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Inside Us
A News in Education teaching tool featuring the
guts and glory of the human body.
Now open in
South Florida!
Teaching with THE
Fantastic voyage
ODIES...The Exhibition is open for a limited time at Las Olas Riverfront in
Fort Lauderdale. The setting of this Exhibition lends itself to a quiet, respectful
viewing of human specimens.
BODIES...The Exhibition features real, preserved specimens of human bodies dissected
to show various systems. There are nine galleries: skeletal system, muscular system,
nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system, reproductive system, an optional
fetal gallery, and a gallery that shows how prosthetic joints and surgical tools are used
to restore our health.
The ninth gallery invites guests to write comments about their Exhibition visit and to
thumb through age-appropriate books on anatomy. Included in the galleries are
individual organs or parts of the human body.
The specimens have been dissected to illustrate each body system and function. Male
and female reproductive organs are visible in most of the full body specimens. The fetal
room is entirely optional. All embryos or fetuses died of natural causes in utero.
BODIES...The Exhibition celebrates the human body and its inter-related systems and
functions. By understanding how the body works, you can better care for your body and
keep it healthy.
BODIES...The Exhibition provides an unprecedented opportunity for learning human
anatomy, physiology and chemistry. BODIES...The Exhibition enables teachers and
students to speak with ease about the body, dispelling preconceived ideas and fears.
The specimens are preserved through a process
called polymer preservation. This process is a
revolutionary technique in which human
tissue is permanently preserved using
liquid silicone rubber. This prevents
the natural process of decay, making
the specimens available for study
for an indefinite period of time.
Polymer preservation provides
a closer look at the skeletal,
muscular, nervous, respiratory,
digestive, urinary, reproductive,
endocrine and circulatory systems,
unveiling the mysteries of the
human anatomy. Human specimens
are used instead of models to study
individual variations and uniqueness.
•A human being loses an average of 40 to 100 strands of
hair a day.
•A cough releases an explosive charge of air that moves
at speeds up to 60 miles per hour.
• Every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10 of a calorie.
•A sneeze can exceed the speed of 100 miles per hour.
• Every person has a unique tongue print.
Create a travel brochure for the human skeletal system. As the travel editor for the
Sun-Sentinel, you decided to publish a story in the form of a brochure for a luxury tour
through the human body’s skeletal system. Use the travel articles in the Sun-Sentinel
as models for your brochure. The TRAVEL section runs in the Sunday paper. If
your class does not receive the Sunday paper, you can read travel articles online at Be sure to highlight the trendy spots, all exciting activities,
and the imports and exports of the areas. For insurance considerations, point out all
possible dangers or special precautions that tourists might encounter in their visit.
Spread the word
One of the organs displayed in BODIES...The Exhibition
is a diseased lung, which has been blackened by the tar
that often accompanies cigarette smoking. Smoking
has been shown to be very unhealthy. It causes
cancer, emphysema, heart disease, birth defects and a
variety of other ailments. It has not been many years
since tobacco advertising was banned from television.
Ads for tobacco still appear in many newspapers and
magazines and on billboards. Create a series of public
service ads for the Sun-Sentinel aimed at educating people about the effects of smoking
on the body. Write the copy, select the graphics and edit your ads so that your message
is effective, to-the-point and is taken seriously. Present your final campaign to your
classmates and/or family.
Systematic research
The human body consists of nine main systems:
skeletal, muscular, nervous, hormonal, circulatory,
digestive, respiratory, immune and reproductive.
Research these systems in your school media center
or local library before going to see BODIES...The
Exhibition. What is the main function of each system?
How would a person’s life be affected without any
one of these systems operating properly? Next, look
for articles about health in the Sun-Sentinel. Briefly
summarize the article, and think about which of the
nine main body systems applies to this article. Present
the information you have researched, along with your
article, to the class.
•An average human drinks approximately 16,000 gallons
of water in a lifetime.
•A fingernail or toenail takes approximately six months to grow
from base to tip.
•An average human scalp has 100,000 hairs.
• It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.
• By age 60, most people have lost half of their taste buds.
About The News IN
Dear Educators:
To See is To Know.
We invite you and your school group to see BODIES...The Exhibition and to know
more about how to enlighten, inform, and inspire your students to learn about the
human body.
