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Praktische opdracht Geschiedenis Adolf Hitler
Hitlers youth
Adolf Hitler was born on the 20th of April 1889 in Austria. His father Alois was a
customs official. His mother didnҒt had a job but she had worked once as a maid. Adolf
was their third son. The two other children had died at a little age. This is why Adolf
was watched very carefully by his mother because she was affraid of losing him. His
father didnt really care becasue he was to busy with working.
Then two important events happened for young Adolf. First of all he went to primary
school and secundly his father retired this ment a lot of supervision for Adlof because at
school the teacher would have a look on Adolf and at home his father could take
control. Unless this supervision Hitler was a succes at primary school were he did a
great job. But when he went to secndary it became worse and worse. This was the main
reason why it didnҒt went wel between Adolf and his father.He left school at the age of
16 with the dream of becoming a artist so he went to Vienna. But the school were he
was supposed to go to, the Acadamy of fine arts, turned him down because of his bad
drawing skills.
The next five years were for Hitler an abrupt blow. Because his father had died when he
was 13 but in these five years his mother died as well and he got an orphans pension.
But he became a lonely and shy man, he was also very unsure about himself because he
moved houses for a couple of times but he stopped that on 1909 because he didnt had
any money left. His last house was a doss-house. From their he tried to make some
money by doing odd jobs and painting post cards and posters.
In Vienna 1914, Hitler began to think of life and came to the conclusion that the
Germans were superior from all other races. And he wanted to show that to the world so
he moved once again this time to Munich in Germany and tried to get into the Austrian
army. But he failed his medical test, and then on the 1st of August World War 1 broke
out and Hitler was cheering on the streets, and ten weeks later he was in the German
army fighting in the Battle of Ypres. Later in the war he worked as a messenger. In
WW1 he was awarded the Iron Cross twice.
In October 1918 a terrible thing happened to Hitler because he was under a heavy gas
attack from Britain, he was taken to the hospital for care but he staid there till the war
was over and Hitler thought that Germany was stabbe in the back by polliticians.
Hitler in World War 1
In the trenches of World War 1 Adolf Hitler found himself a new life and a
new life purpose because now he was fighting for his new homeland Germany.
Just like any other man in Europe Adolf thought it would be a short war but this wasnҒt
trough it lastet very long and millions of young man died. Hitler started to cooperate in
the war by voluntairing for the German army at a age of 25. His first mission for the
German army was the battle of Ypres. Here in a world of trenches wich stretched from
the North Sea all the way through France Adolf Hitler became acquainted with the war.
Hitler volunteered by the Bavarian Regiment. In the first battle against British and
Belgian armiesnear Ypres, 2500 of the 3000 men were killed, missing or wounded. But
Hitler escaped without a scratch or injury. This contineuned the whole war because
more than once he moved from a place were later a bomb would explode wich killed or
wounded all the soldiers in that area.
Hitler was a abnormal soldier because he was sloppy an unmilitary soldier because all
his equipment was lying all through the trenches and he lost msot of his stuff. But that
didnt effect on his eager for action because he alwayҒs volunteerd for dangerous
assignments even after many narrow escapes from death.
But the rest of the war he wasnt a soldiert but a messenger taking messeges back and to
the front from the high command. And when the the fighting was little harsh Hitler
took out his watercolors and then he painted the landscape of the war.
That Hitler was unusual we already knew but that was also to do by his way of life
because he didnҒi complained about the bad food and the terrible conditions. He also
never talked about women or discuss history. He got never letters from home or
packages and he never asked to leave. His fellow soldiers found Hitler to eager to please
his superiors and a lucky ass because he always avoided the bombs.
