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What is “Race”?
How is family history African
American History?
Social Construction of “Race”
• Race: A Category of people labeled and
treated as similar because of some
common traits such as skin color,
texture of hair, and shape of eyes.
“Race” is Socially Constructed
• These traits are culturally determined
• Race has no “scientific” basis such as DNA
• We are born without racist attitudes, values or
• It is through the process of social interaction
that we acquire sets of attitudes, values, and
beliefs that may contribute to racism.
• Race was invented in the 18th Century
• Race and racism have always been
Some Racial Taxonomies
• Ancients: Us vs. Barbarians
• Linnaeus’ Taxonomy
• Nazis: Important distinction was Aryan vs.
• South African Apartheid: Four categories
(White, Black, Colored, Indian)
• Brazil: Wider range of fluid skin color
• United States: Most important distinction
historically has been between white and nonwhite. U.S. officially recognizes five races
U.S. Racial System
• The U.S. racial system has focused on
the white-nonwhite dichotomy
• Race = a social construct that artificially
divides people into distinct groups
based on characteristics such as
physical appearance (particularly skin
color), ancestral heritage, cultural
affiliation, cultural history, ethnic
classification , and the social, economic
and political needs of a society at a
given period of time.
• Ethnicity = a social construct which
divides people into smaller social
groups based on a shared sense of
group membership, values, behavioral
patterns, language, political and
economic interests, history, and
• The customs, arts, social institutions,
and achievements of a particular nation,
people, or social group
Cultural Racism
• Aspects of society that overtly &
covertly attribute value and normality to
white people and whiteness and
devalue, stereotype, and label people of
color as “other,” different, less-than, or
Institutional Racism
• The network of institutional structures,
policies, and practices that create
advantages and benefits for whites and
discrimination, oppression, and
disadvantages for persons of color.
• The advantages to whites are often
invisible to them or are considered
available to “everyone”