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Assessment: The Development of Feudalism in Western
Mastering the Content
Circle the letter next to the best answer.
1. Which of these was a result of the fall of Rome?
A. the decline of Christianity
B. the lack of a central government
C. an end to attacks by barbarians
D. the growth of a strong economy
2. What belongs in the empty box to complete the cause-and-effect diagram?
A. Food and clothing
B. Rights and freedom
C. Religion and politics
D. Disorder and danger
3. The Franks grew powerful because of their new style of war that used
A. heavy wagons.
B. knights on horseback.
C. cannons and gunpowder.
D. peasants who threw rocks.
4. Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne in return for
A. a gift of land.
B. a noble title.
C. a large supply of food.
D. military support.
5. For what achievement is Charlemagne most remembered?
A. He made war against England.
B. He became the first Christian ruler.
C. He united much of Europe.
D. He taught his people to write.
6. Which of the following best describes the Vikings?
A. Northern people who made quick, fierce raids on European villages
B. Muslim nomads who traded in goods from the Middle East
C. Germanic people who swept south to topple the Roman Empire
D. Central European people who originally migrated from Asia
7. A king gave his most important lords fiefs, which were
A. grants of land.
B. large celebrations.
C. war horses.
D. market licenses.
8. Who are the men in the picture?
A. lord and vassal
B. peasant and serf
C. merchant and squire
D. villager and priest
9. Which of these did William the Conqueror introduce to England?
A. the Christian religion
B. the Saxon language
C. a line of Norman kings
D. an end to the feudal system
10. Social class in the Middle Ages was determined mainly by
A. birth.
B. wealth.
C. religion.
D. education.
11. What is the best title for this list?
• Head money
• tallage
• fee when a woman married
A. Gifts from Kings to Vassals
B. Taxes Paid by Peasants to Lords
C. Why the Economy Was Weak
D. How Peasants Earned a Living
12. Pages and squires were boys in training to become
A. kings
B. knights.
C. teachers.
D. landowners.
13. Suppose a knight is known for his chivalry. What does that suggest about him?
A. He fought with great skill.
B. He owned a famous manor.
C. He traveled to many countries.
D. He followed a code of behavior.
14. Which event on the timeline took place during the High Middle Ages?
15. Which of the following was a main job of medieval ladies?
A. managing the household
B. selling the manor's goods
C. negotiating with feudal lords
D. teaching boys to be knights
16. How long after the fall of Rome did Clovis become king of the Franks?
17. What do these medieval items have in common?
• stone wall
• castle moat
• knight’s armor
A. They describe parts of a church's architecture.
B. They describe features of a manor house.
C. They describe forms of military technology.
D. They describe structures of medieval towns.
18. Serfs were required to
A. grind their own grain at home.
B. fight against the king's enemies.
C. move to nearby cities and towns.
D. stay on the land that they worked.
Applying Social Studies Skills
Use the timeline and your knowledge of history to answer the questions below.
19. In what period did Charlemagne reign? How did he create the impression that he was continuing or recreating the Roman Empire?
Exploring the Essential Question: How well did feudalism establish order in Europe in the
Middle Ages?
20. Suppose you were a newspaper reporter and could go back in time to interview three people from the Middle
Ages: a lord or lady, a knight, and a peasant. You ask each person the same two-part question: How does
feudalism establish order in your life, and how well does it do so?
Write a likely answer for each of the three people.
Question to the lord or lady: How does feudalism establish order in your life, and how well does it do so?
Answer by the lord or lady:
Question to the knight: How does feudalism establish order in your life, and how well does it do so?
Answer by the knight:
Question to the peasant: How does feudalism establish order in your life, and how well does it do so?
Answer by the peasant: