Download Jim`s Intro to Tai Chi Ruler

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The Tai Chi Ruler qigong practice uses a specially designed wooden dowel (Ruler)
that is generally in the shape of the ancient Chinese sword handle. Tai Chi Ruler
qigong includes a series of repetitive, circular movements with the ruler held very
lightly between the palms while simultaneously gently shifting your weight from
foot to foot. This helps relax the body, calm the mind, and sooth the spirit. Tai Chi
Ruler qigong helps direct energy through the body and connects the three yin and
three yang meridians between the palms and the foot.
I teach six Tai Chi Ruler qigong exercises that can be done seated or standing. All
are done in continuous repetition to synchronize the body’s movement with deep,
slow breathing. The first three uses a gentle “embryonic” rocking motion while the
last three exercises add in gentle torso rotation. Each exercise coordinates
breathing, mental and visual concentration with easily learned and practiced
movements. I include teaching the “hands-only” variation of each exercise so
participants can do Tai Chi Ruler qigong exercises without actually having a wooden
Tai Chi Ruler.
The Benefits of Tai Chi Ruler
Reduces stress and improves mental and physical relaxation.
Improves balance and proprioception through controlled weight shifts with
integrated upper body movements.
Exercises and massages the internal organs to improve lower body
circulation and increase venous blood return to the heart.
Strengthens the tendons and ligaments of the shoulders, elbows, wrists,
and hands in the upper body; and, of the low back, hips, knees, and
ankles in the lower body.
Helps increase flexibility of the joints and relieve arthritis symptoms.
Improves mental and physical concentration, focus, and internal
Increases energy (Qi) flow through the meridians (energy pathways) and
vessels of the body.
Helps the practitioner build and store more Qi inside of his body.
Encourages smooth and deep breathing.
Helps tai chi practitioners to smooth and integrate their movement flow.