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A) How have social practices been shaped by issues of diversity in modern culture?
Education – Despite the acknowledgement of diversity among learners, school
practice continues to be dominated by uniformity. Learners use the same
curriculum, learning material, work at the same pace, study same content and are
taught indiscriminately. Even though attention concerning diversity is not
emphasized, it is highly recommended that diversity should be honored in order
for every learner to benefit from an engaging learning environment (Guild, 2001).
Literature - The use of multicultural literature in the class has become a point of
focus due to the diversity experienced in learning institutions. Multicultural
literature is emphasized as it offers the teachers and students many opportunities
to gain a broader understanding about the world. Multicultural literature opens
dialogue on issues regarding diversity, helps learners identify their own cultures
and expose themselves to other cultures. (Diversity)
B) From an interdisciplinary approach, how has a topic discussed in the course
influenced or not influenced modern society?
Modern society has been forced to drift towards endorsing unifying and inclusive
policies whose aim is to promote equality among its diverse members in regard to
their social, political and civil rights. These policies are meant to ensure the
integration of diverse cultural groups. (Shoichet, C. E.)
C) How have issues of diversity influenced social change? In other words, how have
problems associated with diversity necessitated or encouraged some sort of change
in society?
As society continues to become more diverse, these diversity of lifestyles,
experiences and value systems has had huge influences on social interaction,
internal integration of societies ad self-conception. Problems associated with
diversity have necessitated change in society in the following ways:
Contact across borders - Ethnic diversity can attract a feeling of mistrust among
citizens and societal institutions where foreigners are viewed as a threat and they
bring about a feeling of contrast to this, some studies have shown
that regional economic dynamics can be improved in a diverse population, and a
climate of tolerance is built. In this view, diversity is linked to creativity, vitality
and openness, where areas with multiple cultures tend to be a breeding ground for
new ideas. Everyday contact is essential for a civilized co-existence among
individuals in a diverse society. This contact is thought to foster positive attitude,
cooperation and solidarity among groups in the diverse society.
The choice of friends – Several factors that determine how a personal network is
built have been identified. They include: (i) preference for social relationships
with particular people that share certain similarity. (ii) opportunity for contact;
(iii) the attraction of social relationship with individuals of a higher status.
Interethnic contact may be enabled by residential areas shared by a diverse
population. However, in cases where there is ethnic hierarchies, where members
of ethnic minorities and immigrants are trapped at the bottom, there might be
resistance from high status, long term residents in engaging in such interactions.
(Shang, E.)
D) How have issues of diversity influenced the behaviors and operations of individuals
in your discipline of study? In other words, look at the influence of issues of diversity
through the lens of your discipline.
Workplace diversity has been shown to affect interpersonal relationships, it
affects how managers relate with staff, how employees interact with each other.
Diversity has a major effect on human resources functions, that include: training
and recruiting, record keeping and requirements for expertise of HR staff. HR
responsibility is greatly increased by workplace diversity, and the department is
held accountable for functions mandated by law.
Cultural factors – Cultural differences exist in a diverse workforce. Getting
workers from different ethnic and tribal backgrounds to work together peacefully
may be difficult but the Human Resource Management is supposed to treat each
individual’s culture with respect and cultivate a work environment that is
accommodative of the different culture of the diverse work force.
Recruiting – Recruiting strategy may be modified in order to identify a diverse
pool of qualified staff. Additionally, posting requirements such as “equal
opportunity employer” that encourage diverse applicants to forward their resumes
for consideration is a function of HR.
Record Keeping – the HR department staff is required to develop affirmative
action programs, which is inclusive of record keeping obligations for applicant
logs, workforce operation calculations and adverse impact analysis with the aim
of supporting a company’s efforts towards achieving workplace diversity.
Training – Organizations task the HR department to recommend diversity trainers
or avail in-house diversity training resources. HR is also tasked with determining
whether diversity training should be made mandatory according to requirements
of the law.
Workforce management – A company can gain a competitive edge in the
international markets as a result of diversity in cases where business segments that
need input from diverse perspectives are targeted. The HR expert comes in handy
when evaluating where diverse candidates in the organization need to be placed so
that they make their most valuable input for the organization. (Shoichet, C. E.)
E) From an interdisciplinary approach, how have issues of diversity and a topic
discussed in the course affected modern society? In other words, how has modern
society changed or been impacted by issues of diversity? How does the topic relate
to issues of diversity?
Ethnic and cultural differences and conflict – Some people may harbor unfair
prejudices against other individuals of different cultures, colors, ethnicity or
religion which is different from their own. People acting out prejudices in the
society can result in domestic violence, death, crime, and billions of dollars can be
lost in terms of productivity, property loss, expenses incurred by society, such as
court trial costs, the social services provided to victims of prejudice such as
psychological counselling among others.
