many have private consultation areas, so they are a
good first port of call. Your pharmacist will say if you need further medical attention.
See your family doctor
GPs assess, treat and manage a whole range of health problems. They also provide health
education, give vaccinations and carry out simple surgical procedures. Your GP will
arrange a referral to a hospital specialist should you need it.
Visit a walk-in centre
NHS walk-in centres offer quick access to treatment for a wide variety of minor illnesses
and injuries, including infections, vomiting and stomach aches. Most are managed by
nurses and some also have doctors. Walk-in centres are open outside office hours and you
don’t need an appointment.
Accident and Emergency
A&E departments provide vital care for life-threatening emergencies, such as loss of
consciousness, suspected heart attacks, breathing difficulties, or severe bleeding that cannot
be stopped. If you’re not sure it’s an emergency, call 111 for advice.
Follow link below to find the nearest urgent care services
We welcomed our two new receptionists Kate and Nicole this year.
New Computer System
We have recently changed our clinical computer system. The new
system has the facility to share your patient record with other
clinicians (if you have given consent). This means that everyone
who is caring for you eg; Doctors, Nurses, Consultants, District
Nurses, Health Visitors can be fully informed about your medical
history, including your medications and allergies.
Thankyou for your patience whilst we learn this new system.
The on-line services system is not yet fully functional but will be to a more user
friendly system that also allows us to gradually introduce extra new facilities.
We are aiming to have the on-line appointments and patient medical summaries
available in the new year.
If you are a smartphone user, check your app store for the Systmone app.
Surgery times:
AM Dr’s Rogers, Guduru & Scott
PM Dr’s Nelms, Rogers & Guduru
AM Dr’s Nelms, Crinion & Guduru
PM Dr’s Nelms, Crinion & Guduru
AM Dr’s Nelms, Rogers & Guduru
PM Dr’s Nelms, Rogers, Guduru & Scott
AM Dr’s Nelms, Rogers & Crinion
PM Dr’s Rogers & Crinion
AM Dr’s Nelms, Guduru & Scott
PM Dr’s Nelms, Guduru & Scott
Visit our web site to see the rest of our team and services
Carlisle House surgery holds evening surgeries from 6.30 pm – 8pm
on Mondays.
If you have difficulty getting into the Practice during the day time
hours of 8.30am – 6pm this will be ideal
If you are unable to attend your appointment for any reason please
let us know as soon as possible. You may leave a message on our
answerphone at any time.
The appointment can then be allocated to another patient.
01202 680111
Visit our Surgery web site to view the Practice services including
Clinic times, and information about our appointments, repeat
prescriptions and lots of other useful information.
We offer daytime appointments, evening appointments and
telephone consultations, but if you have an emergency that can’t
really wait then request TRIAGE
Triage is a system to determine the priority of a patient’s
treatment based on the severity of their condition.
1. Telephone the reception and request Triage
2. A Doctor will telephone you and ask about your
symptoms (it is essential that you keep your telephone line
free/answer immediately)
3. A Doctor will assess and decide what to do to help you.
Will I get an appointment?
 They may make an appointment that day, either with
themselves or another Doctor.
 They may be able to give advice over the telephone and
book a follow up appointment for another day.
 They may be able to reassure you that your symptoms are
not serious and transfer you to reception to make a routine
 They may prepare a prescription for you.
If you are serious about wanting to give up smoking
speak to your GP who can refer you to the local NHS Stop Smoking
Service or you can telephone the clinic on 0300 30 38 038.
You are never too old to quit!
Telephone number 111
You should use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical
help or advice but it’s not a life-threatening situation.
Call 111 if:
 You need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency
 You think you need to go to A&E or need another NH
urgent care service
 You don’t know who to call or you don’t have a GP to
 You need health information or reassurance about what
to do next
For less urgent health needs, contact your GP or local Pharmacist in
the usual way.
For immediate, life threatening emergencies, continue to call 999
PALS at Carlisle House
The Practice operates the Patient Advocacy Liaison Service
(PALS). Any patient who requires advice regarding a query relating
to their treatment or care may ask for this service. A leaflet
explaining this in more detail is available from reception, but if you
have any questions regarding the service please ask to speak to Jill
If you are caring for someone and need advice and support, please
register with the surgery as a Carer – Contact Lorraine for further
Our reception notice boards and the Carers section of the practice
website contain details of useful support services for carers.
Poole Well-being Collaborative
A service operating across Poole to work with individuals to
improve their health & well-being.
Latest events/info for winter 2014 include:
Christmas Day/boxing day lunches
Free Art Workshops
CRISP – Carer’s Newsletter
(Information folder in reception waiting room.)
Useful numbers
The Carers Support Service 01202 458204
General info/support/advice: 01202 434070
Handyman service: 01202 432288
Carerslink: 01202 434455
Patient Reference Group
Join our Patient reference Group (PRG)….we would like to hear
your views
The Practice would like to invite you to join our PRG and let us
know how you feel we are doing as a Practice. We would like your
opinion on the range and quality of the services provided by the
surgery. The PRG, together with the Practice, will agree which
priority issues should be covered in our next local Practice Survey.
What will I have to do? The PRG is an email community –
simply register at reception or via the website. We will then
contact you occasionally to obtain your views.
We thoroughly endorse the NHS scheme and a detailed leaflet is
available in the waiting room. If you have questions please speak to
a member of staff.
Our Practice Information Leaflet sets out general information about
the Practice and we hope you will find this helpful. If you have any
comments or queries please let us know. We will continue to
produce this Newsletter from time to time. We now have a website
When you receive a letter asking you to book an
appointment, please can you quote the reference on the letter to
ensure that we book you in to the correct clinic. If you have any
queries regarding the request please bring the letter with you. It
would be a great help to us if you ring after 11am.
When using the car park please be considerate to other patients and
park in such a way that does not inconvenience others. If you think
you may be impeding another vehicle please let reception know
upon your arrival. If in doubt, please use Sainsbury’s car park. The
staff have more important things to do than sort out disputes
between drivers!! NB The Practice is not obliged to provide
patients with car parking
We would remind you that use of the car park is at the car
user/owner’s risk. The practice will not be held responsible for any
loss or damage to a vehicle using the car park.