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The Greek City-States
Study Guide – Accommodated
The Polis
 The polis was the geographic (it had houses) and political (where the
government was) center of Greek life.
o The polis sprung up around a fortified hill called an acropolis.
o The inner part of the polis was centered around the agora or marketplace
and became a city.
 Only free adult males were citizens.
 Greek citizens put the good of the polis above everything else.
 Aristocrats were nobles who took over the government and lead the army.
o Only aristocrats could become citizens.
o They were members of the Assembly, which passed laws and decided
questions on war and peace.
 Helots, or slaves, did the farming.
 Perioeci, or merchants and artisans, lived in Sparta and handled business and
 Sparta had only one goal – to be militarily strong.
 Athenian nobles, merchants and manufacturers took over the government and
made it an oligarchy – rule by a few.
 Solon prepared a constitution, a set of principles for governing.
o He allowed more Athenians to take part in government.
 Cleithenes put into effect the first constitution that was democratic and favored
equality of all people.
o Under Cleisthenes, the Council of 500 handled the daily business of Athens.
 The Persians were the most powerful empire in the western world and
conquered Ionia.
o Persian troops were defeated by the Greeks at the battle of Marathon.
o Athenians found rich silver mines and used the money to build a fleet of
o The Persian Wars ended when the Greeks defeated the Persian navy at
 Greeks united in a defensive league under the leadership of Athens known as
the Delian League to combat the threat of Persia.
o Pericles led Athens during the Golden Age and made many improvements to
the city-state.
o Art, philosophy and literature reached new heights.
 The Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta lasted 30 years.
o Sparta finally defeated Athens.
Decline of the City-States
 While Sparta ruled Greece, bitterness and greed caused many people to lose
their sense of community.
 The Greeks were divided and could no longer fight off invaders.