Lifestyle acceptance – Sometimes gay and lesbian workers may be subjected to
disrespect ad discrimination by other people in the society. Victims may be
subjected to criminal victimization making them depressed, develop symptoms of
anger, anxiety and have post-traumatic stress. The also tend to have a low
self-esteem. (Cultural)
Gender – gender discrimination is one of the oldest diversity issues. Another issue
that that has arisen over the years is transgender people. Gender discrimination
promotes harassment and possible gender based violence. There may also be
favoritism of one gender and unfair treatment. Gender discrimination creates a
hostile environment for discriminated individuals.
Generational gaps – Individuals in a society may be made up of people of
different age ranges between teenagers and senior citizens. This age gaps can
become an issue and age differences can result to “cliques” which can lead to
segregation of the society.
Disability – individuals in the society who are mentally or physically handicapped
may be subjected to discriminatory behaviors from other insensitive members of
the society. This can lead to a society where disabled people are marginalized and
are not given an equal opportunity to realize their potential. (Shoichet, C. E.)
F) Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, describe the benefits and
challenges of overcoming issues of diversity.
Benefits of overcoming issues of diversity
Revenue: Increased profits – Embracing diversity can actually increase revenue for a
company. According to research carried out by a global management consulting firm,
McKinsey & Company, racially and ethnically diverse companies were found to be
35 percent more probable to outperform their industry competitors. Furthermore,
companies that are gender diverse are 15% more probable to outperform their equals.
Moving to a working space evenly split along gender lines could increase revenue
output by about 41 percent. This is according to a Journal of Economics and
Management study.
Innovation: Better products -
Better products are produced as a result of increased
innovation that has been facilitated by a diverse workforce. Companies that have at
least three kids of inherit or acquired diversity, they possess what is termed as (2D)
diversity and hence are likely to be more innovative than those that do not.
Recruiting: More talent: Talent pool can be unintentionally restricted by not focusing
on diversity during recruitment. For example, you might miss out on the benefit of
hiring old, experienced workers by only hiring young works. Secondly, some people
may be too intimidated to apply at a company if they do not anyone like them
working there.
Retention: engaged employees: Since employees are very valuable resources it is
important to keep them and keep them engaged in the work. Diversity can assist in
retaining and engaging employees. Most employees leave employment because of
lack of a feeling of “belonging” in that organization, or they might feel they will
“belong” and flourish better in another organization that recognizes their unique
value. Key employees may be alienated or excluded due to the failure of creating a
diverse and inclusive workplace. This can lead to further alienation and as a result the
employees may disengage or end up leaving the job.
Customers: Improved customer attitude – Most customers feel more comfortable
transacting with companies with employees that reflect their community and understand
them. As an example, women employees can address to customers with issues that affect
only women. (Shang, E.)
Challenges of overcoming issues of diversity
Communication – Intangibles in communication may arise not only as a result of
literal words but also as a result of cultural expectations. Different cultures are subject
to different values, have different assumptions, and different actions are defined as
either appropriate or inappropriate in different ways. Miscommunication may arise as
a result of overlooking these cultural difference.
Majority hegemony – Having majorities in a business creating homogenous culture
poses a significant threat, as company culture is a direct creation of the participants
(employees). This can end up in a company that creates and endorses a particular
culture over other minority cultures, which can be unintentional but occurs due to
their numbers. With this hegemony, tension within the groups can be created, and as a
result, the smaller group ends up moving towards the culture of the larger group
where they end up been assimilated. The process of assimilation should be shared,
and should not be simply assumed by members of the minority group.
Group think – Group think occurs when many individuals within an organization begin
to adopt similar perspectives with the aim of simplifying meetings and minimize discord.
Conversely, since global economy requires understanding various perspectives by
businesses, it is necessary to cultivate diverse perspectives within the organization.
II.Issue: introduce the issue and discuss how it relates to diversity and any of the topics that
were addressed in the course.
Racism has a big impact for both the individual involved, and the wider society.
Research shows that there is a significant link between been exposed to racism
and discrimination and poor metal and physical health, reduced life expectancy,
and reduced productivity. Further, racism has been shown to present barriers to
social and economic participation which can entrench disadvantage and lead to
social exclusion, sometimes for generations. (Cultural)
A. Using appropriate research strategies, describe a social or global issue that is related to
issues of diversity.
i.What is the origin of the issue? Racial discrimination originates when a person is
treated better or worse than the other within the same set up because of their color,
race, descent, ethnic or national origin or even the immigration status.
ii.What is the issue about?
