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Published his first periodic table in 1869
Arranged the elements by ______________________________
Grouped elements with similar properties together
Left _____________spaces for “missing” elements that were later discovered (predicted the
chemical and physical properties of these elements)
_________________________________ (1913)•
Arranged elements by _________________________________________
Today we organize the periodic table by increasing atomic number
________________________= the physical and chemical properties of the
elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers
When elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number,
elements with similar properties reoccur at regular intervals
__________________= vertical column on the periodic table
o Numbered left to right and ranges from ___________
o Elements in the same ____________have _____________but not
identical characteristics
____________________= horizontal row on the periodic table
o Ranges from _________
o Elements in a period are ___________alike in properties
*KEY IDEA: the periodic table is an arrangement of the elements in order of
their ________________so that elements with similar properties fall in the same
The first element in a period is usually an active __________and the last
element is a period is always in inactive_____________.
• Most of the Periodic Table consists of_____________.
• 88 elements to the _______________of the zigzag line (_________________) are metals EXCEPT
_____________ and the ____________________.
Physical Properties:
• Luster (______________appearance)
• Good __________________________of heat and electricity
• High melting point
• ______________________(most metals can be drawn into thin wires)
• ___________________________(most metals can be hammered into thin sheets)
• __________________under ordinary conditions; except ______________is a __________
⇒ Chemical Properties:
• Easily ____________________________
• ___________________________easily (Example: silver tarnishing & iron rusting)
Special Metal Groups:
1. __________________________ (found in _______________;EXCEPT
• Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr
• Are very reactive
• __________________________with water
2. ____________________________________ (found
• Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra
• Are very reactive, but ____________as reactive as the Alkali
3. ________________________
Elements ________________the main part of the periodic table.
Also called the “________________________” and “_________________________”
4. _____________________________ (38 elements found in___________________________)
• ___________________________ plus all elements to the RIGHT of the zigzag line (metalloid line) are
nonmetals (_______________________); EXCEPT for the_______________________.
Physical Properties:
• No Luster (dull appearance)
• Poor conductors of heat and electricity
• __________________(breaks easily)
• Not ductile
• Not malleable
• __________density
• __________melting point
• ______________________________and the __________________are gases under
ordinary conditions
• _____________________(Br) is a _________________under ordinary conditions
• All other nonmetals are _____________under normal conditions
⇒ Chemical Properties:
o Tend to _____________electrons
Since ___________tend to_________ electrons and ______________tend to_________ electrons, metals
and nonmetals like to form __________________with each other!
Special Nonmetal Groups:
1. _______________________: (5 non-metallic elements found
o F, Cl, Br, I, At
o Halogen means “salt former” and compounds containing halogens are called
2. ____________________________: (6 non-metallic elements found in______________)
o He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn
o All have _____________________electron configurations consisting of a full outer
energy level of ________electrons, which has a lower potential energy than other
electron arrangements.
o Noble gases b/c of their stable configurations (see below) seldom form __________
o Ne =1s22s22p6
o Ar =1s22s22p63s23p6
o Kr =1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p6
o Xe =1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p6
o Rn =1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s24f145d106p6
o Exception: He = 1s2 (this is the stable configuration)
• Elements on both sides of the zigzag line have properties of BOTH ______________and
• B, Si, As, Te, Po, Sb, Ge
Physical Properties:
o _____________________under ordinary conditions
o Can be shiny or dull
o Conduct heat and electricity better than nonmetals but not as
well as metals
1) _____________= atom or group of bonded atoms with a positive or negative charge
(electrons were either lost or gained)
If protons are gained or lost the identity of the atom will change!
a) __________________= ion formed from a single atom
o Ex: S-2 and Fe+2
o Any monatomic ion that is _______________ends in –ide
Ex: oxide and bromide
b) _____________________= a group of bonded atoms with a charge
Ex: NH4+ and NO3−
c) _________________ = negative ion
(electron(s) were gained)
o Ex: O–2
Oxide ion has 8 protons
Oxide ion gained 2 electrons so now it has
_________ for an overall -2 charge
Chlorine atom:
d) _____________= positive ion (electron(s) were lost)
o Ex: Al+3
Al has 13 protons
Al lost 3 electrons so now it has
_________ for an overall +3 charge
What happens when a K atom forms a K +1 ion? (Hint:
How many protons and electrons does a K +1 ion
What happens when a S atom forms a S −2 ion? (Hint: How many protons and
electrons does a S −2 ion contain?)
1) ______________________= the tendency of atoms to gain or lose electrons so that
they acquire eight electrons in their outer energy level in order to acquire the stable
electron configuration.