BODIES...The Exhibition provides an unprecedented opportunity for studying
science, human anatomy, physics and biology. You will see that regardless of how
different we are outside, the human body and its systems are much the same
inside. This Exhibition will inspire your students to explore careers in science,
medicine and healthcare.
In BODIES...The Exhibition you will examine full bodies dissected to show various
internal systems. You will also view individual organs - some healthy, some diseased.
You will see first-hand how amazing the body is and how the pulleys, levers and
fulcrums we know as muscles and bones function without our thinking about it.
In addition, there are comprehensive Teacher’s Guides available for elementary,
middle and high school levels with experiential classroom activities aligned to
National Academic Standards as well as Sunshine State Standards. You can download a Teacher’s Guide at
Through this collaboration with the Sun-Sentinel, we bring you this News in
Education piece on BODIES...The Exhibition. Use it in your classrooms to help
your students understand how the body works so that they can take better care of
it and keep it healthy.
Thank you for sharing this innovative learning experience with your students.
Cheryl Muré, M.Ed.
Director of Education
Premier Exhibitions, Inc.
Lynn Baden
Educational Service Manager
Developed and written by
Cheryl Muré, Premier Exhibitions, Inc.
with Special Thanks to
Debbie Rahamim, Sun-Sentinel and
Jodi Pushkin, St. Petersburg Times NIE Liaison;
Designed by Jeff Chafin, Mercury Graphics and
Maureen Maxted, Premier Exhibitions, Inc.
This Exhibition taught
my students more than
I could ever teach them
with mere words.
he Sun-Sentinel NIE program provides newspapers, both in print and
digitally, to South Florida schools at no charge throughout the school year.
Our goal has been to help teachers help their students, to promote literacy,
to encourage hands-on learning using the newspaper, and to help students
stay up-to-date on the world around them. Another key focus of our
program is to provide curriculum materials, like “BODIES…The Exhibition”, to
enhance lessons in the classroom across all subject areas. These complimentary
booklets are aligned to the Sunshine State Standards.
For more information about Sun-Sentinel News in Education, visit our website at
If you are interested in becoming an NIE sponsor, please email
[email protected] or call (954) 425-1168.
This classroom resource incorporates the following Sunshine State Standards:
HE.A.1.3-4; HE.B.1.3-4; LA.A.1.3-4; LA.A.2.3-4; LA.B.1.3-4; LA.B.2.3-4;
LA.C.1.3-4; LA.C.2.3-4; LA.C.3.3-4; LA.D.2.3-4; LA.E.2.3-4; SC.A.1.3-4;
SC.B.2.3-4; SC.F.1.3-4; SC.H.1.3-4; SC.G.1.3-4; SC.H.3.3-4; VA.A.1.3-4
I learned more here than
I could in any classroom.
At BODIES…The Exhibition your students can actually study themselves
….from the inside out. They will see real human bodies preserved through
an innovative process and respectfully presented.
To schedule a field trip, call 800.840.1157.
To request a free copy of the Teacher’s Guide for your grade level:
Visit Go to the Education Page.
Fill in the application. Click on “Submit the form”.
BODIES…The Exhibition
Las Olas Riverfront
300 SW First Avenue, Upstairs
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
• Exhibition Hours:
Sunday—Thursday: 10am—10pm
Friday—Saturday: 10am—12am
• Self-guided tours last approximately 2 hours.
• There is a minimum group size of 15 students.
• The cost per student is $12 without an audio tour.
• The cost to add an audio tour is $5 per person.
• One chaperone is required for every 10 students.
This responsible adult is admitted free of charge.
For additional free resources for your classroom,
• The human body is the most fascinating and fantastic
machine in existence. No one understands all of its
many mysteries. There are 206 bones in the human
body and there are 600 muscles. You need those muscles
and bones to breathe, eat, walk, talk and play. Look in the
Sun-Sentinel or at for pictures,
cartoons and photos of people engaged in some kind of
action that involves using muscles. Cut out the pictures
and create a collage with them. Next to each picture,
write down the action that is taking place in the photo.
Also write down which muscles and bones are being
used in that action.
• Did you know that your digestive system starts working
even before you take your first bite of food? The sight
and smell of the food makes special glands in your
mouth produce saliva, or spit. Look for pictures or words
showing or describing food in the Sun-Sentinel. Hint:
Thursday’s FOOD section of the Sun-Sentinel is a great
resource for this activity! Cut out the words and pictures.
