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6. Tarsus- collective term to the seven
bones of the ankle
a. Talus- superior and posterior,
attachment for the tibia
b. Calcaneous- heel bone, largest
and strongest
c. Cuboidal- lateral bone
d. Navicular- anterior to the talus
but posterior to the cuneiforms
e. Cuneiforms- 3 of them, lateral,
medial, and intermediate
7. Metatarsus- five metatarsals of the
a. Each consists of a proximal
base, intermediate shaft, and a
distal head
b. Named I –V starting medially
c. Number one is the heaviest
because it bears the body’s weight
8. Phalanges- similar to that of the
fingers consisting of a base, shaft, and
a. Big toe (hallux) has only two
phalanges called the distal and
9. Arches- the foot has two arches
a. Longitudinal arch has two parts
1. Medial- originates in the
calcaneous, goes up through
the talus and descends
through the navicular, the
cuneiforms and the 3 medial
2. Lateral- begins at the
calcaneous, rises at the
cuboidal and descends
through the two lateral
b. Transvers arch has the
navicular, three cuneiforms, and
the bases of all the metatarsals