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1.Why was sea travel so important to early Greece Because it was used for trading, contact to other city states, and war. 2.Why did the Greeks develop myths? To explain how things were come to be. and to create stories to pass time. 3.Compare and contrast the 2 most powerful city­states in early Greece. Sparta, and Athens. they were different because sparta was based on almost nothing but war and conquering, and athens was based on agriculture. 4.What were Pericles’ 3 goals for Athens? He so dominated the life of Athens from 461 to 429 B.C. that this period often is called the Age of Pericles. He had three goals: To strengthen Athenian democracy,To hold and strengthen the empire. and to glorify Athens. 5.Who were the 3 renowned philosophers of the Golden Age and what were their ideas? Plato, Socrates and Aristotle, socrates "the unexamined life is not worthy living" socratic method question and answer his crime"corrupting the youth" soon killed, Plato ­ student of socrates, dialogue, academy, republic ­ ideal state, philosopher king (lover of wisdom), Aristotle:student of plato, Logic orderly thinking, syllogism (philosophic statements), Lyceum, Politics ­ form of government 6.Why was Greece so easily conquered by Macedonia, Partly because Greece was not a united country ­ it was dozens of independent, squabbling city­states who were not, independently, able to resist King Philip II. The other reason was the Philip had reformed and refined the Macedonian army and had a notably superior army, which defeated the city­states' armies. This excellent Macedonian military would, under the brilliant leadership of Alexander the Great, go on to conquer the mighty Persian Empire and build a Macedonian Empire stretching from Greece through Egypt to India. 7.What was the full extent of Alexander’s empire and his achievements before his death? Alexander's legacy extended beyond his military conquests. His campaigns greatly increased contacts and trade between East and West, and vast areas to the east were significantly exposed to Greek civilization and influence. Some of the cities he founded became major cultural centers, many surviving into the 21st century. His chroniclers recorded valuable information about the areas through which he marched, while the Greeks themselves got a sense of belonging to a world beyond the Mediterranean. 8.What 4 influences blended to form Hellenistic culture? Ethnicity Traditions Language Religion 9.What did the Epicureans believe? He did not believe in God, saying that "if he is willing to prevent evil but not able, he is not omnipotent. If he is able but not willing, he is malevolent. If he is both able and willing, then there would be no evil. And if he is neither, then he is not a God." Epicureans also believed that all knowledge comes to us through our senses and that "the highest good is pleasure", so the happiest life is one in which all pain is avoided. This DOES NOT mean sensual pleasure, it means things like not falling out with anyone and avoiding all forms of unpleasentness