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By Kaleb Botts, Nathan Hricsina, and Jesse Whitley
Sigmund Freud explored the human mind more thoroughly than any other
who became before him.
Born 1856 Died 1939
Id = get what you need, Ego = the middle , Superego = get what you need in
a correct way
Repression is an unconscious mechanism made by the ego to keep
disturbing or threating thoughts from becoming conscious.
Involves blocking external events from
This involves individuals attributing their
unacceptable thoughts, feelings and motives
to another person.
Satisfying a impulse (aggression) with a
This is a movement back in psychological
time when one is faced with stress.
Satisfying an impulse (aggression) with a
substitute object in a social acceptable way.
'royal road to the unconscious' as it is in
dreams that the ego's defenses are lowered
so that some of the repressed material comes
through to awareness, albeit in distorted
Aka the dream show your true form because
the egos defense is lowered so the stuff you
hide will come out. Although in many forms.
The manifest content of a dream (what the
dreamer remembers) and the latent content,
the symbolic meaning of the dream (i.e. the
underlying wish). The manifest content is
often based on the events of the day.
AKA: What you most recently remember, and
what you really want comes out in your
The purpose of dream work is to transform
the forbidden wish into a non-threatening
form, thus reducing anxiety and allowing us
to continuing sleeping. Dream work involves
the process of condensation, displacement,
and secondary elaboration.
Our dreams allow us to be ourselves let our
Id’s out without it being threatening.
condensation is the joining of two or more
ideas/images into one
Displacement takes place when we transform
the person or object we are really concerned
about to someone else
Secondary elaboration occurs when the
unconscious mind strings together wishfulfilling images in a logical order of events,
further obscuring the latent content
Freud attracted many followers, who formed a
famous group in 1902 called the "Psychological
Wednesday Society".
As the organization grew, Freud established an inner circle of devoted
followers, the so-called "Committee" (including Sàndor Ferenczi, and Hanns
Sachs (standing) Otto Rank, Karl Abraham, Max Eitingon, and Ernest Jones).