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Stillwater Christian School
Middle School Choir
Pretest and Final Assessment
Name __________________________
1. Music notation is written on a set of 5 lines and 4 spaces called a ______________.
a. Notebook
b. Rod
c. Staff
d. Cane
2. The job of the staff is to show notes as higher or lower in relation to one another. The
highness or lowness of a musical tone is called _________________.
a. Pitch
b. Beat
c. Dynamics
d. Rhythm
3. Pitches in music are named after certain letters of the alphabet. These letters are
4. The lines and spaces of the staff are given their letter names by a ____________________.
a. Fairy God Mother
b. Guardian Angel
c. Clef
d. Harmonica
5.  is called a treble clef. Another name for this symbol is __________________.
a. G clef
b. F clef
c. E clef
d. B clef
6. When we see  at the beginning of a line of music, it tells us which line of the staff is the
note _______________.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. G
7.  is called a bass clef. Another name for this symbol is _________________.
a. G clef
b. F clef
c. E clef
d. C clef
8. When we see  at the beginning of a line of music, it tells us which line of the staff is the
note ______________.
a. G
b. F
c. D
d. C
9. Name the following pitches.
10. Name the following pitches.
11. We can also modify these pitches by using sharps and flats. A sharp sign affects a note by
a. Raising it a half step
b. Lowering it a half step
c. Turning it into a frog
d. Raising it an octave
12. A sharp sign looks like this ______________.
a. #
b. 
c. 
d. ‡
13. A flat sign affects a note by _________________.
a. Raising it a half step
b. Lowering it a half step
c. Turning it into a zebra
d. Raising it a whole step
14. A flat sign looks like this __________________.
a. #
b. 
c. 
d. ‡
15. We measure half steps and whole steps on a piano keyboard. On the following keyboard,
the note “C” has been labeled for you. Label all of the remaining keys with the correct note
names. Each black key should have two names – a sharp name and a flat name.
16. On the piano keyboard, a half step is the distance between _______________________.
a. Any two white keys
b. Any two black keys
c. Any two consecutive keys
d. The piano bench and the keyboard
17. On the piano keyboard, as you move to the right, the pitches move _____________.
a. Up
b. Down
c. Sideways
d. Inside out
18. On the piano keyboard, as you move to the right, the pitches move _____________.
a. Up
b. Down
c. Sideways
d. To Kansas
19. A whole step consists of _________________.
a. Five half steps
b. Three half steps
c. Two half steps
d. A hop, skip, and a jump
20. What note is a half step above C?
a. C# or D
b. D
c. B
d. B
21. What note is a whole step above F#?
a. G
b. G#
c. A
d. E
22. What note is a half step below F?
a. E
b. E
c. D
d. D#
23. What note is a whole step below A?
a. F
b. B
c. G
d. C
24. Another way to name notes as a singer is to use tonic solfa syllables (solfege). Please write
all the solfa syllables, in order, for a MAJOR scale. Mark each HALF step with a karat (^).
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
25. Please write all the solfa syllables, in order for a NATURAL MINOR scale. Mark each
HALF step with a karat (^).
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
26. Color in the notes on this keyboard for the scale of A major.
27. Write the names of the notes here:
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
28. Write down the A major scale on this staff using whole notes.
29. In a key signature, the farthest sharp to the right is __________.
a. Do
b. Re
c. Fa
d. Ti
30. In a key signature, the farthest flat to the right is ___________.
a. Do
b. Re
c. Fa
d. Ti
31. Interpret this key signature to label each note with its tonic solfa syllable and its note name.
32. What is the most useful NON musical thing you have learned from being in choir?