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The Great Depression Begins
Chapter 14
Economic problems affecting industries, farmers & consumers lead to the Great Depression
The Nation’s Sick Economy 14.1
Economic Troubles - _________________________________________________________________
_________________ in trouble
Profit hardly made from textiles, steel, & railroads
Mining & lumbering decreased after war
Coal mining  due to hydroelectric power, fuel oil & natural gas
Automobiles, construction & consumer products 
 Housing starts  = important economic indicator = spinoff effects
 Businesses depend on construction
Agriculture _________________ hit
Prices _________________
Difficulty paying loans
Farmers default on loans = banks close doors
McNary-Haugen bill – controversial plan in the 1920s to _____________________ American agriculture by raising the domestic
prices of farm products. Coolidge vetoed
Price supports – support certain prices at or above mkt value
 Government buy surplus crops & guarantee prices higher than mkt rate
 Gov sell these on world market
 Tax on goods for buy high/sell low
Income falls  can’t buy products
Americans buy less
Due to
_________________ prices
Incomes couldn’t raise fast enough
Balance of income disproportionate
Buying on credit – “__________________________________”
 ________________ – pay amount monthly with interest = large consumer debt
 Debt = cut back on purchases
Production _________________ faster than wages = gap between rich & poor
Hoover elected President - 1928
Stock Market 
Most _________________ symbol of American economy
Americans gambled on the stock market - ____________________________________________________________________
“_________________” – period of rising stock prices
Investors bought on _________________ – bought stocks & bonds on the chance they might make a quick or large profit, ignored risks
Bought on _________________ – paid a small % of stock’s price as down payment & borrowed the rest
Worked fine as long as prices _________________
_________________ = October 29th, Stock Market Crash
Shares _________________ “before it was too late”
Stock Market Investors _____________________________________________
Causes of Great Depression – 1929 - 1941
Economy in decline & people _________________
Old industrial base – _________________ can’t be competitive
Farmers produced _________________ than they could sell
Easy _________________
Working people didn’t have money to buy goods
Result - demand for goods _________________
Feds kept __________________________________= borrow easily = ________________
________________________________________________________= barometer of stock market health
A measure based on the ________________________________________________________
Financial Collapse
Banks couldn’t cover _________________
_________________ (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
Used people’s savings accounts to pay people for withdrawals
_________________– national output of goods & services cut 50%
Some automobile companies
Railroad companies
Workers lost job = Unemployment = _________________
 Forced to take _________________ & ___________________________
Hawley-Smoot Tariff act - raised US tariffs on 20,000 imported goods
Highest protective tariff = Bad effect
Designed to protect farmers & manufacturers from foreign competition
Reduce flow of goods into U.S.
Other countries couldn’t earn American $ to buy American products
Unemployment worsened – can’t export goods
Economic Troubles on the Horizon - Key Ideas – 14.1
Businesses & farmers face diminished demands for goods in the 1920s
As incomes fall, many Americans pile up debts & cut back on spending
The country elects Herbert Hoover in 1928 because most Americans believe the nation is prospering
11. Stock Market tumbles down
On October 29, 1929, the market crashes as stock prices plunge
Stock market crash hastens Great Depression, caused by # of economic & social factors.
Financial Collapse
As the economy collapses, banks & businesses fall & millions of Americans lose their jobs
Countries all over the world suffer effects of Great Depression
The drastic decrease in world trade during the Depression further reduces overall economic activity
Question 1
What industrial weakness signaled a declining economy in the 1920s?
Older industries, such as textiles, steel, & railroads, which were basic to fundamental well-being of the economy were barely profitable.
Question 2
What were some of the basic difficulties faced by farmers in the 1920s.
During WW I, the demand for crops caused prices to rise. Farmers had planted more crops & taken out loans to buy land & equipment. After the war, demand for farm products declined &
prices fell.
Question 3
What did the experience of industry, farmers, & consumers at this time suggest about the health of the economy”
Beneath the surface prosperity of the 1920s, the economy was in trouble.
Question 4
What were some of the causes of the great Depression
Decaying industrial base
Farm crisis
Unequal distribution of income
Falling demand for consumer goods
Low interest rates = encouraged borrowing
The stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed created grave economic problems for the U.S. and the world.