2) The electron configuration of filled “s” and “p” orbitals of the same energy level
(consisting of 8 electrons in the outermost energy level) is unusually______________
H and He are exceptions and are stable with 2 electrons in their outermost
energy level
3) The octet rule is useful for determining the type of ions likely to form.
• Elements on the right side (_______________________) of the Periodic Table
tend to gain electrons and form negative ions
• Elements on the left side (___________________) of the Periodic Table tend to
lose electrons and form positive ions
4) Ex: When a sodium atom loses its single electron in the ___________________
energy level to form a +1 ion, its electron configuration changes:
o Sodium ATOM = 1s22s22p63s1
o Sodium ION = 1s22s22p6
5) Ex: When a chlorine atom gains a single electron in the_____________________
energy level to form a -1 ion, its electron configuration changes:
o chlorine ATOM = 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5
o chloride ION = 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p6
6) The following are group trends of elements and the ions that they tend to form:
• Group 1 elements produce ______ions
Group 2 elements produce ______ ions
Group 18 elements (Noble Gases)–
__________ are produced since they
contain 8 electrons in their outer
energy level
Group 17 elements produce _____ ions
Group 16 elements produce _____ ions
Group 15 elements produce mostly ____ions (except Bi
Group 14 elements produce mostly _____ ions (except Pb+2 and Sn+2)
Group 13 elements produce _____ ions
Transition elements: almost all produce ______
Bi+3 and Bi+5)
o Zn+2 and Cd+2 and Ag+1 and Cu+1
Roman Numerals:
o Sometimes an atom is able to give away a various number of electrons and be
o The Roman numerals tell how many _____________ have been given away and
that will be the _____________________________
Ex: iron (II) and iron (III)
1. _____________________________= one-half the distance
between the nuclei of identical atoms joined in a molecule
PERIOD trend: _______________in atomic radius across
periods (left to right)
Explanation = nuclear charge increases across periods,
pulling electrons closer to the nucleus
______________________ (number of protons) is increasing
GROUP trend: _________________in atomic radius down groups (top to bottom)
Explanation = electrons added to higher main energy levels and are therefore
farther from nucleus
Nuclear charge (_____________________) is also increasing, but this
factor is offset by other factors
2. __________________________________ (F.I.E.) = Energy required to remove one
electron from an atom of an element
• PERIOD trend: __________________in first ionization energy across periods
(left to right)
Explanation = nuclear charge increases across periods, which more strongly
attracts electrons so electrons are harder to remove (requires more energy)
GROUP trend: ______________ in first ionization energy down groups (top to
Explanation = electrons added to higher main energy levels, are therefore
farther from nucleus and are more easily removed (requires less energy)
__________________occurs because more and more electrons lie between
the nucleus and outer electrons, causing the outer electrons to be shielded
from the positive charge of the nucleus
3. __________________________= a measure of the ability of an atom in a chemical
compound to attract electrons.
PERIOD trend: ____________in electronegativity across periods (left to right)
___________________is the most electronegative element
GROUP trend: _________________in electronegativity down group (top to
* TREND DIAGRAM- all periodic trends are shown in the direction that
Periodic Table Worksheet
1. How did Dmitri Mendeleev arrange elements on the Periodic Table?
2. How did Henry Moseley arrange elements on the Periodic Table?
3. How are the elements arranged on the Periodic Table today?
4. What is the difference between a group and a period? List the number of groups and period.
5. Circle where you would find elements with similar properties? Group or Period
6. What is the name given to each of the following groups of elements on the Periodic Table?
a) Group 1 ___________________
b) Group 2 ___________________
c) Group 3-12 ___________________
d) Group 17 ___________________
e) Group 18 ___________________
7. From the groups listed in question #6, what group of elements are considered the most
8. What is a metalloid?
9. List 4 properties of metals.
a) ___________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________
d) ___________________________________________
10. List 4 properties of nonmetals
a) ___________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________
d) ___________________________________________
Finding Your Way Around the Periodic Table Worksheet
1. What is the atomic number of cobalt? __________
2. What is the atomic number of osmium? __________
3. What is the atomic mass of germanium? __________
4. What element is in group 1 and period 2? __________
5. What element is in group 6 and period 4? __________
6. What element is in group 12 and period 6? __________
7. What element is in group 13 and period 3? __________
8. What element is in group 17 and period 5? __________
9. What element is in group 18 and period 1? __________
10. What element is in group 4 and period 7? __________
11. Use the following list of elements to answer the questions below. Each element may be used more
than once. Each question may have one or more correct answers.
