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Life Cycle
Growth and Development
Prof elham aljammas
19thof May
The organism exposed to
1. Biological factor
2. Environmental factor
A- how do biological factors interact with the events
in the child environmental to determine the course
of development ( often called nature-nurture )
question ?
B- is development best understood as a general
continuous process of change or as a series of
abrupt distinct stages?
To day most psychologists agree not only that both
nature and nurture play important role but that
they interact continuously to guid development
for ex. The development of many personality trait.
such as sociability and Emotional stability and
psychiatric illnesses can have both genetic and
environmental factors .
For ex. The human fetus develops within the mother
body according to fixed time schedules and fetal
behaviour such as turning , kicking also follows an
orderly sequence that depends on the stage of
growth if the uterine environment is seriously
abnormal in some way maturational processes can
be disrupted
For ex . If the mother contacts German Measls
during 1st 3 months of pregnancy ( when the
fetus basic organ systems are developing
according to a genetically programmed schedules
the infant may be born deaf,
blined or brain damage depending on
which organ system was in a critical
stage of development at the time of
infection .
Maternal malnutrition , smoking and
consumption of alcohol and drugs are
among other environmental factors that
can affect the normal maturation of the
fetus .
stages of development
the life span, is being divided into stages
The concept of these stages are :-
1. The behavior at a given stage is
characterized for that stage only .
2. The behaviour at a given stage differ from
beheviour at earlier or later stages.
3. All children go through the same stages in
the same order
Capacities of the newborn
The newborn infant inter the world with all sensory
systems functioning and are well prepared to
learn about their new environment , the basic
method is to introduce some change in the baby
environment and observe his responses
Ex. Like high tone , or flashing light and see if there
is changes in the heart rate of the baby or turning
head .
Stages of motor development
In the 1st 3 months the baby roll over
-4.5 months ----bear some weight on legs .
- 5.5 months ----sit with out support.
- 6 months ---- stand holding furniture.
- 9 months ----- walk holding .
- 11.5 months ----- stand alone well .
- 12 months ----- walk alone
Factors affecting growth
- Perception of stimuli through his sensory
system .
Pattern of thinking . ‫طريقة التفكير‬
Motive (desire ) ‫الدافع او الحافز‬
Emotion ‫االنفعال‬
Conflicts ‫الصراعات النفسية‬.
Way of coping with the conflict
Factors affecting behaviour
-maturation – this is an innate process , it is
controlled by physical changes , it does
not depend on environment events .
- Environment factors
deprivation ‫الحرمان‬
enriched environment .
- Culture – child exposed to different conditions in
the stages of their critical period during
its growth the child very sensitive to
stimulation over or under stimulation of
the child is harmful ex. To let the child
to walk or speack early .
Cognitive development in childhood
piage’s stages of cognitive
1. Sensorimotor ( birth-2years)
Recognizes self, begin to act pulls
things or shake things to make .
2.Preoperational ( 2-7 years)
Learn to use language noises ,
represent object by images group
object together with the same
feature .
3.Concrete operation (7-11 years )
Can think logically about object
and events
4. Formal operation
Can think logically and test
hypothesis systematically
‫‪The ages given are averages , they may vary‬‬
‫‪considerably depending on the intelligence ,‬‬
‫‪cultural background and socioeconomic‬‬
‫‪factors , it is for all children .‬‬
‫نؤكد على اهمية وتاثير اسلوب التعامل السليم مع الطفل في‬
‫مراحل نموه سالفة الذكر كلها وضرورة ادامة العالقة الودية‬
‫بينه وبين مقدمي الرعاية له ( االبوين او غيرهما ) واالعتدال‬
‫في االهتمام به وعدم االفراط بالقلق عليه واالستجابة الودية‬
‫الحتياجاته االساسية ورغباته المشروعة واالبتعاد عن العنف‬
‫في تربيته والتصرف كقدوة حسنة صادقة امامه ‪ .‬كل ذلك سؤدي‬
‫الى نمو نفسي سليم ويحصنه ضد االضطراب النفسي مستقبال ‪.‬‬
Personality and social development
Early social behaviour by the age of 2 months the
child smile at face of mother or father .
Infant all over the world begin to smile at about
the same age which indicate that smiling is an
innate response ( instinctive response ‫ ) غريزة‬.
At about 8 months to the end of one year infant
shows some anxiety about facing strangers .
Memory development appear to involve in
separation anxiety .
Child 2-3 years can use language to
communicate their want and feeling .
3-4 years child can think in a symbolic terms
their words and images are not yet
organized in a logical manner piage calls 27 years stage of cognitive development
preoperational because the child cannot yet
comprehend certain rules or operations in
combing or separating information in a
logical manner.
- Attachment :- the infant tendency to seek
closeness to particular people and to feel
more secure about thier presence is called
attachment these early responses to the
mother have a clear adaptive value they
prevent the organism from wandering away
from the source of care and getting lost.
Baby’s attachment has been found to
remain stable when retested in the strong
situation several years later unless the
family have a major changes in their life .
- Social learning theory
children receive for ex. appropriate and
inappropriate behaviour respectively and
the way in which children learn sex typed
behaviour through their observation of
Social learning theory based on obsevational
learning rather than on inner theory.
- Cognitive developmental theory
Gender identity itself develops slowly over
the years from 2-7 according to the stage of
development a person sex remain the same
despite changes in age and appearance is
called Gender constancy ‫جنس‬
The studies showed that 3-4 and early 5 years
old children showed gender constancy .
Development after childhood
the psychoanalyst proposed a series of 8
stages to characterized development
throughout life , they call them
psychological stages because he belived
that the psychological development of an
indivual depend on social relation at each
stage , there are special problem or crises to
be faced .
adolescence refer to the period of transition
from childhood to adulthood , its age
limits are not clearly specicified , it
extend from 12 months to late tens when
physical growth nearly complete , during
this period the young person develops
sexual maturity and establishes an identity
as an individual a part from the family .
Sexual maturity :
Puperty the period of sexual maturation that
transform a child into a biological Mature
adult capable of sexually reproduction take
place over a period 3 or 4 years.
The data indicate that puperty have significant
effect on body image , selfestem , mood and
relationship with member of opposite sex.
-A major task confronting the adolescent is to
develop the sense of identity or selfdefinition it is an integral part of
psychosocial development .
- Early adulthood .
during the early adult years people search for
an occupation and many marry or form
relationship with other and this done
through the identity .
- Middle adulthood
The middle age 40-65 years are the most
productive period , middle age is often a
time of transition as people reache the midpoint in life , they tend to look at years left
to live .
- The Aging years
People over 65 years now composed 12% of
the population normal aging is a gradual
process that bring some changes like slower
reflexes ,
Weak eyesight and hearing , but the
more extreme disabilities are the
result of diseases such as
Alzheimer’s which distrongs mental
and physical functioning . Old age
is a time looking back on the events
of a life time to the extent that the
individual has successful cope with
the problems .