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What is it ?
What is the critique of it ?
What are the alternatives to it ?
To go with slides at
Dr Helena Sheehan
Dublin City University
Is this course (module) eurocentric ?
inevitability of seeing the world from where we stand
ideological diversity of ways of seeing
Eurocentrism: the critique
intellectual rationale for colonialism
from mapping of the world in voyages of discovery and conquest
from point of view of coloniser not colonised
the west & the rest
linear historical trajectory
progressive line from Plato to NATO
selectivity (what is in, what is out, what is assumed)
ethnocentric particularity claiming false universality
telling a partial story as the whole story
amnesia in relation to its internal and external others
achievements based on
colonial exploitation of labour & resources
neo-colonial brain drain & unequal trade
Eurocentrism and Africa
How does the world look from Africa ?
How has eurocentrism impacted on Africa ?
What is the alternative to it for Africa ?
Africa and the world
refocusing the perspective
retelling the story
Africa and the world
from a new perspective
Historiography: the revisionism of the repressed
Add black history to white history. Revise the dominant story to include the
african origins of the species and early african civilisations, to take a critical view
of slavery, colonisation and unequal terms of trade, to celebrate african / african
american identity.
Negate the whole edifice of eurocentric / amerocentric history. Reinterpret the
whole of history from an afrocentric point of view. Affirm a new way of life based
on african specificity in thought, word and deed.
Construct a new synthesis. Subject the dominant historiography to critical
scrutiny. Tell a more inclusive, integrated and complex story. Add the story of the
oppressed and do so in full socio-historical context.
Africa and the world: retelling the story
origins of human species in Africa
contested interpretation of ancient Egypt (Kemet)
early civilisations of Africa
Africa and the world: retelling the story
slave trade
Roots: which story predominates ?
colonisation & its consequences
colonialism as armed & institutionalised ethnocentrism
AFRICA: the colonial carve up
and its post-colonial legacy
Africa and the world: retelling the story
liberation & de-colonisation
from Ghana to South Africa
Africa: retelling the story
from DuBois to Gates & Appiah
from Encyclopedia Africana project of WEB DuBois in 1909
to Microsoft Encarta Africana 2000
but is the one really the fulfillment of the other ?
Africa: retelling the story
Encarta Africana
What is the story ?
What are the alternative stories ?
Africa and America:
what is the story ?
Colin Powell
The sons of slaves too can fight capitalist and imperialist wars.
Whoopi Goldberg
The goal of it all: Hollywood, the best restaurants and the american dream
Encarta Africana
what is the story ?
Kofi Annan
from “cradle of humankind”
through Axum, Asante, Benin and Great Zimbabwe
despite “poverty and conflicts”
to “pragmatic progress”, “democracy”, “human rights”, “economic reform” and “rule
of law”
but what does this really mean ?
what is the story ?
Africa as origin of human species
Africa as source of real greatness in human civilisation
Egypt as a black african society
Egypt as source of creativity of Greece
Africa as locus of superior human essence
stress on psychological, cultural, philosophical specificity
repudiation of universal ideas and values
Cheikh Anta Diop on african origins of civilisation
early influence of marxism
moved to emphasis on race and culture over political and economic structures
Martin Bernal
ideological character of the historiography of the ancient world
ancient model vs aryan model
Black Athena
Who were the ancient Egyptians ?
What was their influence on ancient greek civilisation ?
Why are so many people so embroiled in debate about it now ?
The Black Athena debate
At the core of the debate are two questions:
were the ancient egyptians a black african people ?
to what extent was the civilisation of ancient Greece indebted to learning borrowed
or stolen from ancient Egypt ?
Although the debate has been cast in terms of
Black Athena (Bernal) vs. Not Out of Africa (Lefkowitz), the larger debate is between
afrocentrists & eurocentrists.
Much of what Bernal had to say in Black Athena on the questions at issue had been stated
long before him by earlier afrocentric scholars of this century, notably James Stolen
Legacy, and Diop African Origins of Civilization and Civilization or Barbarism.
Molefe Kete Asante
“soul as method”
african agency in theory and method
for african people to view the world through their own eyes, to interpret the world
via their own analysis, to study and teach world history from their viewpoint as
subjects and not objects of history, and to approach the study of history as makers
of history, not victims of history
african unity and uniqueness, purity and primordiality
Nana Okru Asante Peasah
aka Dr. Molefe Kete Asante
aka Arthur Lee Smith
Recently he was made a traditional king, Nana Okru Asante Peasah, Kyidomhene of Tafo in
Akyem, Ghana. He is a member of the court of Nana Adusei Peasah IV, Tafohene of
Akyem Abuakwa. In his traditional role as Kyidomhene, Nana Okru Asante Peasah serves
to support the Tafohene as a rear-guard.
emphasis on ancient african civilisations
delinking from european thought and culture
return to source
Conference on Afrocentrism Oct 2000
At the conference:
"we are the descendents of ancient Kemet ... we can be like them ... we are pharoahs ... we
are nobles ... we are aristocrats"
Africans are warm. holistic, communal, cosmological, connected to land and ancestors,
whereas white people are cold, fragmented, calculating, individualist.
