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Name: ______________________________________
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Chapter 9 Section 2
The Home Front P. 328 – 333
Class Objectives:
Students will be able to explain how business and government cooperated during the war.
Students will be able to show how the government promoted the war.
Students will be able to summarize the social changes that affected African-Americans and
Big Ideas: To successfully fight the war, the United States government had to mobilize the entire
Main Idea: The government used progressive ideas to manage the economy and pay for the war.
Main Idea: The United States instituted a draft for military service, and African – Americans and
women took on new roles.
Key Vocabulary:
1. VICTORY GARDEN – Gardens that allowed families to conserve food so more would be
available for the troops
2. ESPIONAGE – spying to acquire government secrets
3. WAR INDUSTRIES BOARD – Created to coordinate the production of war materials
4. NATIONAL WAR LABOR BOARD – Set up to prevent strikes from disrupting the war effort; tried
to mediate labor disputes
5. COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC INFORMATION – Created to “sell” the war to the American people.
Led by George Creel and made use of advertising experts and famous people
6. SELECTIVE SERVICE – created to enforce required military service; drafted citizens to become
soldiers (Males 21-30)
7. SCHENCK VS. UNITED STATES – Supreme Court ruled that the right to free speech can be
limited if presents a “clear and present danger”.
Q: In what way are the posters, charts, and graphs on page 329 connected?
Appeal/ask for money to support the war effort.
Q: What was the Great migration? What attracted so many African Americans to cities?
Jobs and greater access to voting
Q: Why did Congress pass the Espionage Act in 1917?
To make it illegal for anyone for anyone to give aid to the enemy, give false reports, or interfere with
the war effort.
Q: Do you believe it is the responsibility of all able-bodied individuals to serve in the military, or should
they have a choice to abstain?
Opinion question. Be sure to give reasons. Include facts.
Q: How did Congress ensure that the United States would have enough troops to serve in World War I?
Initiated/stared the draft
Q: How did government efforts to ensure public support for the war conflict with ideas about civil rights?
The provisions of the Espionage and Sedition Acts put limits on 1st amendment rights.
Q: What were the contributions of African – Americans during the war?
Fought with distinction in spite of discrimination. 92nd and 93rd fought bitter battles on Western
Worked in jobs traditionally held by men
Joined the Navy
Moved to Northern cities
Served in military
Migrated to the U.S.
Mexican-Americans moved to industrial cities