Li, Ca, Y, Mn, Hg, Ga, Pb, Ge, P, S, Cl, I, He, Xe, U
a) Which of the above elements is in group 3? ________________________
b) Which of the above elements is in period 4? ________________________
c) Which of the above elements is a metal? ________________________
d) Which of the above elements is a non-metal? ________________________
e) Which of the above elements is a metalloid? ________________________
f) Which of the above elements is a transition metal? ________________________
g) Which of the above elements is a alkaline earth metal?______________________
h) Which of the above elements is a noble gas? ________________________
i) Which of the above elements is a halogen? ________________________
j) Which of the following is a rare earth metal?_______________________
k) Which of the above elements is an alkali metal? ________________________
Atomic Radius Worksheet
1. Define “atomic radius”.
2. State the period trend (moving left to right across the periods) for atomic radius.
3. State the group trend (moving top to bottom down the groups) for atomic radius.
Directions: Place each of the following groups of elements in order of DECREASING
atomic radius.
4. Li, Rb, K, Na
5. O, Se, S, Po
6. Mg, Cl, Na, P
7. Li, O, C, F, N
8. Br, At, F, I , Cl __________________________
9. Na, K, P
10. Li, B, Cs, N, C
11. Li, C, O
12. Mg, Ba, Ca
13. In, Al, Tl, B
Ionization Energy Worksheet
1. Define “first ionization energy”.
2. State the period trend (moving left to right across the periods) for first ionization
3. State the group trend (moving top to bottom down the groups) for first ionization
4. Which of the following will have the highest and lowest first ionization energy?
a) Na, Al, S
b) Si, Cl, Ar
c) Ba, Ca, Br
d) Li, K, Rb
e) Cl, I, Br
5. Arrange the following elements in order of DECREASING first ionization energy:
a) Li, O, C, K, Ne, F _____________________________________
b) Li, B, Rb, F, C
c) Mg, Ba, Be
d) Cl, Al, Ar, Tl
6. Among the elements Mg, P, Cl, Na which would be expected to have the highest first
ionization energy: _________
Electronegativity Energy Worksheet
1. Define “electronegativity”.
2. State the period trend (moving left to right across the periods) for electronegativity.
3. State the group trend (moving top to bottom down the groups) for electronegativity.
4. Place each of the following groups of elements in order of DECREASING
a) Po, Se, O
b) Ga, Br, Ra, Ca
c) F, Sr, Be, B __________________________
d) K, Br, As
e) Li, Rb, Na, B
f) Li, B, Rb, O, C, Cs __________________________
g) Li, C, Fr, O
5. For each of the pairs of elements, which will have the higher electronegativity?
a) Be or N _____
b) F or N _____
c) Rb or Li _____
d) C or Sn _____
e) I or Cl ______
6. What is the difference between anions and cations? Explain.
7. Suppose calcium formed an ion. How many electrons and protons does a calcium ion
have? Hint: what is the charge of a calcium ion?
8. Suppose bromine formed an ion. How many electrons and protons does a bromide ion
have? Hint: what is the charge of a bromide ion?
9. Place the ionic charges for the following groups on the Periodic Table: group 1, group 2,
group 3-12, group 13, group 14, group 15, group 16, group 17 and group 18
10. What is the difference between a monatomic ion and a polyatomic ion?
11. What is the ending of all monatomic anions?
1. Where are the most active metals located? _______________________________
2. Where are the most active nonmetals located? ____________________________
3. As you go from left to right across the period, the atomic radii (decreases / increases).
4. As you travel down a group, the atomic radii (decreases / increases)
5. A negative ion is (larger / smaller) than its parent atom.
a. Why? __________________________________________
6. A positive ion is (larger / smaller) than its parent atom.
a. Why? __________________________________________
7. As you go from left to right across a period, the first ionization energy generally
(decreases / increases).
8. As you go down a group, the first ionization energy generally (decreases / increases).
9. Where is the highest electronegativity found? _____________________________
10. Where is the lowest electronegativity found? _____________________________
11. Elements of Group 1 are called ________________________________________
12. Elements of Group 2 are called ________________________________________
13. Elements of Group 3-12 are called _____________________________________
14. As you go from left to right across the periodic table, the elements go from
(metals / nonmetals) to (metals / nonmetals).
