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King Saud University
College of Applied Medical Sciences
Radiological Sciences Department
RAD 434 Second Midterm
2nd semester 1428/1429 H
Q1:- Choose the single most correct answer.
1- Which of the following statements regarding the echogenicity of
the the Kidney and the organs around is false?
a-Renal cortex is hyperechoic compared to the liver
b-The renal pyramids are less echogenic to the cortex.
c-Renal sinus echo is more echogenic than the pyramids
d-In infants and thin people, a differentiation of medulla from
cortex is very obvious.
2- Which of the following organs does NOT have a relationship with
the spleen?
a-left suprarenal gland.
b-left kidney
c-the colon
d-the duodenum
3- The most recommended scanning position for the spleen is:
a- the left posterior oblique
b- the left lateral decubitus
c- the right anterior oblique
d- the right lateral decubitus
4-Scanning through the spleen in the left coronal plane should
demonstrate all of the following EXCEPT the:
a-left subphrenic area
b-left kidney
c-left hemidiaphragm
d-pancreatic head
5-The most common cause of splenic abscesses is:
a-traumatic hematomas
b-direct extension from a subphrenic abscess
d-bacterial infection
6-Splenomegaly is associated with all of the following EXCEPT:
a- leukemias
b- heald infarct
c- portal hypertension
d- infectious disease
7-Which of the following statements is FALSE:
a-the spleen is usually less echogenic than the normal liver
b-Echinococcal cysts are parasitic cysts.
c-the spleen is intraperitoneal.
d-Echincoccal splenic cysts are sonographically different from
echincoccal liver cysts.
8-The high echogenicity of the renal sinus is believed due primarily to:
a-the presence of fat in the sinus.
b-abnormal time gain settings on the machine
c-Calcium withen the walls of the sinus vessels
d-Urine in the renal pelvis.
9- Which of the following is an intrinsic cause of hydronephrosis?
a- infiltration of the ureter from cancer of the cervix
b- prostatic hypertrophy
c- lyphadenopathy
d- inflammatory strictures
10-Which of the following structures is NOT located in the renal sinus?
a- calyses
b- renal pelvis
c- tributaries of the renal vein
d- ureter
11- In which age group are simple renal cysts most prevalent?
a- newborn
b- 10-20 years
c- 20-40 years
d- over 50 years
12- The renal column of Bertin is composed of:
a- collecting tubules
b- renal cortex
c- minor calyces
d- adipose tissue
13- Which type of cystic kidney disease result in an enlarged, highly
echogenic kidney?
a- simple renal cysts
b- multicystic kidney
c- infantile polycystic kidney
d- adult polycystic kidney
14- Which of the following organs does NOT have a relationship with the
anterior surface of the left kidney?
a- the pancreas
b- the suprarenal gland
c- the spleen
d- the duodenum
15- Which of the following statement regarding Wilm's tumors is
a- are also known as neuroblastomas
b- are the most common abdominal malignancy in children
c- may be bilateral
d- may undergo haemorrhage or necrosis.
16- Bilateral hydronephrosis would develope in all of the following
conditions EXCEPT:
a- benign prostatic hyperplasia
b- posterior urethral valves
c- bladder neck obstruction
d- simple ureterocele
Q2:- What are the important things you have to assess during urinary
Q3:- Draw a labeled diagram to show the right kidney in longitudinal
scan with all anatomical structures could be identified during the scan?
Longitudenal views of the kidneys from the same patient.
1- Do these kidneys appear normal or abnormal?
2- Which is the right kidney and which is the left?
3- What are the arrows pointing to in the kidneys?
4- What is the normal length for an adult kidney?
Two longitudinal views of the lower pole of the same kidney.
1-What important finding is seen on the second image but not on the
2- Why doesn't the first image show this important finding?
3- According to these findings; What is the diagnosis?
Two transverse views of the urinary bladder in the same patient.
1-Describe the abnormality in the image?
2- What is the diagnosis?
3- What would you expect to see if you scanned this over several
Transverse and longitudinal views of the urinary bladder.
1- What is the diagnosis?
2-Is this a common location for this abnormality?
3-Is this abnormality more common in men or women?
4- Is any further imaging necessary?