The issue is about unfair treatment of employees due to their race or color.
Such treatments include:
refusing or failing to hire an employee due to their color.
Disciplining or firing an employee due to their race
Less payment to an employee or provision of fewer benefits due to their race
Refusing to provide promotions, benefits or other opportunities to an
employee because of their color or race
Segregating or classifying improperly the employees on the basis of their
B. Using appropriate research strategies, describe the target population of the issue.
Who is impacted by the issue? Racism and discrimination in the workplace affects
the targeted employees, the employers exercising the act and the organization at
large suffers from lack of cultural diversity.
What is important to know about them? It is important to know that the
employee’s overall performance is gauged by their wellbeing in the organization,
how they are treated, provided for opportunities for training and overall benefit
packages that are equal to the other workers.
C. Using appropriate research strategies, explain how the chosen issue relates to a topic
discussed in this course?
i.In other words, how can you connect the social or global issue you have chosen
with a topic discussed in this course?
ii.Multiple studies carried out indicate that exposure to racism leads to reduced
performance and reduce overall productivity. Diversity is a demographic fact that
cannot be ignored and is closely linked to productivity in the workplace. Workplace
protection against discrimination give a clear evidence why racism is detrimental to
work productivity. Racism and discrimination in the organization can also relate to
the top management leadership in the organization as the leaders have great impacts
on the employees and the output of the organization. Racism and discrimination
leads to overall drop in the organizational output,
iii.How does the topic inform your understanding of the issue?
Workplace protection against discrimination give a clear evidence why
racism is detrimental to work productivity. The issue of racism and
discrimination helps understand better the benefits associated with
managing racism in the organization, the disadvantages of lack of cultural
diversity in the organization and how to create awareness of
D. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, describe how the chosen issue is
impacting the target population?
Racism and measured exposure to racism is a trigger for adverse health outcomes.
E. Utilizing interdisciplinary approaches, predict how the chosen issue will change in the
Racism is on the rise I the world in many ways. One group that is threatened by a
seemingly loss of power may exercise social, political, religious, and physical
muscle against its perceived competitor in order to retain privilege through the
restructuring so as to gain social advantage. (Shang, E.)
Plan: Offer recommendations and a plan to improve the issue, as well as strategies for
implementing your plan.
A. Make recommendations for how the current issue could be addressed so that it no
longer adversely affect the target population.
Key areas of discrimination/racism in the work place.
Major instances where discrimination or racism occur in the workplace happen
mainly through harassment or bullying. Additionally, there are areas where
discrimination can occur in the working environment. They include:
Recruitment process
Payment process, and the terms and conditions of employment
Opportunities for promotion
Opportunities for training
Employee dismissal
Recruitment process
In order to try to prevent discrimination or racism in recruitment, generally, the
employer should:
1) be extra careful when making an advertisement for a job vacancy. This is ensured
by ensuring there is clarity when making references to particular races or any
other characteristics that might be protected.
an employer should avoid making advertisements in only one place. For
example, making advertisement in one magazine aimed at a particular race or
group, or even a website targeting a certain ethnic group.
3) Avoid making advertisements for advertisements targeting applicants from a
specific nationality.
4) The employer should be careful when advertising in terms of specifying the
language requirements. For example, applicants must be fluent in English, and not
that English must be their first language.
Care must be taken when spreading news about vacancies through other
employees and managers as word of mouth. this would lead to low pool of
candidates to choose from. This would lead to imbalance in the workforce mainly
where the workforce is a single race or gender.
6) An employer should also be aware that an application form for the job could be
unintentionally be discriminatory. For example, where the form requires to be
filled in your own handwriting
Payment process, and the terms and conditions of employment
It is vital to make sure that there are no terms and conditions including contractual
benefits that may disadvantage or even exclude others with regards to their race,
association with someone of a particular race or even a perceived race. This for
example may include death in service benefits, the staff discount policy, parental
leave or even compassion leave.
Opportunities for promotion
Employees should not be discriminated in terms of promotion opportunities
because of their race. It is considered discriminatory to:
Share job advertisement alerts with people of a certain racism only.
Failure to promote an employee with relevant skills due to the perception of certain races
are underperforming.
Denying an employee, a promotion opportunity due to previous complaints they failed
about discrimination.
Having a rule that is unwritten that preferred candidates above a set level should be of a
particular race.
Opportunities for training
Failure to provide training to an employee because of their race is discriminatory.
It is recommended that the employer should provide equal opportunities for
training and development of all staff members regardless of their gender or race.
Unfair dismissal from workplace due to one’s race or perceived race is unfair.
General recommendations and guideline for dealing with workplace
discrimination or racism.
a.) Employers, line managers and the senior managers, employees, HR personnel’s and the
trade union representatives must ensure they understand what race discrimination entails,
how it can be experienced in the workplace, their responsibilities and rights, the policy of
the employer for discrimination prevention and the behavior termed unacceptable. This is
generally referred to as considerations for everyone.
b.) Employers and the employees must be careful when it comes to the questions in relation
to an individual’s protected characteristics as this might become discriminatory.
c.) One should be aware of what behavior is termed. Most people fail to consider that jokes
or even nicknames may be regarded as unlawful
d.) It is vital to manage cultural differences at work. The employers should mind their
employees and acknowledge that they come from a broad range of backgrounds and they
may have values and customer that are different.
e.) Racial stereotyping should be avoided. Both the employer and employee should not
categories or assume that all people of a certain race poses the same characteristics. Even
stereotyping that is intended as a compliment should be avoided as this might be an
offence in the opposite side.
B. Describe the strategy that could be utilized to address the issue
The strategies that can be issued to address issues of discrimination or racism in
the workplace may be informal or formal.
Informal response
Employers mainly use informal response for complaints appearing to be relatively
low-key. Such complaints are will be largely handled by having conversation with
the other parties that are concerned so as to find out details on the situation and in
the hope of coming up with solutions without following the grievance procedure
of the organization.
If the matter is relatively outright, an informal approach can have the advantage of
making resolutions faster with less stress applied and less cost as opposed to what
it would have cost to go through the formal route. It is also easier to rebuild
Formal response
This is applied using the employer’s formal grievance procedure that includes a
hearing. Usually the approach is sorted if the allegations are serious. There is a
higher likelihood that the allegations would lead to a disciplinary investigation.
Some complaints that are outright might need a formal response when an informal
response is not adequate.
C. Imagine you are in charge of addressing your chosen issue. Utilizing interdisciplinary
approaches, explain how you would implement your plan.
An interdisciplinary approaches plan for addressing racism and discrimination.
a.) Recruitment process
Since racism and discrimination are as a result of lack of exposure to and also
lack of knowledge of diverse groups existing in the population. An effective
method of improving attitudes towards the employees who represent different
races and even cultures includes developing a strategy for recruitment that
promotes the diversity of a workplace. Programs that include increasing the
number of job boards whereby the recruiters post vacancies and ensuring that
there is recruitment of a more diverse pool of applicants who are qualified. This
will help reduce bias in the work place.
b.) Training
Employers should provide employees with training that is necessary to learn
about unfair employment practices and the laws prohibiting harassment and
discrimination in the workplace. It is important for employees to learn that racism
and discrimination acts are unlawful and there are consequences that follow such
c.) Policy.
Development of a written company policy is also an effective way for reduction
of racism and discrimination. By enforcing a zero tolerance workplace rule,
incidences of racism and discrimination are minimized. This company policy is
vital as they are based on civil right laws such as the Americans with Disabilities
Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts among others. The policies also make sure
that the philosophy and values are in line with social responsibility and good
corporate citizenship.
d.) Awareness.
There is need for awareness training apart from training on employment laws and
ramifications of discrimination and racism. The training program for awareness
focuses more on factors improving workplace relationships that include mutual
respect and appreciation for similarities as well as differences. This helps to learn
the value of contribution of workers, not regarding the physical or cultural
characteristics that make a diverse workplace.
e.) Behavior of the executive leaders.
The beat way to reduce workplace racism and discrimination is for the leaders of
the company to display behavior that shows disapproval of discriminatory
treatment towards employees. The behavior of upper management sets the tone
for the workers who often emulates positive work habits exhibited by leaders.
D. Explain the benefits of your plan and justify why your plan would be preferable. Be sure
to support your justification with relevant research and diverse perspectives.
Race-based discrimination at personal level has negative impacts both on targets and
perpetrators according to Harrell, (2000), it can hurt, traumatize, confuse, enrage and
led to prevention of optimal growth of the targeted and functioning of individual
communities. Discrimination that is race based may also have negative impacts on
individuals perpetuating it, leading to distortion of their personalities and how they
perceive the world with some evidence existing between levels of unhappiness that
are reported and attitudes that are prejudicial. (Shoichet, C. E.)
There is strong evidence that race-based discrimination leads to ill-health especially
mental health, anxiety, depression and stress.
Racism and discrimination at work is also a major contributor to poor job quality than
any other occupational stressors such as decision authority and low task variety, poor
supervision and heavy workloads. (Diversity)
By implementing the plan above, there will be increased productivity of employees,
cultural diversity at the workplace, better social lives of the employees at the workplace,
quick conflict resolution process, motivation of employees and overall improved
productivity of the organization.