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Mid Term Study Guide 2011/2012
Why was the English Bill of Rights important to the colonists?
The right to petition in the English Bill of Rights gave citizens the right to do what?
What was the easiest way to climb the social ladder in the colonies?
What were some of the major effects of the French and Indian War?
Before 1763, the American colonies had been used to doing what?
What was the purpose of the quartering act?
What was the law that let British soldiers search colonists homes for smuggled goods?
What British law was a direct tax on the colonists, the sugar or stamp act?
Even though the Intolerable Acts hurt the colonies in many ways, what positive impact did they have on them?
What were the Intolerable Acts, and what was their original name?
What was the slogan that colonists used when showing their opposition to the British laws and taxes, like the
Townshend Acts and Tea Act?
What upset the colonists the Most about the Stamp Act?
What was the name of the men who protested against the Stamp Act and other taxes?
What was the Boston Massacre? What did the colonists use it as to help get support to go against British rule?
What was the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition?
What was the Boston Tea Party?
What did the Battles of Lexington and Concord prove?
Who wrote Common Sense? What was the main impact of Common Sense in the colonies?
What did John Locke say?
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? What was it written to explain?
What is the core idea of the Declaration of Independence? Whose idea was it based on?
Who was chosen as the leader of the Continental Army?
Who said “ I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death”?
After 1776, Washington changed his basic military strategy to what?
The Battle of Saratoga was the turning point in the was because?
What was the Americans main strength at the beginning of the war?
Many African Americans joined the Continental Army hoping for what?
Who helped the Americans win the battle of Yorktown and how?
29. Who had the most power under the Articles of Confederation?
30. What important power did the national government lack under the Articles of Confederation? How did not having
this power weaken the national government?
31. Shay’s Rebellion is remembered today because it?
32. How is Shay’s Rebellion similar to the American Revolution?
33. What was the big challenge facing the Constitutional Convention?
34. Why did Americans fear a strong national government?
35. The Constitutional Convention gave the job of choosing the chief executive to?
36. Both the Virginia and New Jersey Plan called for?
37. The Great Compromise was related to representation in Congress. How did is settle this issue or in other words,
how did the Legislative Branch look?
38. What established how slaves would be counted in Congress?
39. What is Federalism?
40. What were the Federalist Papers? What were the Federalists?
41. Why did Anti-Federalists not like the Constitution?
42. The power of Judicial Review is the Supreme Courts power to do what?