But then on October 7 1916 Hitlers luck ran out and he was wounded in the leg by a
shall fragment during the battle of the Somme. He was hospitalized in Germany, Hitler
was very unpleased by this fact because he wasnҒt in the war anymore after two years
of fighting for the German army. During his recovery he went sight seeing in Berlin
there he noticed that the anti war sentiment among the German civilians. He thought
that the Jews spread this anti-war thought. This became an obsession to Hitler because
he already thought this in Vienna and this lead to an ever growing Hatred of Jews. To
get away from this people with there anti-war thoughts Hitler asked if he could go back
to the front in March of 1917.
Than in August 1918 Hitler recievd the Iron cross first class. This was very rare for
foot soldiers so he was very happy. But interestingly the man who recommended him
for this reward was Jew. But dispite his good afford and a total of five medals he
remained a corporal. This was due to his unmilitary appearance an odd personality. His
superiors founded him not capelable of leading a group of soldiers ans that he didnt
had enough resp[ect for a sergeant.
When the war turned against the Germans and the morale of the soldiers smallend
Hitler became drepressed. And he sat hours before his tent thinking what was happening
to Germany.
In October 1918 Hitler was temporarily blinded because of a gas attack from the British
side. He was sent to the hospital again to recover, and Hitler was already waiting to
return in the war but then on November 10, 1918 a pastor moved in the hospital and told
the patients that the Kaiser and teh house of Hollenzollern had fallen and that their
fatherland was now a republic. Hitler was schocked ғ the war was over. Hitler described
his reaction in Mein Kampf: "There followed terrible days and even worse nights - I
knew that all was these nights hatred grew in me, hatred for those responsible
for this deed."
Why did Hitler hated the Jews?
sometimes ask why the Jews were the target of Hitler. Hitler hated the
Jews because he felt that they caused for al the problems in the world but especially he
blamed them of the loss of World War 1 because he felt that the Jewish politicians had
stabbeb Germany in the back with the treary of Versailles.
Hitler wasnԒt the only one who hated Jews wich is known as antisemitism because in
the history of Europe there were already a lot of people who hated the Jews just as the
Americans. But Hitler hate against Jews was an obsession to Hitler. Albert Speer, who
was a close confidante to Hitler wrote in 1977:
The hatred of the Jews was Hitler's driving force and central point, perhaps even the
only element that moved him. The German people, German greatness, the Reich, all that
meant nothing to him in the final analysis. Thus, the closing sentence of his Testament
sought to commit us Germans to a merciless hatred of the Jews after the apocalyptic
I was present in the Reichstag session of January 30, 1939 when Hitler guaranteed that,
in the event of another war, the Jews, not the Germans, would be exterminated. This
sentence was said with such certainty that I would never have doubted his intent of
carrying through with it.
Then Hitler started the Holocaust but why?
That the hatred towards Jews the motivation was to start the Holocaust we already knew
but was it allowed to kill all those Jew and people Hitler didnt like. Hitler had support
from the German people because they accepted the antisemitism and only a few spoke
against it. But Hitler started the Holocaust because he wanted a Nazi Germany wich
didnҒt faced protest and the largest protest group wer Jews so Hitler had a good
motivation to kill these people.
But at the Nuremberg Trial were surviving Nazi leaders were tried for their crimes. And
a few witnesses were asked if the Holocaust was nedeed or a fact of the Nazi philosphy
but they thought that is was just Hitlers own thoughts wich he did under the philosphy.
So the whole hatred of the Jews were only from Hitler but he told the people so they
gone hating the Jews also. But the question of why he hated the Jews can be answered
with the answer: because Hitler thought that he was stabbed in the back after fighting in
the First World War.
HitlerҒs first actions
After Hitler was made dictator of Germany he arranged a national boycott of jewish
shops. This all was under control of the minister of propaganda Mr. Joseph Goebbels.
This boycott was seen as a protest to the Nazi regime. This protest was there because of
the articles wich were in the newspapers. The Nazi regime thought that most journislist
who wrote these articles were jewish or had sympathie wich the jews so they named
this bad publicity atrocity propagandaӔ and that this type of publicity was spread by
jews. The boycott started on April 1 1933 and only lastet for a day.