Create a food chart based on one of the USDA food
pyramids. You can find the pyramids at www.mypyramid.
gov. You should have five categories in your chart: meat
and fish, grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy, and fats and
sweets. Tape, paste or glue the pictures and words you
find onto the chart. Share your chart with your class.
• Blood pressure is the amount of force with which
blood pushes against the wall of an artery. If your blood
pressure is high, your arteries can become damaged.
Serious health problems, such as blood clots or arterial
blockages, are caused by high blood pressure. You can
prevent these health problems by exercising and getting
your blood pressure tested regularly. Exercise is the
key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Using the
Sun-Sentinel and the Internet as sources, research health
or policy issues related to high blood pressure, obesity or
unhealthy lifestyles. What is the government’s approach
for shaping up American citizens? What methods are
fast food chains taking to attract customers who are
health conscious? Look in the Sun-Sentinel for references
to the following: weight loss (such as diets or support
groups), food consumption (such as restaurant ads or
coupons), low-level physical activities (such as video
games) and high-level physical activities (such as
swimming or hiking). Compare numbers of weight loss
references with those for food consumption. Compare
the number of ads for low-level vs. high-level activities.
Compile the information you find into a report. Graph
your results on a piece of poster board. Share the
information with your class.
• Approximately 40 percent of the body is skeletal
muscle and almost another 10 percent is smooth and
cardiac muscle. The best way to keep your muscles
healthy is to exercise. With the trend toward increasing
physical exercise and changing lifestyles to be a healthier
nation, there has been an increase in advertising by
physical fitness spas, clubs and weight loss centers. This
advertising provides a great deal of information about
the services available and allows a reader who is seeking
help with an exercise or weight loss program to see what
is available to him or her. Select two advertisements,
from the Sun-Sentinel, for health/fitness spas or weight
loss programs. Clip the advertisements of the program.
Compare the information in the two ads: What type of
business is represented, what are the advantages and
disadvantages, what are the operating hours, where
are the facilities located, what are the costs, which ad
appeals to readers the most? Based on this information,
develop a list of questions that you would want to have
answered before paying money or signing any contracts
or agreements to participate in one of these programs.
The nervous system is like the Internet of the human body. It gathers, stores and transfers information to control systems
throughout the body. The nervous system is designed to prepare and adapt your body to a wide variety of situations and
environments. Your nervous system is divided into the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral
nervous system. The peripheral nervous system consists of a somatic, or voluntary, division that innervates the arms, hands, legs
and feet and a autonomic, or involuntary, division that innervates our organs – things that we do not even think about – such as our
heart, kidneys and our digestive system.
Let’s face it; the world is a tough place. It is nice to have a flexible, self-repairing, multisensory suit of armor that shields you from the elements and
protects your vital organs from microbial invaders and physical harm. Many people are surprised to learn that skin is an organ. In fact, it is the human
body’s largest organ. Specialized cells known as melanocytes produce melanin, the chemical pigment that gives skin its color. People with light
colored skin and dark colored skin have the same number of melanocytes. The only difference between them is the activity level of melanin production.
Melanin helps to protect the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun.
Transverse chest section with lung and heart
Your circulatory system is like the highway system of your body. Vital nutrients and oxygen are transported in
the blood flowing through arteries. The deoxygenated blood and waste are transported through veins. Blood is
made up of plasma, a liquid, and the following three types of cells.
You don’t think about your breathing throughout the day, do you? You might,
however, be more aware of your breathing after you finish exercising or running
up stairs. Your lungs, the star of your respiratory system, allow you to take air in
from your environment and extract vital oxygen transported to all the cells in your
body. Once finished with the air, your diaphragm, the muscle that works to inhale
and exhale, expels carbon dioxide and other waste out into the environment. Your
lungs are made up of branches of tubes called bronchiole. Each bronchiole is about
the same thickness as a hair. At the end of the bronchiole are microscopic air sacs
known as alveoli. Alveoli take the oxygen molecules in the air and pass them to the
red blood cells to deliver oxygen to the rest of the body.
• Red cells, or erythrocytes, carry oxygen for delivery to all your cells.
• White cells, or leukocytes, function as body police by fighting off bacteria and viruses.
• Platelets, or thrombocytes, are tiny pieces of cells that plug up injured blood vessels and start the clotting process when you get a cut.