18. The Great Depression brings suffering of many kinds & degrees to people from all walks of life.
19. Hardship & Suffering during the Depression 14.2
_________________ – little towns consisting of shacks
_________________ – places where food is given out
_________________ – lines of people waiting to receive food from charity or public agencies
Grew food for family
_________________ – mortgage holders take over property if monthly payments not made = tenant farmers
20. Dust Bowl – TX to ND
Grasslands broken up by tractors – unsuitable for farming
_________________ depleted land
_________________ = nothing to hold soil down during ________________________
Farmers & sharecroppers pack up
_________________ to California – road to the West
_________________ = negative term for migrant workers
Some work in California as a farm hand
“Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck
Effects on Family
Family = source of strength
Board games, _________________ (1933)
Men who became so discourage about finding work that they quit trying to find a job
_________________= poor & homeless, travels to find work
Hitched rides on railroad cars
_________________ – cash payment or food provided by the government for the poor
22. Women & Children
Canned food
Sewed clothes
Became targets of resentment if they worked
Taking job away from men
No right to work if men unemployed, especially if married
Many women _________________ to death
Some too ashamed to let others know their hardship
_________________ = health problems – rickets & pellagra (a disease caused by a dietary deficiency of niacin and marked by
dermatitis, diarrhea, and disorder of the central nervous system)
Schools closed
Went to work in sweatshops
Suicide _________________
3 X people admitted to _________________ hospitals
Americans accept compromises
Make sacrifices
Financial security primary focus
Kindness shown to people “down on their luck”
Habits of saving & penny-pinching developed
The Depression Devastates People’s Lives – 14.2 – Key Ideas
Great Depression forces people in cities to live in shacks & stand in bread lines
Racial tensions rise as whites compete for scarce jobs with African-Americans & Latinos
The Dust Bowl in the Great Plains forces many farmers to leave their land.
Effects on the American Family
During the Depression, some men abandon their families
Some women, ashamed of their condition, starve to death, while many children suffer poor health
The Depression has long-lasting psychological consequences for those who live through it
Question 1
How did the GD affect the lives of ordinary people in cities & towns & farms?
Many city people were evicted from their homes
Shanty towns sprang up in cities
People begged & scrounged for food
Some farmers lost their farms
Others traveled from place to place looking for work
Question 2
How did the drought & dust storms affect migration & population distribution in the U.S.
They ruined farmland
Thousands of farmers & sharecroppers left their land in the Great Plains & headed west
Population of California swelled
Question 3
Why did so many men leave their homes during the Depression”
Many men were depressed by their inability to support their families, thus abandoning them. Others hoped to find work & send money home to their families.
Question 4
How did the GD affect women & children?
Many women had to tightly manage household budgets
Women encountered opposition in holding jobs outside the home
Many children suffered from poor diets & inadequate health care
Many child-welfare programs & even schools shut down
Question 5
In what ways did the GD prevent or delay the fulfillment of the American dream for many people?
The Depression took away homes, jobs & the chance of higher education
It caused people to delay marrying & having children
It led to mental illness, despair & suicide
Millions of people coped with the hardships brought about by the great Depression. In the cities, many people lived in shacks & depended on charity. In the rural areas of the Great Plains,
terrible dust storms forced farmers to leave their homes.
32. President Hoover tries to restore confidence and halt the Depression, but his actions are ineffective
33. Hoover Struggles with the Depression – 14.3
Hoover felt:
Economy should be allowed to function with _________________intervention
Belief in business cycle = periods of economic growth followed by economic depression
Government could help solve economic problems
Government ‘s role was to encourage & facilitate cooperation _________________
Asked _____________________________________________________________________
Asked ________________________________________________________________________
34. Frustration grows
Farmers – rather than sell at a loss
_________________ corn & wheat
_________________milk on highways
Declare a “farm holiday” & refuse to work fields
Blocked roads to keep food from getting to market
Some used force to prevent foreclosure
Shantytown = _________________ - disgust with ___________________________
_________________ used as blankets = Hoover blankets
Hoover continues to__________________________________ or other forms of federal welfare
35. Hoover directs Federal funds into projects 1930
Public works program to build roads, dams & other large projects
Federal Farm Board – __________________________________ by buying & keeping off market
National Credit Corporation – l__________________________________ to smaller banks
These didn’t help
36. Hoover appeals to Congress
Intended to pump new life into economy
__________________________________ – increased bank reserves & made bank loans easier – created
__________________________________– lowered mortgage rates for homeowners
Farmers could refinance farm loans & avoid foreclosure
__________________________________ – emergency financing to banks, life insurance companies, railroads & other large
“_________________” effect to average American with job growth & higher wages
Too little too late
Leader – Walter Waters, unemployed
Came to DC to show support of Patman Bill which authorized gov to pay bonus to vets not compensated for wartime service
Pay _________________
Not have to wait until 1945
Bill didn’t pass
Hoover tells marchers to leave, most did.
Wanted to meet with President
Hoover wants group disbanded
Gov _________________ called in
_________________ – children harmed
2 shot
Many injuries
Stun & outrage at Hoover
38. Hoover Tries to Reassure the Nation – Key Ideas – 14.3
Hoover believed people should help themselves during the GD rather than depend on government handouts
Hoover takes cautions & largely ineffective steps to remedy the GD
39. Hoover Takes Action
Hoover initiates several relief projects, but the measures are too little, too late
Hoover approves the use of force to disperse WW I veterans protesting for increased benefits
40. Summary
Herbert Hoover, who supported the virtue of self-reliance, took little action to combat the GD. The plans that Hoover did implement were
viewed as too little, too late. Hoover’s reluctance to act, as well as his role in gassing the Bonus Army, cost him a great deal of public support
& his chance for reelection.