Leonard Jeffries
source of physical, aesthetic and ethical superiority of blacks over whites
“sun people” vs “ice people”
racial essentialism in CCNY classes
african-asian communal, cooperative and collective value system of humanism and
spiritualism contrasted with the general european-american value system of
unbridled individualism, fierce competitiveness and ruthless exploitation
institutional manifestations
extended family clan system
divine-king priesthood
societies of secrets
Marimba Ani (formerly Dona Richards)
what is the story ?
All world history determined by opposition between
european world view (homogeneous)
logical, analytical, abstract
non-european world view (homogeneous)
for and against
Afrocentrism as corrective to a racist, colonialist, imperialist view of Africa
preoccupation with pharoahs, pyrmaids and pageants, with romanticised primitive
blindness to gender and class
neglect of economic realities and global structures of power
static, essentialised, homogenised view of african personality / thought processes
ideological position of identification with pharoahs rather than their slaves, with
oppressors rather than oppressed
Marxism & Africa
influence of marxism vis a vis africanism as philosophies of liberation
movements in Africa
role of USSR & other socialist countries in supporting liberation movements
Marxism & Africa
what is the story ?
dynamic of historicity
emphasis on stuctures of power
focus on whole field of interacting forces
Walter Rodney
Basil Davidson
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
Frantz Fanon (1925 - 1961)
emphasis on colonialism over racial identity
critical of nationalism as ideology of bourgeoisie, a parasitic class mediating
between metropolitan capital and african masses
saw retreat into past african glories as a black hole, negritude as a blind alley
from colonialism to neo-colonialism
cultural imperialism
decolonising the mind
Edward Said
a system of representations framed by political forces that brought the Orient
into western learning, western consciousness, and western empire. The Orient
exists for the west, and is constructed by and in relation to the west. It is a mirror
image of what is inferior and alien, what is other.
the image of the 'Orient' expressed as an entire system of thought and
scholarship in "a manner of regularized writing, vision, and study, dominated by
imperatives, perspectives, and ideological biases ostensibly suited to the Orient."
necessity of intellectual decolonistion
Stuart Hall
“The political movements in the new world in the 20th century have had to pass through
the re-encounter with Africa … (but)
Africa is not waiting there in the 15th or 17th century, waiting for you to roll back across
the Atlantic and rediscover it in its tribal purity, waiting there in its prelogical mentality,
waiting to be woken from inside by its returning sons and daughters.”
basic positions in debates over the constitution of knowledge
conservatism / tradition / great books
liberalism / empiricism / pluralism
postmodernism / ecofeminism / afrocentrism / etc
marxism / critical reconstruction
Professors of African American Studies in US
spectrum of ideological positions
Henry Louis Gates Harvard
Kwame Anthony Appiah Harvard
Cornel West Princeton
Manning Marable Columbia
Molefe Kete Asante Temple
Leonard Jeffries CUNY
Angela Davis UC Santa Cruz
What is african philosophy ?
levels of debate
African philosophy
sagacity philosophy
ideological-political philosophy
professional philosophy
traditional / religious
animist, christian, islamic
positivist / liberal
marxist / socialist
postmodernist / culturalist
Africa today
global system
internal forces
African renaissance
how to create an african renaissance
how to create the best synthesis of
traditional african culture
contemporary global culture
South Africa
transformation and academe
University of Cape Town
of Europe or of Africa ?
& curriculum ?
What to do with Cecil John Rhodes ?
Africanism and South African universities
at Wits, the “Makgoba affair”
at UCT, the “Mamdani affair”
How clear were the issues in these debates ?
What sort of debates are there today about Africa and the production of knowledge ?
about “decolonising the mind” ?
What is the role of analytic philosophy in the new SA ?
Is it eurocentric ?
Is it tied to class, gender, race in unacknowledged ways ?
Is it even interesting ?
Or is it the most perfect philosophy that our species has evolved ?
What has happened to marxism in Africa ?
and the ex-marxists ?
“ex-marxists have conceded too much too soon . .. There is something exaggerated about
their apostasy … Marxists should be prepared … to defend the totalising powers of
marxist analysis” Colin Bundy
to neo-liberalism
(sometimes justifying neo-liberalism in marxist terminology)
to postmodernism
So now over to you … diaries due.
What have you been thinking ?