Blood cells are created in the bone marrow of the skull, ribs, sternum, spine and pelvis from blood stem cells
found in red marrow. These stem cells divide and multiply to make various blood cells. The primary organ of the
circulatory system – the heart – pumps oxygenated blood out through the arteries and to all parts of the body.
Because the heart is a double pump with four chambers, it also pumps the deoxygenated blood to the lungs to be
oxygenated again.
• Each square inch of human skin consists of 20
feet of blood vessels.
• The total surface area of the alveoli (tiny air sacs in
the lungs) is the size of a tennis court.
• The heart circulates the body’s blood supply
approximately 1,000 times each day.
• Every square inch of the human body has an
average of 32 million bacteria on it.
• The lungs are the only organ in the body that can float on water.
• The heart pumps the equivalent of 5,000 to 6,000 quarts of blood each day.
• The lungs produce a detergent-like substance, which reduces the surface tension of the fluid lining,
allowing air in.
• Your nerves transmit messages to and from your brain at speeds of more than 200 miles per hour.
Humans shed approximately 600,000 particles of skin every hour— approximately 1.5 pounds a year. By 70 years of age, an average person will have
lost 105 pounds of skin.
• Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood
we have only 206 in our bodies.
• Your heart is about the same size as your fist.
Bronchial tree,
Pulmonary Veins and heart
• An average adult body contains about five quarts
of blood.
• All the blood vessels in an adult body would stretch 100,000 miles.
If you have ever seen an X-ray taken by a doctor,
you probably realize that everyone has a skeleton
made up of many bones. In fact, the average adult
has about 206 bones – more than half of them in
the hands and feet. Your skeleton gives your body
structure like the girders of a building. The bones
of your skeleton also protect your internal organs,
such as your heart, brain and lungs. Many people
think that the skull is one big piece of bone, but in
truth it is composed of 30 different bones.
• Every person has 10,000 taste buds. Girls usually have more than boys.
• The average person urinates 12,000 gallons of urine in his or her lifetime.
We base our decision on what to eat largely on
taste preferences and nutritional habits. Let’s
follow what happens to our food from the
minute we put it into our mouths to the time
it comes out the other end.
1. You put food into your mouth. Teeth
prepare the food by chewing larger pieces
into smaller, easier to swallow ones. Enzymes
in the saliva are added to start breaking down
foods chemically.
2. Once your food is chewed, it is pushed into the esophagus and
squeezed down using a muscular action called peristalsis.
3. Food arriving in the stomach is subjected to highly acidic gastric
juices that digest food and kill bacteria. Although the stomach churns
and mixes the food, it also acts as a storage compartment, slowly
changing the food into a gray, oatmeal-like mush known as chyme and
passing it into the small intestine.
4. As the chyme enters the small intestine, it is mixed with green bile
and other digestive juices to help with the absorption of minerals,
vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. This tube absorbs most of
the nutrition from the food we eat.
5. Once the chyme makes it through the small intestine, its nutrients
have already been stripped and transported to other organs. The fluid
remains of the food have their water absorbed. The unused nutrients
and fluids from the food are stored in the rectum until there is enough
to be defecated as feces.
The chore of taking out the trash is a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Luckily, we have the urinary system dedicated to removing
discarded waste from every cell and system of our bodies. Although defecation releases feces as the final step of digestion, only
our body’s urinary system “cleans up” after metabolic or chemical processes in the form of urine. Urea, the body’s main waste
product excreted by cells into the bloodstream, has to be removed because it is toxic. Traveling through the bloodstream, urea is
filtered out from the blood by the kidneys. Your kidneys, located just below the ribs in the lower back, produce urine by combining
the urea with other metabolic waste, salts, ions and excess water. The urine is transported via tube-like ureters to the bladder,
which acts like a storage tank. When enough urine has filled the bladder, the brain sends an impulse telling the sphincter to
relax (open) and the detrusor muscle to contract. This allows the urine to flow from the bladder, down the urethra and out of
the body.
If all 600 muscles in your body pulled in one direction, you could lift approximately 25 tons. But lifting stuff is just one of the jobs our muscles
help us do. Muscles pump blood through our bodies, allow us to smile or frown, and help us run and jump. The muscular system is made up
of the following three types of muscles:
• Smooth muscles work automatically, without conscious thought. The stomach and bladder are lined with smooth muscles.
• Cardiac muscles are designed to squeeze blood to all the systems of our body through blood vessels. Our hearts are made of cardiac muscles.
