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Masellis et al. (2003)
Features of OCD?
OCD affects one adult in 40 (2.5 percent of the population)
Fourth most common disorder
Symptoms? Why can they cause dysfunction?
Do you think that those with OCD are more impaired than people with some medical conditions such as
Koran et al (1996)found that they were. Impact on their roles in life and social functioning meant they
were more impaired than those with conditions such as diabetes
Are obsessions more limiting than compulsions? Or the other way around?
Which is more distressing? – according to Masellis et al. (2003) Not enough research has been
conducted to to answer this question.
Groups – work together to complete
Pg 129-132 of textbook
And journal article (recommended) especially for abstract, aims,
conclusion and discussion.
APRC (include important discussion points in your notes)
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Study hints (textbook)
This article refers to OCD as an illness- focus is on the medial model. You
can use this study to show how the medical model features in research
They use standardised measures to gather data (obsessions, compulsions,
quality of life and depression)
Self report data – they state that the scales used has validity and reliability.
Evaluation – brainstorm ideas
Sample? Generalisable/population validity? (43 OCD patients recruited from
one hospital (Clarke site) Toronto. 18-65 mean age 34.9
Excluded if they had concurrent diagnosis of SZ, bipolar or substance use disorder
Male ( 42%) female ( 58%)
European 97.7 %
Sample not large enough to assess associations between obsessive compulsive
symptoms and specific aspects of quality of life
Reliability – standardised tests and scales (likert scale)
Ybocs 10 items 5 point scale high internal consistency has been shown
Applicability/ usefulness – implications?
75% of OCD patients are experiencing depression
Reduction of depression? Why? Meta analysis review shows that SSRIs are no more effective
than ERP in reducing comorbid depression (Stanley &a turner 1995)
Effects relapse rate and long term remission
More focus on compulsions at the moment – less helpful for those with predominantly
obsessional presentation
17-44% of patients only present obsessions
Quality of life can be improved by focusing on reducing occurrence and distress of obsessions
Validity – cross sectional (textbook)
Self report? Questionnaires?
External population validity
Ethics not applicable t
Issues and debate?
Practical issues
Use of psychological knowledge in society
How psych has developed over time
This article can be used when evaluating or
discussing OCD treatments
Using the discussion (journal pg. 75) answer the following question.
Taking into account biological and psychological treatments for OCD,
explain which treatments are suggested to be the most effective (4 marks)
Consolidate your knowledge of this
Practice questions
1.Explain the procedure of one of the chosen studies named in your
chosen course focussing on your chosen disorder other than
Schizophrenia. (4)
2.To what extent can the findings of your chosen study be considered
suitable for generalising to the target population. (8)
3.Evaluate one of the studies named in your course focussing on your
chosen disorder other than Schizophrenia. (16)