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Bradford before the Industrial
Clare Anderson
This presentation will tell you about what Bradford was
like before the industrial revolution and how it changed
from being a very undeveloped town to an industrial city.
The richer people of Bradford used to have more power
than working class people. They believed that there was a
big difference between them and people who had to work
to survive.
Bradford before the Industrial
Very poor living conditions for wool combers, these
conditions included no sewage control
The average death for people was fourteen years old.
The population was rising and it was becoming harder to
keep up with the demand for produce
Wage prices were decreasing rapidly
Children were unhealthy and prone to diseases
People received no education as they had to earn an
Transport is not very effective and has an limited cargo
People were having to rely on the government for
There was no sewage systems of any sort as people
couldn’t afford to pay for them
Trade was limited to the surrounding area where the
produce was made, as transport couldn’t carry much in a
Why people think the
industrial revolution happened
when it did…
….Because the population was growing
….Because Britain had plenty of raw materials
….Because Britain’s farmers grew more food
….Because Britain’s Empire and overseas trade was
….Because Britain’s transport was improved
….Because there were new ideas and new inventions
There are many reasons suggesting why the
industrial revolution happened there are
contradicting evidence suggesting that these were
and weren’t the reasons.
Disease was a common accurance among people in the in
Bradford. As people were inhabited very closely to one
and other disease was spread very quickly. It became
very hard for a family to survive if they didn’t have income
and many died
• Transport at the time before the industrial revolution was
very limiting it many consisted of a horse and cart. The
main problems with this was that this transport could only
travel a very short distance and then the horse needed time
to rest. They also were unable to carry a large amount or
a very amount which made trade with places other than the
land surrounding where the produce was made an
impossibility. Which meant that the the workers couldn’t
earn the maximum amount of pay in which they would
earn if the transport was able to be moved further distances.
The Machines
The machines were the main items which happened in the
industrial revolution. They helped massively in developing
Bradford and the surrounding areas. They were useful
for many things such as
• Transport
• Factories
• Lifting heavy items which would otherwise have been
• Other than the many good aspects there was also many
bad points. Although the machines made the employers of
the factories richer because they could make twice the
amount of produce the workers did in half the time it put
many workers out of work because the factories no longer
needed them. The workers were already poor and the
sudden blow to their income made surviving almost
impossible however the workers which were allowed to stay
in the factories got a sudden pay increase because the
factories were able to make more produce and were able to
transport it further than they ever could before.