15. Group 17 elements are called __________________________________________
16. Compounds that contain elements from group 17 are commonly called _______________.
17. The most active element in Group 17 is _________________________________
18. Group 18 elements are called _________________________________________
a. Why? __________________________________________
19. The majority of elements in the periodic table are (metals / nonmetals).
20. Elements in the periodic table are arranged according to their ________________________
21. An element with both metallic and nonmetallic properties is called a __________________
22. Metals are usually solids under ordinary conditions. List one exception.
23. Nonmetals can be solids, a liquid or 11 are gases under ordinary conditions.
a. List the gases:_____________________________________________________
b. List the liquid:__________________
24. The noble gases contain _______ electrons in their outer energy level.
25. Suppose oxygen formed an ion.
a) What is the charge of the O ion? _________
b) How many electrons does an O ion have?________
c) How many protons does an O ion have?_________
d) Write the name for the O ion.__________
26. Use the following list of elements to answer the questions below. You may have more than
one correct answer per questions.
Rb, Ca, Co, Mn, Hg, Ga, Pb, Sb, P, S, F, I, He, Kr, U
a) Which of the above elements is in group 9? ________________________
b) Which of the above elements is in period 6? ________________________
c) Which of the above elements is a metal? ________________________
d) Which of the above elements is a non-metal? ________________________
e) Which of the above elements is a metalloid? ________________________
f) Which of the above elements is a transition metal? ________________________
g) Which of the above elements is a alkaline earth metal?______________________
h) Which of the above elements is a noble gas? ________________________
i) Which of the above elements is a halogen? ________________________
j) Which of the following is a rare earth metal?_______________________
k) Which of the above elements is an alkali metal? ________________________
27. What is the charge of the following ion, copper II? ________
Mrs. Hostetter
Unit Learning Map (6 days) : Periodic Table
Class: Academic Chemistry A - Grade 11
Unit Essential Question(s):
Instructional Tools:
How are elements on
the Periodic Table
Lesson Essential Questions:
What is an ion?
Octet Rule
Monatomic ion
Polyatomic ion
Organization of the
Periodic Table
Lesson Essential Questions:
How is the periodic
table organized?
Dmitri Mendeleev
Henry Moseley
Periodic law
Alkali metals
Alkaline earth metals
Rare earth metals
Transition metals
Noble gases
Guided Notes
Lab Materials: Inquiry lab
Coloring lab
P.T trends lab
Trends of the Periodic
Lesson Essential Questions:
Lesson Essential Questions:
How can the trends of
the periodic table be
used to predict
properties of elements?
Atomic radius
First Ionization Energy
Shielding effect
Periodic Table Vocabulary:
1) Octet Rule = the tendency of atoms to gain or lose electrons so that they acquire eight electrons in
their outer energy level in order to acquire the stable electron configuration.
2) Ion = atom or group of bonded atoms with a positive or negative charge (electrons were either lost or
3) Monatomic ion = ion formed from a single atom; Ex: S-2 and Fe+2
4) Polyatomic ion = a group of bonded atoms with a charge; Ex: NH4+ and NO3−
5) Cation = positive ion b/c the parent atom lost electron(s)
6) Anion= negative ion b/c the parent atom gained electron(s)
7) Dmitri Mendeleev’s Periodic Table = Published his first periodic table in 1869, Arranged the
elements by increasing atomic MASS, Grouped elements with similar properties together, Left blank
spaces for “missing” elements that were later discovered (predicted the chemical and physical
properties of these elements)
8) Henry Moseley = Arranged elements by increasing atomic NUMBER, Today we organize the
periodic table by increasing atomic number
9) Periodic Law = the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their
atomic numbers
10) Group = vertical column on the periodic table (#1-18)
11) Period = horizontal row on the periodic table (#1-7)
12) Alkali metals = found in group 1, except for hydrogen, very reactive and explosive with water
13) Alkaline earth metals = found in group 2, Are very reactive, but not as reactive as the Alkali Metals
14) Rare earth metals = elements below the main part of the periodic table
15) Transition metals = 38 elements (groups 3-12)
16) Halogens = 5 non-metallic elements found in group 17; Halogen means “salt formers”
17) Noble gases = 6 non-metallic elements found in group 18; stable b/c of having 8 electrons in their
outer energy level
18) Metalloids = solids under ordinary conditions, can be shiny or dull, conduct heat and electricity better
than nonmetals but not as well as metals
19) Atomic radius = one-half the distance between the nuclei of identical atoms joined in a molecule
20) First Ionization Energy = Energy required to remove one electron from an atom of an element
21) Shielding effect = occurs because more and more electrons lie between the nucleus and outer
electrons, causing the outer electrons to be
shielded from the positive charge of the
22) Electronegativity = a measure of the ability of
an atom in a chemical compound to attract