Although there were SA troopes standing guard for these shops and posters with the text
"Germans, defend yourselves against the Jewish atrocity propaganda, buy only at
German shops!" many Germans ignored them because they were more interested in
shopping and looking for bargains. But the funny thing is that it ws on Saturday and
most of the jewish shops were closed.
Because of the faillure of the boycott minister Goebbels held a speech to thousands of
gathered people in the Berlin Lustengarten. He told the people that if the Jews from
Germany couldnt stop their fellow Jews getting rid of Nazi propaganda the NaziҒs had
to punish the German Jews.
Goebbels would become the most influential Jew hater of the Nazis , second only to
Hitler, who wanted to continue the persecution and extermination of the Jews. He was a
propaganda talent. He was the man who sended all the anti Jew thought to all the people
by anti-Jewish thins on the radio and anti-Jew films and anti-Jew articles in the
newspaper. About propaganda Goebbels once wrote ғ propaganda has absolutely
nothing to do with the truth.
Most Jews felt themselves German as nationality and only Jewish by religion because
they had lived in Germany for centuries. And on the Munich Putsch many Jews were
celebrating together with Adolf Hitler. In World War 1 many Jews had fought for their
fatherland. And some had supported the Nazis before they introduced the anti-Semitism.
But for the new ruler Hitler there wasnҒt enough love for his land to help the Jews or
honour them no they they were the eternal enemies for his beloved fatherland.
The boycott was the start of a downwords spiral for the Jews wich would end in a
concentration camp. Because the boycott was followed by new laws wich took off the
rights of the Jews. In the 12 years of Nazi leaded Germany there were made over 400
laws with the target, Jews. One of these laws was , "The Law of the Restoration of the
Civil Service" wich made suer that you had to be a Aryan to hold a civil service
position. So all Jews wich held such a position were fired.
So in the first weeks after Hitler seized power already the Jews got a hard time to
survive because this was only the beginning.
Hitler becomes Fhrer
After the Night of the Long Knives Hitlers goal of getting absolute power of Germany
was almost acclompished only the 87 year old president Paul von Hindenburg stood in
his way. But he was close to death. When he died Hitler was very happy because he just
got rid of a large groop of anti- Nazi쒒s and he got the support of the Armys General
staff. His only problem now was who should succeed Hindinburg as Prsedident. But he
already had made plans that he, Adolf Hitler, would succeed him. He would do that not
as president but as FҼhrer , wich means supreme leader, of the German civilians.
Although he was a Fhrer in his own party and that he was very popular by the German
people his actual government title was jus Reich Chancellor of Germany.
But still there were som influential old-time conservatives in Germany who wanted that
Germany would get a monarchy or a non-Nazi government after the death of
Hindenburg. But they also hated democracy and they hated the overload of the Hitler
regime . They were brave man from the 1800s who remebered the years of kings and
princes, and they knew that country was now in hands of a murdurous fanatic as the SS
leaders Himmler and Heydrich who didn쒒t care about the old concerns.
Before Hindenburg had died he had sended an letter to Hitler in wich he said that
Germany would become a monarchy, this was due to the advise of these conservatives
who wanted that Germany would become a monarchy. Hitler and his followers just
laught at the letter and agreed that they would do everything to stop this idea of
becoming a Monarchy. Hitler did this just by making a law wich would abolish the job
as president and he proclaimed himself to be Fuher. On August 2, 1934 the prsedent
died and the Nazis annouched the folowing law to make sure that Hitler would become
presidentғThe Reich Government has enacted the following law which is hereby
Section 1. The office of Reich President will be combined with that of Reich
Chancellor. The existing authority of the Reich President will consequently be
transferred to the Fhrer and Reich Chancellor, Adolf Hitler. He will select his deputy.
Section 2. This law is effective as of the time of the death of Reich President von
This law was Illigal because he hadn씒t asked permission but nobody was against it .
