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Early Civilizations
Chapters 1-3
1. Describe what each of these people would study:
AnthropologistStudies culture through
Studies culture through
Study of people,
environment and resources.
How humans adapt to their
Uses written evidence to
study the past.
2. What are primary sources?
► First
hand accounts of information.
► Examples: journal or diary entries.
3. Where is the Great Rift Valley?
Why is it an important location?
► Located
in Africa.
► Believed to be the area where humans first
appeared in Africa.
► Lucy discovered there.
► Mary & Louis Leakey- anthropologists.
4. What was the early belief of
► Belief
that all objects, people and animals
had a spirit.
► Earliest spiritual beliefs, not a formal
► Cave paintings, buried dead with care- first
5. What is monotheism?
► Belief
► Ex:
in only one god
6. What is polytheism?
► Belief
in many gods.
► Example:
7. What are the features/elements/characteristics of
a civilization?
Centralized Government
Public works
System of writing
Organized religion
Job specialization
Art & Architecture
Social Classes
8. What was the Neolithic
► Change
from nomadic lifestyle to
agricultural lifestyle.
► People learn to grow crops and domesticate
9. Why was the Neolithic Revolution
considered a turning point in history?
► People
growing their own foods, no longer
have to live a nomadic lifestyle.
► CIVILIZATIONS can get established.
► Food surplus, population increases
10. What is subsistence
► Growing
just enough food for your own
survival (your family), NOT a surplus.
► Does not allow for population growth.
11. What is surplus agriculture?
► Growing
more than enough food for your
own needs, large amount of extra food.
► Allows the population to grow.
12. Why did civilizations begin in
river valleys?
► Fertile
soil, transportation, water for
irrigation and animals.
13. What river provided transportation
and resources for the early people of
Africa (Egypt)?
14. Why were the ancient Egyptians
successful in agriculture?
soil (silt) from the flooding of
the Nile River twice every year.
15. What was the main achievement
of the Old Kingdom in Egypt?
Kingdom = Pyramid Building
16. What was papyrus and why was
it important to Egypt?
that grew along the Nile River
►Was used to make a type of paper
Egyptians used
17. What was the form of writing
used by ancient Egyptians?
► Hieroglyphics-
form of picture writing
18. What two rivers provided resources for
the people of Mesopotamia?
► Tigris
and Euphrates Rivers.
19. What was the form of writing used
by ancient Mesopotamians called?
► Cuneiform-
wedge-shaped writing on clay
20. What was Hammurabi’s Code?
► First
organized set of laws.
► Meant to unify empire.
► Harsh punishments to promote law and
21. How did Hammurabi’s Code
create a more orderly society?
► For
the first time, laws were the same
throughout the entire empire.
► No question as to what the punishments
should be.
22. What was the Phoenician
civilization know for?
► Carriers
of Civilization- trade and travel
around the Mediterranean Sea.
► Created alphabet, glass
23. What rivers provided for India’s
first civilization?
River and Ganges River
24. How did seasonal monsoons
affect India?
► Helped
with agriculture.
► Hurt if caused flooding.
► Timing and amount mattered!
25. What was unique about the Indus valley
cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro?
Well-planned out:
cities were formed in grid patterns
sewage systems
26. What was the caste system in
► Social
class systemBrahmins- priests
Kshatriays- warriors
Vaisyas- skilled workers
Sudras- unskilled workers
► Can’t change your position in life until after
27. What were the major beliefs of
► Dharma
► Karma
► Moksha
► Reincarnation
► Caste
► Polytheistic
28. What were the major beliefs of
Noble Truths
► 8 Fold Path
► Meditation
► Peaceful
► Reincarnation- Nirvana
► More of a “non-theistic” religion
29. What is a Golden Age?
► Time
of great cultural achievements in an
► Peace and prosperity.
30. What were some of the achievements of
the Gupta Golden Age in India?
Gupta = Golden Age
Decimal System
Concept of Zero
Wrote Books
Architectural Achievements
31. Where were the earliest Chinese
civilizations located?
► Huang
He River (or Yellow River)
32. What geographic barriers led to China
being more isolated than other civilizations?
Isolated by:
► Mountains
► Ocean
► Jungles
► Desert
33. What is ethnocentrism?
► Belief
that your culture is superior to all
other culture.
► Ex. Chinese were very isolated, believed for
a long time that they were the only people
on the earth.
34. What were the major beliefs of
Son obeys father
Younger brother obeys older brother
Wife obeys her husband
Subject obeys ruler
Friend to friend
► Filial
► Leaders must be well educated
35. What were the basic beliefs of
► Best
government is no government
► Government is not natural, causes more
problems than it helps
36. What were the basic beliefs of
► Strict
laws and harsh punishments are the
only way to govern
► People are naturally evil, need to be
37. What was the dynastic cycle in
► Rise
and fall of dynasties (ruling families)
► Dynasty ages and loses mandate of heaven
► New dynasty takes over
38. How did Shi Huangdi create a
strong empire?
► Strict
control of his empire
► Burned books
► Buried scholars alive
► Built Great Wall
► Standardized weights and measures, writing
39. Why was the Silk Road
► Served
as a trade route between China and
the West
► Silk becomes a major export in China
40. What were some of the achievements of
the Han Golden Age?
► Canals
& road improved
► Civil service exams
► Seismograph
► Paper from wood pulp
► Rudder
► Wheelbarrow
► Accupuncture