Download ESOPS caudal epidural patient information

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East Sussex Out Patient Services
An Assessment and Treatment Service
working with EHS, H&R and HWLH CCGs
Ultrasound Guided Caudal Epidural
Steroid Injection
Reasons For Injection
o Caudal epidural steroid injections treat pain in the lower back and/or
o Pain comes from problems in the spine, the nerves traveling through
the spine, or the lumbar discs that are between the spinal vertebra
o Conservative measures such as ice, rest, anti-inflammatory medication,
neuropathic medication, and physiotherapy are tried first.
o A caudal epidural injection is used to relieve severe pain due to chronic
back diseases and acute sciatica.
o Sometimes these procedures result in less or no medication for your
back pain.
o The procedure can sometimes even help you to avoid surgery.
An independent provider within the NHS family
UK Registered Company Number 6010055
East Sussex Out-Patient Services Ltd,
Chaseley Trust, South Cliff, Eastbourne, E.Sussex BN20 7JH ,tel: +44 (0)1323 744387
Description of Procedure
o Your injection is performed as an outpatient procedure.
o Please arrive 15 minutes before your procedure. Our nursing staff will
be happy to answer any questions.
o You will be lying face down and your lower back will be cleaned with
antiseptic solution and an ultrasound probe will identify the spot for
your injection.
o Local anesthetic numbs the skin and a needle will be used to enter the
epidural space
o The steroid will be injected into the epidural space, which is seen on
the Ultrasound.
o Some patients feel pressure in the back or down their legs when the
medication is injected. These feelings soon pass.
o A small Band-Aid will be applied to your back and you will be taken
back to the waiting room area.
o The Consultant or Nurse will review you and you will be able to go
home as soon as you are ready which is usually 20 – 30 minutes after
the procedure.
An independent provider within the NHS family
UK Registered Company Number 6010055
East Sussex Out-Patient Services Ltd,
Chaseley Trust, South Cliff, Eastbourne, E.Sussex BN20 7JH ,tel: +44 (0)1323 744387
Pre-procedure Instructions
o Please make sure that you have someone to take you home.
o Review all your medication with us before the procedure.
o If you take medication that affect your ability to form a blood clot
(anticoagulants, such as Warfarin) a specific plan should be in place –
ask your Consultant.
o All other medications should be taken as normal unless your GP tells
you otherwise.
Post-procedure Instructions
o Take it easy on the day of the injection and return back to normal
activity the following day.
o Do not drive on the day of the procedure.
Potential Side Effects and Risks
o The injection site can be sore after the procedure
o During first few days your pain may increase due to the injection,
though this is uncommon.
o Ice, heat, and gentle massage can help prevent and or treat pain
o Typically pain relief from the steroids takes two to seven days to
appear, occasionally the relief comes on earlier or later.
o Very occasionally (most commonly postmenopausal women) have
some short-lived facial flushing.
o Rare risks (less than 1 in 100000) include allergic reaction, infection or
spinal bleeding.
An independent provider within the NHS family
UK Registered Company Number 6010055
East Sussex Out-Patient Services Ltd,
Chaseley Trust, South Cliff, Eastbourne, E.Sussex BN20 7JH ,tel: +44 (0)1323 744387
Follow-up and Further Care
o After the procedure you will be given instructions on how and when to
follow up. We will write to your GP to inform him/her of the procedure
being carried out.
o If this is your first injection you may be offered two or three repeat
injections over the next two to three months based on results.
Contact details
If you have any concerns after your procedure please give us a call on
01323 744 387
For any problems occurring out of hours please contact your GP surgery.
An independent provider within the NHS family
UK Registered Company Number 6010055
East Sussex Out-Patient Services Ltd,
Chaseley Trust, South Cliff, Eastbourne, E.Sussex BN20 7JH ,tel: +44 (0)1323 744387