The scary thing had happened, Hitler was the law,. After this law the soldiers had to
swear a new outh
"I swear by God this sacred oath: I will render unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler,
the Fhrer of the German Reich and people, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces,
and will be ready as a brave soldier to risk my life at any time for this oath."
Now Hitler had the supreme power of Germany because ethis outh was sworn to Hitler
himself and not to the German reich. So he had control of the people and the army now
just as a real Fuher
Hitler reveals war plans
From the moment that Hitler was stabbed in the back by the politians during the first
world war, Hitler wanted two things first he wanted lebensraum wich ment that Hitler
wanted that the Germans had more freedom and secondly he wanted to get rid of the
To acclompish the first thing Hitler violated openly towards the treaty of Versailles.
Because in 1935 he rebuilded the German army very rapidly. Then Hitler managed to
get a pact with Britain allowing that Germany could have a navy of 35 % of the British
fleet and a submarine fleet equal in size. After this actions Hitler ralized that the world
leaders became a bit scared and angry because if Germany would build up his armies it
would be as big as the army that started the War 20 years earlier. But Hitler told this
leaders and diplomats that Germanys army build up wasn쒒t for starting a war but just
for defense reasons. He made this statement stronger by using the horrors of the war like
in the speech of may 21, 1935; "The blood shed on the European continent in the course
of the last three hundred years bears no proportion to the national result of the events. In
the end, France had remained France, Germany Germany, Poland Poland, and Italy
Italy. What dynastic egotism, political passion and patriotic blindness have attained in
the way of apparently far-reaching political changes by shedding rivers of blood has, as
regards national feeling, done no more than touched the skin of nations. It has not
substantially altered their fundamental characters. If these states had applied merely a
fraction of their sacrifices to wiser purposes the success would certainly have been
greater and more permanent." This kind of speeches made the leaders of France and
England and Hitlers neigbour countries sure that this man wouldnҒt start a war, but
years later they would knew that he actually was planning a war by reviving the old war
economy and the Army's General Staff organization, which had been banned after
World War I.
This all was of course a special talent of Hitler, lieing to put the world on a wrong idea
because he was making the impression that the horrors of the first world war should
never be repeated. But in secret he was preparing the war of his own. Even the German
people and the army top didnt knew what their new leader was doing and preparing. For
the top army leaders the reveal of his plans came on the November 5, 1937 when Hitler
held a secret meeting with them about how to aquire more living space for the Germans.
Before this meeting Hitler had met the Poland ambassador and together they had signed
a treaty that Germany would respect PolandҒs territorial rights.
In the beginning of the meeting Hitler made the present people swoar an outh of
secrecy. Abd then told the them that when he would die early his ideas and last will
were in his testament. Then the meeting started and Hitler told the people what his idea
was of Lebensraum ,the livingspace of the Germans, and told them that the Germans
should have a greater living space than other peoples.
Hitler got his ideaҒs of the old Roman and Britain empires and told the present people
that they had to take risks and had to face obstacles. The major obstacle was , to hate
youre enemyҒs like in this case Britain and France. And that because of these oponents
they had to get Lebensraum by force.
He wanted to get Lebensraum in the years 1943 to 1945 to the very last guard wich
offended the militairy rulership. He wanted to attack because othre countries defence
were still rebuilding their defences. His major enemy was Russia because here there was
enough space for the Germans.
Although this was his ultimate want he focused in this meeting more of the seizure of
Czechoslovakia and Ausria to protect the German borders. Hitler had made three
strategies to achieve this wich had all the goal of the caputalation of Britain and France.
These three startegies were;
First he would wait till 1943 because then the rearmament was finished and France and
Britain would be outgunned. Second, he would look at the international problems of
France and attack Czechoslovakia when France would be weakend by an event due to
the political problems such as civil war. Third, he would attack Austria and
Czeckoslovakia in 1938 if France had a conflict with Germanys new ally Fascist Italy.
