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You know more than you think!
 You’ve been exposed to Greek mythology your entire life!
 Here are some examples you might recognize:
You know more than you think!
What is a myth?
A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural
beings, or heroes that serves as an explanation of aspects
in the natural world or delineating the psychology,
customs, or ideals of society.*
Explaining the world…
Myths seek to explain all those unexplainable or
unknowable aspects of life.
Where do we go after we die?
How was the world created?
Why can we see our reflection in water?
Why are there four separate seasons?
Why do we fall in love?
How is lightning created?
Why do our voices sometime echo?
How was fire created, and why do we have it?
… through the supernatural.
These natural occurrences are explained through the actions and
behaviors of supernatural beings such as gods, goddesses, monsters,
heroes, and other mythical beings.
How did humans get fire?
Prometheus was the wisest Titan of all. Prometheus is credited
with bringing enlightenment to humans. Prometheus stole fire
from the gods and gave it to humankind, bringing the power of
warmth and light to the dark and miserable earth.
Prometheus acted against the express wishes of the Olympian
Gods, who wanted to keep the power of fire - enlightenment for their exclusive use. For this Zeus punished Prometheus by
having him chained to a rock with an eagle tearing at his liver.
He was later rescued by Hercules.
Using the lingo… today
The Greek goddess of
Son of the goddess of
Love. This winged
god can be seen to
this day, especially
during Valentine’s
day. One shot from
his bow is supposed
to make the victim
fall in love.
Named after a mythological
being with only one eye.
Mythology in nature and science
Many of our planets (and many moons) are named after Roman gods
Mercury- messenger god
Mars- god of war
Venus- goddess of love
Jupiter- king of the gods
Saturn- god of agriculture
Neptune- god of the seas
Uranus- ancient Greek deity of the heavens
Pluto- god of the underworld
Gods and Goddesses in Greek Myth
Deities in mythology typically are patrons of certain areas. They control
those aspect of life. Despite their supernatural nature, they also had
very human qualities… both good and bad.
womanizer who
repeated cheated on
his wife, Hera.
Ruler of the Olympian
Controller of the heavens
He had numerous
children by women
and goddesses he
either tricked,
seduced, or raped.
Controls thunder and
The Trojan War
Homer’s The Illiad details a 10 year war that pits Greece
against Troy. The war actually occurred, though the
circumstances that led up to it are up to debate.
According to myth, it all starts with one very special apple…
The Trial of Paris
Goddesses Hera, Athena,
and Aphrodite were
competing to see who was
the most beautiful. Each of
them wanted the title of the
most lovely goddess on
Olympus, and they also
wanted the prize of the
golden apple.
Zeus refused to judge the
contest (for good reason)
A tough decision
Paris, said to be the most handsome and fair mortal alive, is chosen
to judge the contest. Determined to win at all cost, each of these
goddesses bribes Paris with something to sway his judgment.
Hera, queen of the
Olympic gods, offered
Paris power beyond his
wildest dreams.
Athena, goddess of
wisdom, offered Paris
infinite wisdom.
goddess of love,
offered Paris the love
of the most beautiful
Paris’ choice
 Paris chooses Aphrodite (of course) and in turn, receives
Helen of Troy as his prize. Helen is said to be the most
beautiful woman on earth.
 Small problem… she’s married to the King of Sparta.
 Paris takes off with Helen. Helen’s husband, Menelaus,
wages war against Troy to regain his wife.
 Thus begins the Trojan War…
(all because of some stupid apple!)
An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language,
celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero.
The story of the Trojan war is detailed in the famous Greek
epic The Iliad. It was told by the famous blind poet Homer.
The Odyssey details the trials of a hero trying to find his way
home. This hero, Odysseus, was the hero of the Trojan
war. He was the brains behind the Trojan horse, which ends
the war.