The cardiac muscle is made up of cardiac fibers laid into spiral bundles. Each cell can contract rhythmically. The cardiac muscle is able to sustain strong and continuous contractions without getting tired.
• Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles that we control. They make up the musculoskeletal system. Skeletal muscles are made up of striated, or striped, muscle tissue. They are attached onto your bones. Skeletal muscles are able to contract with great strength, but they tire easily. Biceps and triceps are skeletal muscles.
The place where the nerve and muscle meet is called the neuromuscular junction. An electrical signal crosses this junction and triggers the flow
of calcium ions causing the myofilaments, fibers made from protein, to slide across one another. When this happens, the sarcomere, a thick
filament system that gives cardiac and skeletal muscles their striped appearance, shortens and force is generated. Billions of sarcomeres
shorten, causing a contraction of the entire muscle fiber.
Teaching with THE
Think about it
ODIES...The Exhibition has sparked an interesting dialogue in our
community. There is some controversy involving the use of actual
human bodies, the positioning of the bodies, the origin of the
bodies, as well as the displaying of diseased body parts. What do you
think? What are the pros and cons of hosting such an exhibition for the
public? With a partner, create a list of debate questions around the idea of
displaying preserved human bodies whether they are injected with liquid
silicone, presented in formaldehyde or mummified. Research the value
these exhibitions bring to the community and formulate answers to your
questions. Then, using editorials in the Sun-Sentinel as models, write an
editorial with your partner outlining your thoughts. Share your editorial
with the class.
Learn More About It
Web sites:
Discover how the body works and what can make the body sick by
reading through these expert articles written just for kids.
An exploration of anatomy designed for students ages 11 to 16 years. ash/body/index.html
This Web site explores the science behind eye gunk, ear wax,
dandruff and other bodily by-products and functions that are often
considered “yucky” and “gross.” There is also a drop-down menu
that provides information about systems of the body.
How do the lungs work? What hazards threaten the respiratory
system? What can kids do about them? This engaging Web site has
information, printed worksheets and games for students in grades 1-12.
Water, water, everywhere
Did you know that almost 60 percent of the human body is composed
of water? The brain is 70 percent water, your lungs are almost 90
percent water and blood contains 82 percent water. Look for
photographs or advertisements in the Sun-Sentinel of five
things (living or not) that require the use of water.
Where do we obtain drinking water? What are
the dangers to our water supply? Research the
ways we contaminate our drinking water and
share the information with your class.
Human Body Revealed. Sue Davidson and Ben
Morgan. DK Publishing, 2002. Visual
representations of the body are nothing
new. This volume is unique in the
spectacular quality and quantity of
images displayed. Use of transparent
templates allows the reader to “peel
away” layers, revealing the interactions
among body systems.
Melanocytes, myofilaments,
alveoli, oh my
When you study human anatomy, you
come up against some tough vocabulary
words! Luckily for you, most of the
anatomy-related words in this publication
have their definitions right next to them,
like this: “Specialized cells known as
melanocytes produce melanin, the chemical
pigment that gives skin its color.” Even
though you didn’t know what that word meant
before, you now know that melanocytes are special
cells that give skin its color. Most vocabulary words are learned from
context clues or good old-fashioned dictionary work. While you read
“Inside Us,” be sure to highlight or circle words you don’t know.
Some of the words you may need to look up are bolded. Then try
to figure out their meanings by looking for clues in the sentences
around these unknown words. Write down your best guess, then look
words up in the dictionary or check the Glossary at the end of each
BODIES...The Exhibition Teacher’s Guide. You can download a Teacher’s
Guide at As a group activity, make a list of the
words students identified and see which ones stumped the class.
DK Guide to the Human Body. Richard
Walker. DK Publishing, 2001. Dynamic
computer-enhanced, three-dimensional
illustrations reveal the inner world of
the human body. Multiple imaging
techniques such as X-ray, MRI and CT
scans present the reader with views of
the human body from the microscopic
to the macroscopic level. Each image helps
to explain the complex functions of the
body systems.
START EXPLORING (tm) Gray’s Anatomy - A Fact-Filled Coloring Book.
Freddy Stark. Running Press, 2001.
Human Anatomy Coloring Book. Margaret Matt and Joe Ziemian.
Dover Publications, 1982.
I thought Science was hard for me but when
I came here I learned that I loved it.