This ideaҒs scared some people that were present that day because of the fact that
the strong countries France and Britain would be the new enemies. Further they thought
that Germany wasnt raedy for a war and not even in 1943 good equipted. Because of
these thoughts Hitler told them to go and accepte dtwo new Generals who did believed
in him, Himmler and Heydrich.
HitlerҒs war - a time line
September 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland. Britain and France give Hitler ultimatum.
September 3, 1939 Great Britain and France declare war on Germany.
September 17, 1939 Soviet forces, under terms of a secret agreement with Germany,
marched into Poland from the East.
April 9, 1940 Germany invades Denmark and Norway.
May 10, 1940 German army invades Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.
May 11, 1940 Luxembourg falls to Germany.
May 12, 1940 Germans cross French frontier using air/tank/infantry "Blitzkrieg" tactics.
May 14, 1940 Netherlands falls to Germany.
May 28, 1940 Belgium surrenders to Germany.
June 10, 1940 Italy enters war on the side of Germany, declares war on UK and France.
invades France.
June 22, 1940 France and Germany sign armistice at Compigne.
September 27, 1940 Germany, Italy and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact in Berlin.
November 14, 1940 Germany bombs Coventry, England.
March 11, 1941 Congress passes the Lend-Lease Act.
April 6, 1941 German forces invade Greece and Yugoslavia
June 22, 1941 Germany invades the Soviet Union.
December 11, 1941 Germany and Italy declare war on U.S.
December 11, 1941 United States declares war on Germany.
November 19, 1942 Soviets counterattack Germany at Stalingrad.
This is known as the turning point of the war because the Germans led great losses and
couldnt defend their conquerd area蒒s not that good so the allies could invade almost on
every spot.
September 3, 1943 Allied troops land on Italian mainland after conquest of Sicily.
September 8, 1943 Italy surrenders.
June 4, 1944 U.S. and British troops enter Rome.
June 6, 1944 Allied troops cross the English Channel and land on beaches in Normandy,
France (D-Day).
June 13, 1944 First German V-I guided missile falls on London.
July 20, 1944 Hitler wounded in bomb plot.
August 25, 1944 Paris liberated.
August 26, 1944 General Eisenhower announces the destruction of the German Seventh
October 20, 1944 Americans invade Philippines.
December 16, 1944 Germans launch counter-offensive in Belgium Battle of the Bulge.
May 1, 1945 Admiral Doenitz takes command in Germany; suicide of Hitler announced.
May 7, 1945 Germany surrenders unconditionally in Rheims, France.
May 8, 1945 V-E (Victory in Europe) day..
In the beggining of this assignment I had a question wich was what were HitlerӒs
goals this quetsion can be anwserd by 3 answers;
1. He wanted to create Lebensraum.
He wanted this because he felt that the treaty of versailles had smallend the empire of
the Germans. He wanted to take back what belonged to them and even take more
because he felt that the Germans were the most superior rase of the world and that they
were here to rule all the other people that lived on this earth.
2. He wanted to punish the Jews.
He wanted this because he had fought in the first world war so hard and lost so many
friends and that the Jewish politians had said we surrender while in HitlerԒs eyes they
could have won the war. Like you could have read in the chapter Why the JewsӔ
3. He wanted a nation wich had no protest.
He wanted to rule Germany without protest of others so he could do whatever he liked
while the civilians would obbey whatever he wanted. This was due he wanted to start a
war without questions like why do you want to start a factory wich makes steel or any
other questions wich had a link to starting a war. And he did this very wel by using
propaganda as the answer to all the qoustions people had.
But these are all quesses of me after writing this report because Hitler never had written
down his plans only what he wanted to be done but not any goals and the people he had
told his goals committed suicide as well so this question cant be answerd with a perfect
answer and that is why I find it a pitty that heҒs dead because their were even more
answers that we wanted to be solved and thatҒs why I hope that their will be many
reports about Hitler so we can find all this answers.
Sources (in the middle of the page)